Ashley and tammy

chapter 5

Back at their place, Ashley admired her so called "Dirty Work" as she watched her now 284 pound, 6 foot-five and growing Amazon of a girlfriend release herself from her tightend corset which still couldn't encompass her large soft and expanding belly.

"Go get us our shakes Piggy!", demanded Ashley in a feminine yet stern voice as she knew that drove her fat and out of shape girlfriend absolutely wild, not to mention that somehow now, even after their wild gorging session at "their" buffet, she was actually really hungry and couldn't weight for her afternoon shake.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Tammy prepared two large shakes of equal capacity for the two ladies. Her cock grew even harder, pushing up into the warm confines of her hanging belly, as Tammy put an extra helping of super potent appitite stimulants into Ashley's shake.

The concoction included icecream, heavy cream, t-blockers, feminine hormones, weight gain powder, and of course, the extra farming grade appitite stimulants loaded into Ashley's drink. Ashley's immensely enjoyed teasing Tammy about she had become a true fattened and fem pig after staring hormone treatments.

Tammy still worked out. Well not as much or as intense as Ashley, but she worked out on a semi permanent basis all the same. But with the addition of t-blockers and fem hormones, Ashley was right she had turned into a fat pig. With any real testosterone to build muscle Tammy grew bigger, wider, and oh so much softer as she burned fewer and fewer calories. But now, with the help of Ashely's inner most desires and of course, the potent and tasteless appitite stimulants, Ashley would be the one losing control soon.

With that in mind, the 284 pound, soon to be 286 pound Tammy entered the room with a wink and a devilish smile saying, "As ordered". Upon her entry she found her still somewhat fit but thickening girlfriend rubbing and squeezing at her obvious and now exposed tummy bulge with one hand and rubbing her pantied cock up and down with the other.

The sight caused Tammy to blush and grow even stiffer, thus causing her to trip up a bit as she tried to sexily saunter over with the two "loaded" drinks. Ashley's tummy rumbled in anticipation as she reached up for the drink that would forever change her fortions and definitely her portions.
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Inthecourt 3 years
Interesting scenario