Im pregnant with a serial feeder!

chapter 2

"You ok cupcake? In there for quite a while,"

"Yeah just, had to splash some water on my face is all." Jessie would say as she looked up at the clock overhead, it was an hour until midnight. "Oh shit, it's already that late? I should probably start heading home soon," 

Hearing this and watching her start packing up her belongings to leave, Donny suddenly shot up from his seat catching a gaze from a few bikers here and there.

"No! I mean-no, no. Don't go yet, one more drink. At least have one more drink with me, before you go."

"But-I already had like a ton of shots."

"Come on, just one more. For me? It would really mean a lot to a guy like me on New Years."

Jessie must have really been drunk out of her mind but she dropped her shoulders and sat back down taking the shot glass in hand much to his stunning relief as he picked up his "last" glass for the night as well.

"To new friends," he proposed.

"I dunno about friends, yet. But I do find you entertaining at least, like a puppy."

"Fair enough. Bottoms up,"


And just like that Donny had his first celebratory drink of the night well Jessie took her tenth downing the spiked liquor and sealing her fate as his next chosen victim. Slamming the now empty shot glass back on the counter Jessie would lip her lip finding the look of satisfaction on the somewhat older man's face unaware that he had just won their little flattering game of wit. He would sit back in his seat watching her repeat her actions of getting up to leave, barely making it past five whole steps before Jessie started feeling quite woozy placing a hand to her forehead and suddenly blacking out falling back into his awaiting arms. The still present bartender would look over as he watched Donny now carrying the unconscious Jessie towards the front door bridal carry style.

"Hey, what's the matter with her? She alright?"

"Oh you know the story, she had a little too much to drink so I'm helping her get back home."

"Oh ain't that nice of ya. Alright, be safe now."

Giving a two finger forehead salute Donny would pass through the front door with the faint bell chime echoing behind him, the bartender's smile would fade away into a more serious expression now pulling the edge of his collar towards his lips revealing he was indeed wearing a wire.

"He took the bait, he's on the move. I repeat he is now on the move."

Just outside the bar house Jessie would be placed in the backseat of a parked pitch black mustang muscle car and showing his experience in the practiced art of kidnapping he made sure to keep his latest catch covered from view with a thick burlap fabric blanket before climbing into the driver's seat starting up the car.

"Heh heh…smooth criminal," he would congratulate himself, patting his own ego on it's shoulder as he slowly guided the moving car away and out of sight...

At least, that's what he thought as a cop car that was staking out in the shadows turned on their headlights and started to follow behind the mustang car. As Donny started driving down an old road back into town he spotted the headlights of the second car faintly in the distance that was clearly tailing after him.

"What the fuck-? The hell do they want?" Donny growled a little to himself, unaware that the law was not too far behind and was quickly starting to catch up.

But Donny proved his cleverness as soon as he made it into the flow of Dallas, Texas traffic making sure his pursuers had lost sight of him enough to allow the option of turning off both his headlights and rear lights before slithering down a not so well known dirty back alley road path bypassing some of the congested traffic losing the cops soon after.


After finally coming to, Jessie would wake up to an entire world of pure darkness due to her eyes and lips being covered with a thick layer of tape. Her long slender legs, now handcuffed to the legs of a rusty chair with both arms tied up and bound by rope as well. She would immediately start freaking out struggling within the confines of the rope around her arms trying to break free as a natural response to a distressing situation, her panic episode would come to an end upon hearing the echoing footsteps of her kidnapper drawing near.

"I gotta say, you really did make me work for it tonight, but in the end I knew I would get you all to myself before the night was over."

That voice, she recognized it to be Donny's, there was no mistaking it. She remained perfectly still as if trying to concentrate on his words as he continued to speak.

"Ya know, I had the luxury of doing this with countless other girls, but none of them had what I wanted really. They were spoiled canvases, already ruined before I could get to them. But not you…you're body, it just screams potential to me, so you should feel pretty special right about now~" Donny would say as he outstretched his hand towards her, she would flinch thinking he was about to strike at her but relaxed a bit feeling him tenderly rest his hand against the side of her head, almost melting a bit against his touch really. 

