Life at fat camp

chapter 7: the ending

Lindsay and Vivian walk into a house
Jennifer: Vivian?, Lindsay? Welcome
Lindsay: what do you mean by once I let myself go, there will be no going back?
Vivian: let's do it

A week later:
Lindsay and Vivian weigh in
Scale: 175lbs
Lindsey: 29 pounds gained
Scale: 176lbs
Vivian: 35 pounds gained

Lindsay: starting weight 146lbs
Vivian: starting weight 141lbs
Lindsay: current weight 175lbs
Vivian: current weight 176lbs
Lindsay: goal weight 629lbs
Vivian: goal weight 635lbs

Richard bumps into Lindsay
Richard: sorry about that
Lindsay: sorry about that
Richard: I was on my way to band practice
Lindsay: I was on my way to the bathroom
Richard: I'm Richard
Lindsay: Lindsay, I know I'm getting fat
Richard: you look fine to me

Lindsay: that's how I met Rich.

Rich: I stuffed Lindsay on date nights, smoked weed together and slept with each other. All of that got me fired from my band but I didn't care.

Lindsay: I didn't even know after we slept not only I was getting fat I was also pregnant

Rich: after Joseph and Megan were born i decided for both of them to stay with her parents 1 week a month and 1 week a month with my parents and stayed with us and we had to plan to get married.

Lindsay steps on the scale
Scale: 629lbs
Lindsay: I did it

Richard and Lindsay take Joseph and Megan to their grandparents and they are going to England for 6 months.

Lindsay and Rich never saw Joseph and Megan again because Lindsay died of a heart attack and Rich died of suicide.

The end.

Vivian will return with Jessica.
Joseph and Megan will return

Authors note:
It's been a long time since I wrote. Because three and a half weeks ago I lost my grandfather and I didn't know how to continue to story so I decided to conclude it with chapter seven. Should I do a spin-off or a sequel? It's been almost a month since my grandfather Ralph M "Mike" Lucas pasted and I was such a mess. For the past couple days I've been texting Grandma Theresa who was married to him checking in and I was like to myself at the funeral what if I watch Zack Snyder's Justice League in his memory with a picture of him next to me on March 18th?
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Austin Micha... 3 years
Did you ever heard of Bulletproof by Dead by April?
Plushush 3 years
Not at all on board with using “autistic” as a physical descriptor or the unexamined homophobia here. I get that writing smut affords certain liberties, but this is just distasteful imo.