Life at fat camp

chapter 6: reunion

Lindsay wakes up and steps on the scale
Scale: 600lbs
Lindsay: 600 (heavy breathing) I am now so fat and next up is to give up walking, I want to be in bed forever, I want to be immobile
Vivian steps on the scale
Scale: 610lbs
Vivian: 610 (heavy breathing) I am so fat and I am so closed to being in bed
Jessica steps on the scale
Scale: 489lbs
Jessica: 489lbs? No wonder why I felt out of shape, I am fat
Jessica eats two brownies and waffles and drinks chocolate milk
Lindsay: Vivian, Richard and I have officially got married
Vivian: I know!
Lindsay: I'm pregnant, too
Vivian: nice
Interviewer: You just skipped what happened after you and Vivian met a SSBBW model?
Lindsay: Jessica left town
In the past:
Jessica: look at this dump
Jessica steps into her dump of a new house
Jessica: it's a fixer upper
Jessica works out for awhile
Jessica breaks her leg
Jessica cries while yelling
Lindsay: a month have passed and I have put on some weight along with Vivian
Jessica eats a cheeseburger from McDonald's
Jessica waddles because of her broken angle
Jessica: my abs are disappearing
Richard in the past:
Richard: Hey guys, I seen Transformers: Age of Extinction, Hercules, Guardians of the Galaxy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Jason: Richey, get out! What did you think of them?
Richard: what a blast
Lindsay: Jackson?
Jackson: Lindsay?
Lindsay tries to kiss Jackson
Jackson: we need to see other people, because you have put on weight, I wouldn't date you as a fatty
Lindsay locks herself in the bathroom and binge eat chocolate bars
Vivian kisses Jennifer
(Theory of a Deadman: Heavy)
We lock our hair down, volume up, kick like a machine gun, cold beer, stage dives, scream along all night, metal brings us to our knees, ***ing therapy, wearing like a Scarlet letter it's what brings us all together, Hit the floor, turn it up, everybody ready? Cuz when it comes to music we all lose it when it's Heavy
Richard, Jason, Petrosa, Jimmy and Michael on band practice:
Michael: Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed, everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost, everybody knows the fight was fixed, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich, that's how it goes everybody knows
Michael, Jimmy: everybody knows that the boat is leaking, everybody knows the captain lied, everybody got this broken feeling like their father or their dog just died, everybody talking to their pockets, everybody wants a box of chocolate and a long-stemmed Rose, everybody knows
Richard, Jimmy and Michael: everybody knows that you love me baby, everybody knows that you really do, everybody knows that you have been faithful, give or take a night or two, everybody knows you've been discreet, but there were so many people you just had to meet, without your clothes, everybody knows
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Austin Micha... 3 years
Did you ever heard of Bulletproof by Dead by April?
Plushush 3 years
Not at all on board with using “autistic” as a physical descriptor or the unexamined homophobia here. I get that writing smut affords certain liberties, but this is just distasteful imo.