Zoe tries a dating app

chapter 3

Zoe got to the restaurant and met Trevor at the bar. He immediate first reaction was of dissatisfaction, but then Trevor said,
“Wow, you are even prettier than your profile” and she decided to give him a chance, she really liked chatting with him, even if he wasn’t the kind of guy she is physically attracted to. The date was one of the best dates Zoe had ever had. Trevor didn’t seem to care about how chubby Zoe was compared to her profile, and even seemed enamored by her, complimenting her often.

When the date ended, Zoe gave Trevor a kiss on his cheek. She really enjoyed the night and then when she got home he texted her. Trevor wanted to see her again and Zoe accepted. He was a great guy, she wasn’t sure if she could get past his body but she wanted to try. It ended up not bothering her as much as she thought and the two started seeing each other often. About two weeks of dating and things began to get more physical. Trevor decided he wanted to be honest with Zoe about why he was drawn to her so much.

“Zoe, I know you are a lot thicker than in your pics” Zoe interrupted, “Yea, sorry for lying I gained a few pounds over the holidays.” “No, it’s fine, in fact um… I a really into girls having large appetites, and gaining weight, so seeing you larger, it was super hot to me” Zoe was taken aback for a second,
“Is that why every date we have involves food?” Trevor dropped his head,
“Yea, I know it’s stupid but I just like watching you eat, and food really seems to make you happy too” Zoe thought for a minute, then grabbed a slice of pizza and ate.
“I love food, I always put on weight over the winter then lose it in the summer, but maybe I could indulge a bit more before that diet starts”
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5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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PilsburyDoug... 3 years
I’ll go thru and edit. I actually had it in paragraphs and then made each one a chapter but I will space them out more
Karenjenk 3 years
I really like this. its light and fun.
Could you put in paragraphs?
This is hard to read for that reason only