Emily gets more than a taste of europe

chapter 6 things heat up after a day of stuffings in switzerland

The next morning was a glorious early summer day in Switzerland. Emily finally got a chance to wear some of her new summer clothes. Steve was already up typing on his laptop when Emily emerged from the master bedroom wearing a pastel yellow and blue top and matching ¾ length pants. When she bought this outfit 3 weeks ago, the top and the pants overlapped slightly but now there was a slight gap that allowed her expanding tummy some daylight. “How do I look?”, as she twirled her sunglasses in her right hand. “Excellent!”, Steve exclaimed and added, “Are you ready to go out for breakfast?”

They walked along the lake holding hands and enjoying the sunshine. They stopped in a bakery that had a small seating area outside overlooking the lake. Steve went inside and ordered enough pastries, rolls, and confections for 5 or 6 people. When he returned to the table, Emily was eager to eat all of the delicious delights. Steve enjoyed his coffee and hard roll while Emily ate one after another of the chocolate and fruit filled/covered baked treats. But soon her pace slowed and she sat back in her chair. Wiping the chocolate off of her lips she said, “I don’t know if I can finish these last couple donuts.” Moving his chair next to Emily’s, Steve grabbed one of the last two donuts and held it next to her mouth. “Let me help you”, as Emily took a bite and Steve began to gently rub her swollen belly. “Hmmmm, thank you baby”, Emily managed to say while her mouth was trying to chew and her stomach searched for more room for the 7th donut coming its way.

People walking by were beginning the notice the gluttony that was going on at their table. Steve had never fed Emily before, but judging by the laughing and giggling and the bits of donut falling in and on Emily’s top, they were both enjoying the moment. Finally, the final bite of donut was finished. Emily had started off this beautiful day with a proper stuffing in public with the assistance of Steve. She was a little turned on by the whole experience. She loved the feeling of her expanded belly desperately looking for some relief from her non-stretchy cotton pants. She wanted to unbutton them at least but there was no way to hide anything in her summer outfit. The best she could do was to pull the lower part of her belly out from under her pants and just let her entire belly be free, pushing her pants down lower than they were supposed to be. As they got up from the table, Steve glanced down and noticed that Emily’s belly was now creating a much larger gap in her clothing. “You are a good little piggy this morning, just look at that belly so big and round, it just keeps growing and growing.” Steve said taking Emily’s hand.
They walked around beside the lake and crossed the Chapel Bridge, an iconic covered walking bridge with art adoring the inside and flowers outside. The 30 minutes of walking was the most exercise that Emily had gotten in the past several weeks. She became a little short of breath just from this tiny bit of exercise. She could feel her thighs rubbing together with each step, a new sensation for her. Also, with every step, she could tell that her ass was beginning to wobble from side to side independently from the rest of her body. Also moving independently, were her growing breasts. The additional amount of fat accumulating in her tits were causing them to jiggle with every step, despite the best effort of her new 36DD bra. Steve wanted a picture of her on the bridge with a view of the lake and the swans. After a few nice normal pictures, Steve asked for an “I am so stuffed” picture. Emily happily obliged and stuck out her belly, cupped it with both hands, and put a sexy expression on her face. Steve loved it and took several pictures as she turned from side to side and leaning slightly forward to show even more cleavage.

That night, Steve and Emily were invited to a party that was hosted by Steve’s client. It was an after-dinner cruise on the lake with plenty of finger foods, an open bar and a band playing dance music. They ate a large fondue dinner at the hotel restaurant at 7:00, then strolled over to boat just a 5-minute walk away. The boat headed out toward the middle of the lake shortly after they got on board. Emily was wearing a beautiful red dress that allowed a fair amount of her cleavage to show. It had small white straps over her shoulders and little buttons in the front along with some ruffles. It was a dress that Emily had brought with her from America. It was fairly forgiving of the 20 lbs. or so that she had gained since she bought it. The ruffles in the front did a pretty good job of hiding her roll of fat underneath. However, the back of the dress couldn’t hide the rolls of back fat beginning to form. When she moved, the zipper instead of going straight down to the top of her ass, it would become crooked as her weight shifted the fabric.

Emily immediately noticed the huge table of food that was available to the guests. She wanted to try each kind of cheese, meat, bread, and little savory pie and continued to go back until each was eaten and evaluated. There was also a huge selection of wine, beer, and spirits. It was a lovely evening and Steve and Emily sat outside under the stars enjoying the view of Luzerne lit up in the distance. It had been a long time since Emily had been to a party and after 3 or 4 glasses of wine, she was in the mood to go below to the dance floor and get her groove on. Of course, Steve was happy to join her even though it had been even longer since he had done any dancing. The dance floor was crowded and everyone was having a great time. It had been 20 or 30 pounds ago that Emily had done any dancing. She could feel her small gut shake as she twisted her hips to the beat. She would lift her arms and bump her hip against Steve’s. But after only a few songs from the band, Emily began to get tired and rested her hands on her hips as she tried to catch her breath. Just as they were about to leave the dance floor, the band began to play a slow song. Steve and Emily embraced tightly and swayed to the music. Steve could feel her soft breasts on his chest as his hands slid down her back. His hands landed on the very top of her ass where he could feel just a little pillow of fat forming. Emily rested her head on his shoulder after giving Steve a smile of approval to what his hands were discretely massaging. A few seconds later, Steve moved his hands to her little love handles and pulled her body as close to his as possible. Her belly and her tits were now moving as one with his body. He gave her a small kiss on the side of her forehead. Emily reacted by turning her head so her lips found his lips. Steve pulled Emily even closer as their tongues did their own little dance.

When the song was over, they made their way back upstairs and stood at the railing at the stern of the ship and continued what they had started on the dance floor. The dim lights at the back of the ship made the stars above seem even brighter. The ship began heading back to the city and Steve wanted to feed Emily one more time before they docked. He returned to Emily with a plate piled high with chocolate covered strawberries, macaroons, and all kinds of delicious desserts. Emily sat on her hands and closed her eyes as Steve pushed each sweet dessert into Emily’s waiting mouth. With all of the stuffing today, Emily’s dress, even with the ruffles trying to hide it, was struggling to hold her belly. “Ooof, no more!”, Emily cried. “Come on, be a good little piggy and finish your plate”, Steve begged, bringing a strawberry to her lips. When the ship tied up, Emily could barely move. Moaning she rubbed her belly trying to bring some relief to her overfilled tummy.

Carefully they made their way back to the hotel with their arms around each other. Once inside their suite, Emily took Steve’s hand and led him into her room. She slowly removed his shirt as she kissed his bare chest. “Now will you help me out of my dress?”, she said in a tone and a look on her face that made it obvious what she wanted next. “Sure, just let me turn my phone off first”, he said with a smile while reaching into his pocket for his phone.
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