Ashley and tammy

chapter 6

A month later....

"Oh my God", thought Ashely to herself while staring at reflection in the mirror while squeezing and kneading the soft and fluffy new flesh that was the growing fat pad over her abdomen. To her, it actually felt like she'd woken up today fatter than yesterday. And yesterday to both her delight and dismay, standing naked on their bathroom scale, Ashley weighed in a a god awfully and wonderful 162 pounds.

Yestetday she took notice of her abs, noting that they'd all but dissapeared. That had been the case for a while now, but this was different. She couldn't tell if it was worse or better, but she was definitely fatter.

Up until this point Aahley was content losing much of the remnant masculine muscle tone her body had retained, replacing it with soft and feminine curves. Still doing heavy deadlifts and weighted squats, Ashley's glutes grew strong and bigger, but do to her lack of any real cardio, coupled with the ever growing large meals prepared for her by her lover Tammy, Ashley had added more than a fair share of her new weight in soft and jiggly adipose tissue.

She didn't mind all that much as her added softness only increased her expanding femininity. Ashley wasn't the only one to appreciate her new and plush curves. Tammy was absolutely in smitten with Ashley's changing form. She constantly went back and forth from either praising Ashley in public, to calling her pet fat names and teasing her about ruining her body. Both were extreme turn ins for Ashley. And both the positive and negative attentions resulted in the same out come. The both fueled her growing and insatiable hunger.

Ashley couldn't tell what had happened to her. Sure she knew eating and eating and eating, along with netflixing with her fat girlfriend would have consequences, but up until this point she'd managed to keep her weight at a steady 150 or so pounds.

But that was all before Tammy started cooking. God, was she a great cook. Everything she made, from the main courses, to her baked goods and desserts were like the fruit from the gods, a like all motals, Ashley was powerless to resist. Or at least that is how it felt to Ashley. She was totally ignorant of the effect that one solid month on pig farmer stimulants, would have on her appitite and frame. Ashley's tummy grumbled while she stroked her 8 inch "clitty" with one hand and prodded her belly with the other.

Then as if on queue, Tammy walked in, handed the ravenous Ashley her third large shake of the day, turned on the TV and began playing with Ashely's softening middle. Ashley guzzled down the entire shake while imagining herself growing fatter and fatter.

Somewhere around halfway down the 64 once container, Tammy, still playing with Ashley's soft yet bloated belly, took Ashley's throbbing clitty into her own wanton mouth. The more Ashley drank and moaned as she did so, the more Tammy teased with her tongue up and down the base of her shaft.

A few times where she could feel her lover tightening up, she was forced to release her grip on Ashley's plumpness, just to keep her from blowing her load.

No, Tammy saved that delight for the moment Ashley had finished her shake and let out a big burp. Just then she reached her manicured fingers deeper in and further into Ashley's softened flesh and squeezed, while simultaneously doing the same around her throbbing cock.
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Inthecourt 3 years
Interesting scenario