Ashley and tammy

chapter 8

"I see you guys are becoming regulars", said the young, cute, and quite chubby waitress with the name tag Brenda.

She'd waited on their table at least three times during the past week. With a deliciously plump belly, soft and wide hips, not to mention an more than ample rear end she was definitely eye candy for Tammy and Ashley. Sure, her plump and juicy legs were great to stare at, and both did, but more intriguing to the two ladies was the fact that she often caught their gazes. And instead of giving them the cold shoulder or ignoring them, Bremda often responded with the likes of a wink or occasionally turning around and theatrically wiggling and jiggling her at least 200lb, curvy, and bouncing bottom back and forth for the girls.

She also always suggested the biggest and most fattening meals, along with the most decadent desserts. She inspired both women to eat. But today it was Ashley that was going to surprise the young waitress.

"Yeah, I guess we are becoming regulars dear", said Ashley, adding in a playful tone, "...and their's nothing wrong with that right?"

"Well, to a big girl like me or your big cutie over here, eating like you have been doesn't mean much, but on a cute little thing like you....", trailed off Brenda breathlessly and panting.

Ashley got the point. She knew exactly what Brenda was saying.... that she would grow as big and fat as the waitress, Tammy, or like many of the other fat ladies situated in booths all around her.

"You mean, I might gain a little weight?", asked Ashley, obviously and dramatically feigning a shocked and befuddled look.

"Well more than a little. That waffle and bacon plate breakfast, plus the pie, and milkshake are bound to but a little extra junk in anyone's trunk. Trust me, I get to eat free here. You don't always think I weighed 230lbs, do you?", giggled Brenda while giving her ample belly a big two handed jiggle.

"Wow.... thanks for the warning", said the ravenous and extremely horny Ashley with a straight and solemn demeanor, before winking, smiling broadly and saying, "Well hun, if that's the case you'd better double my order today.

Brenda jaw was somewhat agape before she recovered, smiled, and said, "Okay then, if that's the case I'll make sure you get some extra on each serving as well", said Brenda, returned winks and went off to wisk up all their food.
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Inthecourt 3 years
Interesting scenario