Shaped by hands

chapter 5

You sit up again, this time upright, your stomach hangs between your thighs, your knees spread wide apart and they hit something. You are chained to the back of the chair with a collar, your arms and hands are half on your breasts, half on the edge of a table it seems, your ankles are tied to the chair legs. You smell the scent of cheese and Bolognese and the rumble in your juicy belly gives you away. Your mouth waters, you lick your lips. The hands are ready and lead yours to a kind of tray. Blind hands land in a mountain of spaghetti. In order to give your fat brain a helping hand, the drover asks you to begin your meal. In the absence of cutlery, you reach into the warm mass and stuff a handful into your mouth. You feel how much goes sideways and lands on your sagging breasts, with the other hand you run over your belly and boobs and try to clean yourself up and stuff the remains between your full lips. The tray is big however, you soon give up to clean yourself. When you can no longer really feel something on it, someone lifts it flat to your face and forces you to lick it off. You are full and you breathe heavily, so they make you swallow some kind of pill.

Immediately an intoxicating appetite sets in, a new tray hits your fat fingers on the table and this time you reach into it with both hands and try to slide them into your mouth at the same time. You feel like you can't swallow fast enough for the urgency you feel to stuff yourself. This time nobody has to force you to lick the tray. When there is still no new portion, you blindly grab the remains in your fat bulges until the hands draw your attention to the new tray. At some point you feel your bulging belly, which seems to push you away from the table, you slow down and he pain in your gut is getting unbearable. By now you know that they won't just let you stop in the middle. When it's finally done, you lean back and slide forward on the chair to escape the excruciating force of gravity in your boobies and fat apron. Several hands pinch your fat and shake them, lift them up several times and let them clap back on your belly and thighs. You moan in pain.

More hands poke in your belly and you squirm, but you can't escape them, they are holding your hands away from your body. There seems to have been replenishment, new mountains of spaghetti are pressed to your mouth with their hands and you have to swallow them. Pinching in your sides and breasts motivate you to cooperate. It just doesn't end, you slide deeper in the chair again, trying to push yourself away from the hands that want to continue fattening you up. A hard slap on top of your giant belly, then painful kneading, then massage.

Someone reaches under your fat and digs through to your wet cunt, digs deeper. They keep forcing you to swallow, patting your cheek as a sign of their praise, and gentle fondle your fat chins. You are glad that you are spared your own sight during this gaining process. When your mouth lazily stands open and you seem to have dozed off, trained fingers in your cunt bring you back and you reflexively continue to chew and swallow. You don’t witness the end anymore.
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