
chapter 3 second helpings

Every apartment in the Watson complex was equipped with a vending machine, stocked full of wears from the building’s corporate sponsors. This was going to be a big problem. The moment after V left, Mia had decided that after the day’s stress she had earned a break from her impossibly strict diet. No food. Only vitamins. Ever since her cybernetics were damaged, their ability of deregulate her internal chemistry was on the fritz. She was hungry every second of every day, and every bite of real food that entered her lips was guaranteed to make her gain. Mia knew this well, but her impromptu encounter with the merc left her stunned and stressed, and with that, her guard came down.

Before she knew it, Mia had an armload of snacks and beverages. Beer, candy bars, cookies, burritos, soda, chips, burgers all came out of the vending machine with the touch of a button, each morsel at the ideal temperature, as if it been prepared at a restaurant. But this was no restaurant. Although the food appeared to be of top notch quality, junk food was still junk food. The manufactures had surely cut corners, replacing genuine substance with addictive fillers. But Mia didn’t have the will power to care. Eat now, worry later.

Any doubts left in Mia’s mind were gone the second she bit into the packaged cupcake. Warm chocolate cake, creamy filling and a sweet silky frosting. She moaned at the taste of the forbidden confection, her heart being to race. “So fucking good!”
The baked goods began to disappear from the coffee table top, making their way into Mia’s growling stomach, which was beginning to bulge outward into a small belly. Mia laid back the on the couch, continuing to stuff her face. She had a real sweet tooth and had started with the sweet confections, devouring cookies cupcakes and doughnuts. Crumbs began to make their way into her cleavage around her mouth and down her shirt. But any ounce self control had been depleted, as Mia continued to eat with her sugar coated fingers without a care.
“Still hungry...”
With the deserts gone Mia turned to the beverages. She chugged cheap beer by the can, chasing it down with desperate mouthful of cola. After 3 cans of booze and 2 sodas she began to slow. At this point her belly had swollen to impressive proportions, her waistband digging painfully into her expanding gut. Her t-shirt had ridden up exposing her belly button. Mia felt like an over inflated balloon, her belly seemed to be in the way of every movement, heavy and taught. She was completely out of breath, hiccuping occasionally. And yet she still had the urge to eat.

She went for the third soda, chugging, desperate to fulfill her urge to stuff herself, I was like an itch she couldn’t quite scratch, her body begging for a little more after every bite despite her physical limitations. Every sip brought her closer to scratching her metaphorical itch, fulfilling her impulsive desire, and she moaned, a combination of pain and pleasure. With a little burp she finished her beverage, still hiccuping. She then reached for her next snack, a piping hot burrito filled with greasy meat and cheese. However, as she leaned forward, the button on her shirt finally popped, allowing her bloated belly to surge forward. Mia sighed at the sudden release of pressure, not really caring about the popped button and ruined pants.
She kept eating.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Kexickus 3 years
Ove-B219 3 years
This is good, and a nice story with real facts from the game.