Shaped by hands

chapter 3

... a while later ...

You wake up lying on the cold stone floor, still wearing the mask that robs your senses, but this time your mouth is free. You carefully feel your closer environment and bump into something slimy that, after a while of exploration, seems to arch around and over you like a dome. It also smells sweet. In your back is a cold stone wall. Uncertainly you decide to wait, you feel your body and notice that you are free of leftovers, but you also feel a lot heavier and greasier than when you last woke up. Over time, you start feeling the room shrinking, the wall is coming forwards and pushes you into the pudding-like structure. You are now kneeling with your face to the shaky wall and crying out for mercy, but you have long suspected what is being asked of you. You dig yourself into the gelatinous mass with your hands, but instead of being able to shovel it behind you, there is now no space left and you have no choice but to eat it. Under other circumstances, you love custard, but the sheer bulk and ignorance in which direction and how long to eat your way out of it wears you down. You feel like you are under water as the wobbly walls enclose your body and you feel more and more like buried alive. After hours of stuffing your stomach spasms, nobody rubs the pain away this time and you are too exhausted to do it yourself.
Despite the fear of the oncoming wall, you give up and fall into a restless sleep full of nightmares as if everything wasn't bad enough. When you wake up everything is the same and so you keep eating your way forward. When suddenly the taste changes to chocolate you get new hope, but this mass also seems to be layered in a kind of tunnel and you are afraid that you will end up stuck in the tunnel and there is no escape. You also have to pause again.

Freshly awakened, you loop your way through the chocolate pudding and squeeze your massive body like a walrus forward through the tunnel, after an endless fight you break through the pudding wall and feel free space. A desperate cry of relief echoes through your head, you just want to lie down and digest and sleep, but already several hands are groping your bacon rolls again, hitting your thighs and buttocks, so that the waves of fat are swaying like and after a while they lift you on your side and roll you over on your back. Then they massage and finger every opening of you, shake your layers of bacon through and finally seem to measure you. When they leave you limp, you feel like you are covered with bruises, that's how hard they kneaded and groped you. You weren't allowed to come as if you'd done something wrong, but before you can think any further, you are overwhelmed by sleep.

When you start waking up something stings your neck again and the paralysis you are already familiar with sets in. Several hands heave you up and roll you on a cold tarpaulin, then you are dragged across the floor. When your fat masses wobbled to rest from the last pull you flinch because several buckets of cold water are poured over you. You snort and want to protect yourself with your broad arms, but they stay limp next to you. Instead, cold blobs of soap follow that run down on you, and a few hands begin to lather your body, quickly, routinely. Your fat rags slap back where they lifted them up to get to every crack. Someone is roughly scrubbing your deep navel with a washing brush. Then they use brushes in other places as well, turning you back and forth again. A sudden break. You freeze and feel your nipples stand up. Someone puts two fingers in your mouth, shoves a plastic tube, and squeezes a sweet paste down your throat. They pinch your nose and if you want to breathe you have to swallow. You have the feeling that the paste is blowing up your belly, expanding it further and further. After a short time, the groping and shaking hands on your stomach confirm to you that you are very plump and stuffed. More paste, you moan with pain and shiver with cold. The tube disappears and one hand pats your greasy cheek, another your jelly belly. They rinse the soap off of you with warm water and rub you dry. You dawn away again.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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What happened to your hansel story?