Emily gets more than a taste of europe

chapter 4 emily enjoys nutella for the first time

It had now been a few days since Steve and Emily’s little getaway to Budapest. Emily was just finishing her breakfast (she had now unwittingly consumed 2 liters of the heavy cream in the last 2 weeks!) when Steve said that he needed to make a trip up to Nuremberg to visit a friend that needed his help. I will just be gone for the day. You are welcome to eat anything you find in the kitchen for lunch, I will be back in time for dinner, Steve said. Okay, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, see you this evening, Emily replied. After Steve had drove off, Emily looked out the window. It was a cool and cloudy day and it looked like it could rain at any moment. So, she decided to take a nice relaxing hot bath in the large tub in the corner of Steve’s bathroom. When she finished undressing, she noticed that Steve had a full-length mirror in his bathroom like she did back in Colorado. It had been nearly a month since she had taken a good look at her naked body. She already felt like nearly every part of her body had gotten larger and softer, but she had not taken the time to really look closely to see where most of the fat was accumulating.

The first thing she noticed was that her tits were clearly much larger, but they were also starting to hang. Instead of pointing out perpendicular to her body, her nipples were now starting to point at a 45-degree angle down towards the floor. She grasped both of her breasts with her hands. They felt heavy, like two bags of warm gravy slightly detached from her chest. That sounded silly, but since she had never felt anything like them before, she was at a loss to describe them properly. Her hands were not able contain each completely. She would hold them up like they used to be, but when she let them go, they would just drop instantly down to their new natural position. She was not one to masturbate often, but the more time she spent handling and examining her boobs, she suddenly realized that her nipples were getting hard and she could feel her pussy getting a little wet. She felt a little uncomfortable getting sexually aroused at 10:00 in the morning in Steve’s bathroom, so she moved her hands down to examine her belly. She grabbed it with both hands and watched it as she moved it up and down. She could feel the upper part was firm where her 1000 calorie breakfast was still digesting, but below her belly button, it was soft and loose. She could give the lower part a little slap and it would wiggle back and forth a few times before coming to rest again. An indentation was developing just below her belly and above her fupa. She watched in the mirror has she ran her fingers back and forth in this region, pressing slightly on her fupa making her belly slightly start to hang. She began to fantasize about what would it be like if her belly would just hang like that all by itself. She began to feel even more aroused than when she was examining her breasts. Was she getting turned on by the thought of her belly getting even bigger? That was such a strange thought to her, but she couldn’t deny that the lips of her pussy felt like they were going to start dripping at any moment. So, like moths to a flame, her hands were drawn down to her now bushier pussy as she sat down on the closed cover of the toilet. Still seeing herself in the mirror, she could see her belly now just starting to touch her thighs. Wow, she thought, that’s new, as she struggled a bit to keep her hands on her pussy. Things are getting a little messy down here, as she pulled on her pubic hair to see how long it was. I am in Europe now, I need to tidy this up, she actually said out loud. But her self examination continued, as she spread her legs slightly and gently pinched the inside of her thighs. They felt so soft, so tender, so smooth – another area of her body that brought her pleasure. Then she stood up and turned slightly to check her ass. It still felt fairly firm and actually proportionally a bit smaller than the front side of her body. However, she noticed that in this twisted body position, 3 or 4 very small rolls of fat along the side of her body between her belly and the middle of her back. She ran one of her fingers up and down her side so she could feel each of these little ripples of fat. She rotated her torso back and forth and enjoyed watching these rolls form and disappear. Next, she felt her face and her chin, more changes were happening here as well. By slightly moving her head down she also make a small double chin appear and disappear.

She filled the tub and climbed inside, sliding down until only her face was above the water. She could move her shoulders slightly to the left and right and watch her breasts floating freely, moving completely independent of her body. Never had she experienced this before. But did she really want to gain more weight? What would people think? Is it possible to hide my growing belly in baggy clothes? Do I really want to diet and miss out on all of this delicious European food? During her bath she kept asking herself these questions. But every time she tried to convince herself that gaining weight was wrong, she thought about what she saw in the mirror and how it made her feel. Was there a fat Emily inside of her trying to get out? Trying to be heard? After debating herself for over 30 minutes in the bathtub, she arrived at a plan that she could live with. She would just not worry about how much she ate, she would enjoy life, enjoy this trip and everything it had to offer and her body would be what it would be. When she got back to Colorado, after this amazing trip, she could re-evaluate herself, and her body, and go from there. But for now, her body was okay and if she gained another 20 or 30 pounds, or whatever, that was okay too. Feeling satisfied with her decision, she grabbed her razor and shaved her pussy “euro-style”, completely smooth. Wow, that looks and feels great, as she got out of the tub and rinsed off with the shower. She walked naked through Steve’s house to step on the scale in the other bathroom. The red digital numbers finally stopped at 83.6. That’s a gain of 3.5 kilos in 2 weeks, I don’t know how many pounds that is, but it doesn’t sound too bad. (Actually, gaining 7 lbs. in 2 weeks is a lot!)

It was time for lunch, all of this body examination and bathing and shaving had made her hungry. She took out some bread, cheese, and slices of meat and made a nice sandwich along with a few handfuls of potato chips. She was satisfied that she successfully had a normal lunch. But as she was putting things away, she noticed a large jar of Nutella in the fridge. Hmmm, she thought, I have heard of this stuff, but I have never tried it. It is supposed to be really good. I don’t really know what you are supposed to eat it with, so I will just try a little spoonful. Taking the 400g. (14 oz.) jar out of the fridge and sitting down with it at the table, she dipped her spoon into the creamy goodness. Yummy! I can see why people like this stuff. She turned the jar around, while she took a second heaping spoonful, and looked at the label to see how many calories it had. It was all in German and in grams and it made no sense to Emily at all. Oh well, it can’t be too fattening, I will just have a few spoonful’s as a dessert. After the 20th spoonful, straight out of the jar, she realized that she had lost all control. The jar was now over half gone! OK, just one more spoonful. Mmmmm, this stuff is so good! Wait, just another small one. No, I can’t help it, the jar is nearly empty, I should just finish it, throw the jar away and maybe Steve won’t notice that it is missing. In a few minutes Emily had polished off the whole jar – all 2,105 calories of it. Ooof, now I am stuffed, she thought as she hid the jar in the recycling bin. Wow, that was an experience. I need to lie down and take a nap on this rainy day and wait for Steve to return. So, she took off her clothes again, climbed into bed, and began rubbing her completely bloated belly that contained a ham and cheese sandwich, chips, and an entire jar of Nutella. Oh, this feels both painful and wonderful at the same time, as she continued to rub her belly softly. But after 20 minutes, it mostly felt like heaven to be this full. She thought maybe stuffing her belly every day would be something that she would enjoy, as she drifted off to sleep.
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