Life at fat camp

chapter 4: the journey begins part 1

Lindsay sneaks into Vivian's cabin at the camp later that same evening
Vivian goes to the bathroom to pee
Vivian: Lindsay, what are you doing here?
Lindsay: wanted to know if you were okay
Vivian: some what, it's just Jennifer was right
Lindsay: she is wrong
Vivian: I need something right now
Lindsay: something to eat?
Vivian: it's late, maybe tomorrow
Lindsay: deal
Vivian: a cigarette is what I need
Lindsay gives Vivian a cigarette and they both smoke a cigarette
Vivian: Lindsay, can I tell you something?
Lindsay: go ahead
Vivian: I look disgusting
Lindsay: what do you mean?
Vivian: I hate my skinny self
Lindsay: it ain't easy
Vivian: Lindsay, I don't want to be skinny anymore, I want to stuff myself everyday, I want to be in bed all day with someone feeding me, Jennifer doesn't care about me, I want to Fat and I want to be immobile
Lindsay: I was born chubby and I lost all the weight I weigh at 5 years old but I miss it everyday and I want to be fat Again
Vivian gets back to bed
Lindsay goes back to her dorm
Lindsay looks up a SSBBW model
Vivian looks up a SSBBW model
They both set a meeting 2 nights after that night
In the present:
Lindsay meets with Vivian
Vivian: you look bigger now
Lindsay: so do you
Vivian and Lindsay set up a set of their new video
Vivian: hi this is FattyFox Vivian
Lindsay: this is Super size Fatty Lindsay
Vivian: this is Cake and Pizza stuffing
Lindsay: I got a pig nose for me and Vivian along with a pig tail and pig ears
Vivian attached a pig nose over her nose with Lindsay
Lindsay grabs two pieces of Pizza and eats them and Vivian gets on all fours and eat a cake
After the video:
Lindsay: Vivian is not just my best friend she turned out to be my half sister.
In the past:
Jessica, Allison, Lindsay and Vivian walk to the boat
Jessica: how about this Vivian how about you take off all your clothes and jump into the river and you don't swim back up
Allison: don't.
Lindsay: that's enough Jessica
Allison's phone rings
Allison: hello?
Jack: I'm sorry for cheating on you.
Allison: how could you?
Jack: I'm sorry
Allison: no you are not sorry
Vivian: are you okay, Allison
Allison: I brought crystal meth
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Austin Micha... 3 years
Did you ever heard of Bulletproof by Dead by April?
Plushush 3 years
Not at all on board with using “autistic” as a physical descriptor or the unexamined homophobia here. I get that writing smut affords certain liberties, but this is just distasteful imo.