Emily gets more than a taste of europe

chapter 5 emily wins a bet and enjoys the reward

A week had passed and Emily was committed to stuffing her belly at every opportunity. She talked openly with Steve now about how she was enjoying gaining, being lazy, and eating whatever and whenever she wanted. The sportswear that she had just bought 3 weeks earlier with Steve at H&M was now beginning to stretch to accommodate her growing figure. Steve was enjoying the new growth of course and enjoyed teasing Emily about how much of a piggy she had become. Emily not only enjoyed the teasing, but was now encouraging Steve to tease her and give her playful pats on her belly and ass.

It was time again for Steve to make another trip. This time it was to Luzerne, Switzerland. Steve needed to write a piece for an airline in-flight magazine – things to see, places to stay, and things to eat there. So, they hopped in the X6 again and started the 4-hour drive down to the picturesque city. Steve planned ahead this time and packed Emily a little snack bag for the trip. Again, there was a bag of gummy bears, a box of Toffifee chocolates, and a package of Hanuta – little hazelnut cream filled waffles. Steve had carefully chosen snacks for Emily that would maximize calories as they made the short drive. He knew that there were over 3,000 calories in that bag going straight into Emily’s beautiful belly and it made him very aroused. Steve said, “I bet you can’t eat that whole bag of snacks before we arrive in Luzerne.” As they merged onto the Autobahn just outside of Munich. “oh, yeah? What’s the bet?”, Emily said already with a mouthful of gummy bears in her mouth. “If you can finish that whole bag of snacks, I will let you stay in the master bedroom the next 2 nights and I will sleep in the smaller bedroom. “I will take that bet!’’ Emily said enthusiastically and began gorging herself even faster.

As they crossed into Switzerland, Emily had consumed nearly all of the snacks in the bag – just a few Toffifee chocolates remained – but she had developed a tummy ache from eating so many sweets so quickly. She lowered her seatbelt so it rested below her belly and began moaning softly has she began to rub her bloated belly. Steve glanced over and noticed that Emily had pulled her shirt up and her distended belly was resting over the hidden seat belt. “What’s the matter?” Steve asked. “Oh, I have such a tummy ache.” Emily responded with some discomfort. Steve reached over with his right hand to help with the belly rubbing. Emily’s belly had lost all of its normal squishiness and was now as tight as a beach ball. “Would you like to stop for a bit to walk around?”, Steve asked. “No, I just need to rub this belly for a minute before I finish these last couple chocolates”, Emily said as she tried to relax and breathe deeply. With just a few kilometers before Luzerne, Emily began slowly pushing the last few chocolates into her mouth. Her belly was telling her brain that it was completely full but her hand didn’t get the message. One by one the final pieces crossed her lips and she squirmed in her seat to find a more comfortable position for her over-stuffed belly. “Done!”, she exclaimed as she held the empty box upside down in the air. Steve once again became a bit aroused by the fact that 3,500 calories of sweets was now turning to pure fat inside her beautiful belly.

As they walked into their 2-bedroom suite, Steve carried Emily’s bag directly into the master bedroom. “This room goes to the little piggy who did such a good job with her snack bag on the way here.”, Steve said with a congratulatory tone. Emily stumbled over to the king-sized bed and found a comfortable position flat on her back with her legs spread open a bit. Steve sat next to her in a spot where he could begin rubbing her belly with both hands. Emily immediately put both of her arms up so her hands were touching the headboard of the bed. “Oh, your hands feel so nice on my belly, please don’t stop”, Emily said in a playful voice. Steve carefully massaged her belly as Emily moaned with acceptance. After a few minutes, Emily sat up so she could remove her shirt and said, “Oh, I have to take this bra off, it is just killing me. Do you mind? Steve nodded in acceptance. Emily unfastened the 3 little hooks that held her bar tightly against her chest. Suddenly her ample breasts were free to move independently as she laid back down on the bed. “Ooof, that feels so much better, would you mind rubbing just a bit longer?”, Emily asked encouraging Steve to continue.

Steve immediately noticed the deep red marks on Emily's chest where her bra was cutting into her soft skin. Emily’s protruding belly prevented her breasts from laying down where they would naturally be, now they were being forced a bit to the side, hanging slightly over each side of her chest. The site of all of this was too much for Steve’s already slightly aroused penis. He had to shift on the bed slightly to allow his member more space as it was now fully erect. His hands at first went back to Emily’s belly, but now there were other places to explore as well. He began to explore the soft bits of fat on her hips and sides of her chest near her tits that were not there just a few weeks ago. Her skin was soft and smooth, completely free of any stretch marks or other defects. As his hands rubbed the sides of her chest, the movement caused her breasts to wobble in all directions. Steve couldn’t resist any longer. He moved his hands gently across her boobs and began rubbing them in a slow, circular motion. A small smile came to Emily’s mouth as Steve looked for approval of the new location of his hands on her body. As Steve focused on what his hands were doing, he could tell that at one time these breasts used to be much smaller and firmer. He could feel the parts of her boobs that were now pure fat, as well as the areas above and to the side that were also small pillows of fat. He gently touched the nipples with only the palms of his hands, continuing in a circular motion. In a few moments, he could feel the nipples double in size. He began to pinch them ever so gently between his thumb and index finger. Emily continued to lay on her back with her arms up as she transitioned from being relaxed to becoming more and more aroused.

After a thorough examination and massage of Emily’s upper body, Steve looked down at Emily’s jeans. Emily had unbuttoned them before she laid down to relieve some pressure on her belly. Steve wondered if now was the right time to massage the lower half of Emily’s body as well. Suddenly, his phone rang and he instinctively looked down to see who it was. It was one of his contacts in Luzerne. Emily said, “please don’t answer it baby.” Steve knew that this was an important job for him and, hopefully he would be in this position with Emily again soon. He reluctantly answered his phone and the moment was lost. As Steve got up and left the room, Emily also got up and changed into more comfy clothes and thought about how nice Steve treated her. Where was this relationship going she thought? She did know two things. She definitely enjoyed stuffing her belly every day (and the changes in her body that was a result) and the kind and caring way that Steve was treating her.
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