Ashley and tammy

chapter 7

After they were finished and to Tammy's sinful delight, Tammy, while feigning sleep creaked her eyes barely open and watched as the still hungry Ashley snuck off of their king sized bed and tried to stealthily sneak off to the kitchen. As far as her attempt when, the still mostly fit but softening Ashley was pretty quiet except for her growling and ravenous belly.

Tammy was pretty sure that Ashley would be going for her new absolute favorite, and from the empty peanutbutter and jelly jars she found in the trash the next morning, her suspicions would be verified and justified under any court of common opinion.

Tammy was more than satisfied with turning the tables on her once almost exclusive feeder and encourager. It was such a turn on for for Tammy to watch Ashely literally destroying a body that took her girlfriend a life time to build.

Night after night Tammy slowly increased Ashley's portions and while likewise increasing the fats, carbs, and sugar contents of their meals. And while Tamny relentlessly focused on fattening her beautiful girlfriend, she couldn't help but take on many of the extra calories that didn't make it into growing girl. As a result, Tammy estimated her own growing and feminine frame to be somewhere in close contact with the magical number of 300. But Tammy reckoned that adding a little extra blubber to her body, already juiced up on feminine hormones, was a small price to pay for finally being able to have control over the fattening of Ashley.

As far as she could tell, Ashley never showed any signs of suspicion. This was because Ashley truly never suspected that Tammy would ever become the dominant one between the two. And why should she? Tammy also played at being such a submissive and greedy piggy.

"She'll never truly fatten me up", thought Ashley to herself on a nightly basis as she stuffed her now 180 lb soft belly with more and more fattening desserts.

Ashley still occasionally worked out, but now she mostly did legs and arms, while eating the equivalent of a prime level Sumo wrestler. Her legs thickened, softened and widened while her belly began to expand outward.
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Inthecourt 3 years
Interesting scenario