Weight and sea

chapter 6 - the workout (part 2)

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Achilles waved to Eliza as she made her way past the mess hall. She waved back, feeling an intense grumble from her stomach. Eliza hadn’t skipped breakfast in over a month, and in fact, she’d managed to eat about three or four people’s worth of food for breakfast alone on most days.
She successfully fought the urge to give into temptation, despite how yummy the grill smelled as it heated up for the day.

The fitness center was more impressive than Eliza had thought it would be. Then again, the entire cruse liner was “luxury” in every sense of the word. Rows of machines and weight racks spanned the whole room, with hallways leading off to dance and yoga studios, massage suites, saunas, and spas.

Eliza went to the lockerroom to grab a towel and to psych herself up. She noticed a scale in the corner of the room, and her heart sank.

“Oh no. Do I go see what I’ve done to myself?” Eliza thought to herself.

She made her way slowly over to the scale, trying to picture how bad it was going to be. Five pounds? Ten pounds? Twenty? She was 115 lbs when she left New York, maybe 117 lbs from those doughnuts and sandwiches. She stepped onto the scale and her jaw dropped.
147 lbs. One hundred and forty-seven. Pounds.
She had managed to gain 30+ lbs of pure, indulgent fat in just a month on the cruise ship.

“This is unreal, I can’t believe it,” Eliza thought, in total shock. “Fuck fuck fuck. Ughh. Okay, well. I’m at the gym. I showed up. That’s the first step. I know how to move my body. This won’t be too hard. I can do this...I can do this.”

Eliza made her way out of the lockerroom and stared out across the gym floor. More people were working out than expected, considering most of these folks were on vacation. Eliza was hoping not to see anyone she knew, knowing fully well how ridiculous her tight outfit looked. As soon as she had this thought, she spotted Lina working out aggressively on an an elliptical. Eliza waved and smiled, hoping to at least earn some points for being a “go-getter” at the gym early in the morning. Lina looked at Eliza briefly, then quickly focused back on her workout, paying hardly any attention to Eliza.

Feeling slighted, Eliza made her way over to a free treadmill and did a quick leg stretch, which felt remarkably more difficult than just a month prior. Her legs felt heavier and tighter. She set the machine to a level 5 speed -- her usual warmup speed, and began moving her body. After about 30 seconds, Eliza started to feel winded. Determined, she dropped it to a manageable level four and went on with a slow jog.

The tight yoga pants were already far too tight to be wearing, much less be used as workout wear. Eliza’s midsection was completely spilling out and jiggling with each step, which were more like stomps.

“My god,” Eliza thought. “I can barely make it through my warm up. What the fuck.”

She huffed as she turned the speed back to her normal level 9, completely fixated on becoming fit again.

“I can do this -- yeah this isn’t too bad.”

The treadmill picked up speed, and Eliza gave everything she could to keep up. Her thighs and belly bounced, along with her rounded chest. She was at a full sprint for all of 45 seconds when she felt a massive rip run down the crotch of her yoga pants. Eliza immediately slammed the stop button and caught her breath. When she looked down she could see the chub of her inner thigh poking out along with the outer lace of her panties.

“Oh. My. God.”

Eliza grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her waist, looking as if she’d had an accident. Trying to escape with some dignity in tact, she made a beeline for the exit, where she ran into Lina who was also leaving.

“Hey Lina!” Eliza began in an overly chipper tone. “Looks like we’re both gym rats. I’d keep going but I realized I forgot--”

“Different clothes,” Lina interrupted.

“I’m sorry, what?” Eliza said.

“You would have better luck in the gym with different clothes,” Lina said.

“Oh...yeah, I packed this ancient gym outfit and I guess, well. Yeah,” Eliza said.

“When we dock in Barcelona next week, maybe treat yourself to a new outfit,” Lina said in a monotone.

“Ha yeah, good idea,” Eliza squeaked out.

The two parted ways, and Eliza walked as quickly as she could back towards her room, mortified.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Eliza panicked. “How much did Lina see? What’s she going to think? Ahh fuck.”

Eliza was coming up on the mess hall, where she just wanted to eat her feelings. She went in, despite still wearing a towel as a skirt.

“Hey Achilles,” Eliza began, still partially out of breath. “The gang and I are doing a little group brunch this morning in the office, so uh, could you make six to-go plates of french toast and waffles and maybe a few sides?”

“Of course, my dear,” said Achilles. “I see you’ve been at the gym, that’s a good idea.”

“Yeah thanks, I -- like to keep healthy,” she said.

Eliza grabbed her three bags of food and raced into her bedroom, still feeling panicky. She sat on her bed and tore open all the boxes that had been prepared for her “brunch meeting.” She began chowing down with reckless abandon -- bacon, sausage, biscuits, french toast slices, rolled up pancakes dipped in syrup. Bite after bite. Plate after plate. Eliza managed to shovel down six entire heavy breakfasts, save for a couple bites. She was stuffed beyond belief.
She finally stopped to take a breath and sit back.

“Oh my god,” Eliza said, letting out a loud belch.
She placed both hands on her enormous, distended belly, completely taut from her feast, yet still a bit soft from the fat she’d piled on recently. Eliza whimpered and moaned as she considered what she’d just done. She was drunk on sugar and carbs and fat. Those safe, protective feelings from eating so much quickly rushed in and started to alleviate the negativity from her morning.

Ruminations started filling her mind.

“...a new outfit,” Fantasy Lina whispered in Eliza’s head.

“...the gym, that’s a good idea,” Fantasy Achilles said.

It was happening again. Eliza’s wires were getting crossed. The satisfaction from her massive pigout was being met with the sheer terror and embarrassment from her shameful morning.

“What a fat girl you are,” Fantasy Lina said.

Eyes closed, cradling her belly, Eliza reached down and couldn’t help but begin stroking her pussy.

“You can’t control yourself, you’re going to get so massive, aren’t you?” Fantasy Lina said.

Eliza immediately got incredibly wet and started panting.

“Everyone got to see what a slob you are at the gym. Just bouncing around like the pudgy piggy you are.”

Eliza rubbed herself harder and faster. Her stomach stretched with food, her mind flooded with masochistic shame and excitement. Waves of bliss pulsed through her.

“Oh Eliza, I’m so glad you came aboard. Thirty pounds?” Fantasy Lina said. “Gosh you are chubby! But don’t worry. I’m going to make you So. Fucking. FAT!”

“Ahhh fuuuck!” Eliza moaned loudly.

Just then, Eliza was overcome with a tsunami of orgasmic sensations pulsating from her pussy through her belly and throughout every inch of her body. She was on another plane of existence. Time melted away, and she felt as if she was floating through another dimension. Her entire life, Eliza always found sex to be lacklustre. Sure, it had been fun up to this point. But something was now completely different. She couldn’t fully articulate it. She didn’t even fully understand it. But she know in this moment, that she had discovered something unique. Something powerful. Something absolutely divine.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Ghostrunnersfan 7 months
Loved the story. You killed me with the cliff hanger though💀
Supercode 2 years
I kind of hope Lina and Eliza do get back together, but not as boss/,employee this time. But I hope Eliza makes Lina grovel a little first. Maybe even make Lina get fat with her.
Connectwithfrie 3 years
Damn was digging this story til Adam came back...
Jazzman 3 years
Really Wonderful Story.
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Shield 3 years
Incredible work, really looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
Luvchubbygirls 3 years
Great story, looking forward to more!