Seconds later Jessie would let out a startled gasp of sharp pain feeling the tape covering her lips suddenly be removed thus granting her the ability to speak since she was abducted.

"Why are you doing this?!?" Was the first thing that came tumbling free from her lips moving her head towards the direction she heard his voice coming from.

"...An artist should never have to defend his craft, art is subjective after all." He said rather calmly yet it sent a cold shiver down her spine.

"....Where am I? A gentleman should at least tell me that much."

"...You're in the old Johnson warehouse, sorry…for not picking someplace more romantic." He would say rather sarcastically, Jessie would fall silent which he thought was a bit odd but carried on with his actions nonetheless.

He waited this long, and now there was nothing to hold him back. She could hear it too, the sound of a heavy bucket being carried closer to her before being carefully placed between her legs. A great deal of heat seemed to come from said container as the smell of spicy seasoning wafted up to her nose, if it wasn't for the blinding tape she would see that it was a container of bubbling hot chunky spicy cheddar cheese and chili slop of his own personal recipe. Accompanying the chili filled container was a hockey face mask with a feeding tube shoved right through and taped in place which would soon be fastened tightly against her face despite her flailing actions, now forced to gag aloud as the tube slowly reached the back of her throat preventing her from spitting it out too easily. 

" the fun can begin,"

With that said Jessie could feel her heart start racing all over again once she heard the sound of a powerful vacuum suction and a disgusting slurping sound as the slop was being funneled through the feeding tube into Jessie's mouth. Right away her taste buds almost exploded from the complicated yet addicting taste of the spicy cheddar blending in harmoniously with the sweet and savory flavor of the chunky chili, perfectly round bubbles of the food sludge would be forced down her throat being force fed the spicy gunk.

The whole time Donny kept his hands against her belly, squeezing and prodding at the flesh feeling it fill up like a bag with his food creation, steadily increasing in his grasp. The sight was utterly intoxicating to Donny to say the least, his eyes growing wide as he was holding a priceless diamond in his hands.

"Yeah, that's it. Suck it all down, you're gonna get nice and fat for me~"

She would give a soft grunt in response, almost as if she was accepting the utterly vile thing he was doing to her. Looks like the old saying was true: sometimes good girls make the greatest submissive types and the greatest freaks. Her belly would groan and gurgle, actively inflating and swelling outwards a couple of inches underneath the fabric. His ears would hum to the sound of the tube reaching the bottom of the bucket with an ear screeching loud slurp noise, said container was about a gallon's worth of slop now digesting inside her bloated belly much to Donny's sinister delight.

"Well aren't you a good piggy? You finished the whole bucket, just as I hoped~"

She would groan a bit as he removed the now empty bucket from between her legs, feeling quite uncomfortable with how much meaty sludge she choked down in one sitting, yet somehow hopeful figuring this meant her punishment was over and she would be released in due time. That hope grew dim as a wave of pure dread washed over her hearing the sound of another heavy bucket being dragged along the concrete ground between her legs. This one smelled distinctly of fragrant rich and tangy barbeque sauce filling her nose, just the thought of being treated (or more like punished) with more food made her feel quite nauseous.

"Hope you saved room for seconds, oh who am I kidding? Of course you did! This is a hybrid combination of hawaiian and teriyaki shredded barbeque chicken pureed into a thick weight gain smoothie I am quite proud of, and I'm sure you will love~"

Jessie would shake her head no in response, not wanting to eat anymore as her stomach felt close to popping already.

"Oh no no no, do not worry doll face. This should fatten you up nicely, a couple pounds bigger will look good on you I'm sure." He tried to reassure, not that it mattered truly with the tube being replaced in the new bucket now repeating the process. 
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Sonic16 3 years
This was nice. I think there should be a continuation like he breaks out and wants revenge. Just an idea if you'd like