Ashley and tammy

chapter 4

When Ashley stood up to go pay the bill while her tubby fat ts girlfriend was in the bathroom, she was shocked to see that for the first time in her life, that she had an actual belly. A small one by most american standards to be true, but an actual belly all the same. Up from her lean bodybuilding days of 130 or so pounds, Ashley last weighed her softening frame at 155 pounds. Not bad for a midwestern girl, but this still mostly fit and far from fat version of Ashley was light years away from competing.

The sheer purple dress with twin slits on the sides used to be worn by Ashley as to highlight her chisled form as it hugged every bit of her rock hard and sculpted muscular form. Five years later, and coupled with the addition of 25 or so womanly pounds and her sheer purple dress still hugged Ashley, even tighter now in fact. But now instead of hugging rugged muscle, her dress strained to contain Ashley's more abundant and softer flesh.

Normally Ashley could manager to either hold in her core, or even "suck it in", as she did more and more often these days, but today, she and Tammy (formerly Tommy) gorged themselves silly at their absolute favorite neighborhood buffet. The wait staff there treated the couple like gold pampering and catering to the couple's every need, for a considerable price of course, but one has to engage in life, right?

Today however, Ashley was pretty sure that she'd downed over 10 to 15 thousand right and decadent calories over the course of their three and a half hours of feasting. And pushed out the way it was, Ashley was in no position to suck anything in.

Her new plushness could both be seen and felt through her dress' sheer purple material. The sides that used to highlight her define obliques now just showed side fat and the occasional small but noticeable rolls from time to time, according to her body position. Ashely absolutely adored the feel of her softened flesh, even relished being slightly out of shape, but what drove her insane was that her fat girlfriend in the bathroom loved feeding her, and Ashley could never manage to say "No".
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Inthecourt 3 years
Interesting scenario