A new shade of leaf

chapter 2

The next day Futoi awoke, it took her a moment to remember. But it came back to her that she had agreed to the experiment proposed by Mr. Manmosu. She went through her normal routine that day, she took a shower, did a tad of make up, got dressed, ate and was out the door in no time. Today though instead of walking to Ageha’s house, she ran at full speed. She didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to fully enjoy her light frame, so today she intended to make good use of it!

It took her only 10 minutes to reach Ageha’s house whilst running. When she got there she knocked on the door and after waiting a few moments was greeted with Ageha.
“Oh? Hey Futoi, you're early. Why are you so out of breath?” Ageha asked.
“I ran… All the way here!” Futoi said exhausted.
“Eh? Why?”
“I’ll tell you inside.” Futoi said before entering Ageha’s house.
It was an empty house, Ageha’s parents died a few years back and left her with the house and a will, so she lived alone. After taking a seat on her couch Futoi began to explain.
“I decided to accept the offer…”
“Huh? Wonderful!” Was all Ageha said.
“Ya’ think?”
“Yeah, i'm glad you came to a decision. I knew you had a good heart!”
“... Are… are certain you won't mind… I mean i'll have to gain nearly 230 kg (500lbs) to reach 270 kg (600lbs)...”
“Don’t worry. I promise, I'll never stop loving you. In fact there’ll be even more of you to love!” Ageha said, hugging Futoi.
“Hm… oh yeah by the way. We aren't going to school today.”
“Huh? Why not?”
“Mr. Manmosu asked me if I had a partner of any kind and I told him about you. He said I should bring you with me to his office. And since the school is working with Rezubian, they agreed to give us the day off.” Futoi explained.
“Oh, okay. Well give me a minute. I need to get dressed and eat something.” Ageha explained as she looked down notioning to Futoi that she was still in her underwear.
“Oh… of- of course.” Futoi said with a blush.

In half an hour Ageha was ready, today instead of opting for her sailor uniform she decided to wear some of her normal clothes. She had a pair of black leather boots on, alongside a pair of normal denim jeans, and to top it off a loose fitting white t-shirt with some sort of symbol on it. Futoi figured it was probably some merch from a rock band, as Ageha was a big fan of the genre (She’s kinda of a tomboy if you couldn’t tell).
“Okay, ready. How far is it, should we call for a ride?” Ageha asked.
“No, Mr. Manmosu said he’d be sending a schofer.” Futoi answered.
“A schofer? When did my little Futoi become such a big shot?”
“Yeah… well he did say all expenses concerning the experiment would be paid for by Rezubian. So I guess that includes transport. I may be too big to walk to school someday…” Futoi said.

Before the conversation could continue any longer they heard a loud *BEEP* coming from outside, when they looked they saw a black sedan waiting out in the street. When they approached the window rolled down to reveal a young woman in an all black suit with sunglasses on.
“Futoi Kujira i presume?” The woman asked.
“Uh… y-yes, thats me.”
“I work for Mr. Manmosu, get in.”
With that short exchange the 2 girls got in the back seat and their journey continued. On the way there Futoi explained to Ageha that Mr. Manmosu’s office is on the other side of town and that it would take them a few minutes to reach there.
“By the way, i'll be your personal driver from now on.” The mysterious woman said.
“My… my what?”
“I know about the arrangement you and Manmosu made, and part of it involves you getting as little physical movement into your day as possible. That includes going to school.” The woman explained.
“Oh… i see, well what's your name?” Futoi asked.
“It's Haitatsu.” The woman explained.
“Nice to meet ya’ Haitatsu! Hey think you can drive me to school too?” Ageha asked.
“Depends fully on if she wants me too.” Haitatsu explained.
“Of course she does! We are lovers after all. Right Futoi?” Ageha asked.
“Ya-yes of course it'd be wonderful to drive to school with you!” Futoi said.
“Alright then, i'll make sure to put her house into the gps as well.” Haitatsu said.

A few minutes later and they made it. Mr. Manmosu’s office was… surprisingly normal. It was a brick building surrounded by a type of fern, the only odd thing was that the building was tall and was an octagonal shape. When they entered they met up with Mr. Manmosu who was waiting by the entrance for them, sipping from a small flask. After they met up they headed for his office to discuss the arrangement in finer detail.
“Hello, Ageha I presume?” Mr. Manmosu asked.
“Yes. It's nice to meet you.” Ageha said.
“Im Mr. Manmosu, but you already know that. I want to thank you for deciding to stay with Futoi during this experiment. I know many would abandon their lovers if they found out about the experiment, it's very honorable. Thank you.” Mr. Manmosu explained.
“Well i could never think of doing that. Futoi always makes me happy. I love her. A couple hundred pounds won’t change that.”
“... Ageha…” Futoi murmured to herself as her face was painted red with a blush.
“Hmph. Okay then now to proceed. Ageha, I asked for you to come here because i need you to be Futoi’s caretaker.” Mr. Manmosu explained.
“Care… Taker?” Ageha asked.
“Yes, I need you to keep an eye on her, make sure she’s okay. If she starts looking sick or tired I'm counting on you to tell her to rest or to call me. I'll also need you to monitor and catalog what happens in Futoi’s life daily in a form of diary. I ask this of you because I realize hiring someone she’s unacquainted with could be stressful, and considering your together for a large portion of the day already it seemed like quite the coincidence. You will be compensated though. If you accept you’ll be officially hired by me to become Futoi’s caretaker, if you were to accept your annual salary would be 5 million yen (50k USD).” Mr. Manmosu explained.
“I… I don't know what to say. I'll do it!” Ageha said.
“Ageha, you don't have to do that for me…” Futoi said.
“Please, I love being with you. And now I'm getting paid for it too!!! It's a match made in heaven!” Ageha confessed.
“Okay then, i'll contact you this evening to discuss your employment. But we should get back on track. Futoi, i'm sure you're curious about the specifics of the experiment. Every month you will have to come back here for me to run some tests, and every month you’ll have a gaining quota. If you fail to meet the required weight you won't be paid for that month, you are allowed to go over it but only by about 5 kg (10LBS). You’ll be paid part of the 15m yen (150kUSD) every month unless the quota is not fulfilled. You also are not permitted to eat anything besides the food given to you by Rezubian, its genetically modified to not be filling but highly fattening and calorific. That will come in what we call a Buta box, inside the box will also be a vial of pills, eat them before you eat. They're designed to slow down your metabolism but increase digestive speed, so the food you eat will pose little discomfort. I'll be sending you the link to our website where you can order over 50 different menu options that will be delivered to your location in under 30 minutes by drone, whether it be school, home, or Ageha’s house. Inside each Buta box will also be a select number of dry snacks that possess similar properties to the main meal. They are meant to be consumed anytime if you get hungry and have a shelf life of about a year so no need to worry about having them spoil. The Buta box will also come with skin patches, these are simply meant to prevent any damage to the skin whilst you gain, instructions will be placed on the inside of the box for everything. And one last thing if you have any difficulties with clothing, furniture whether it be at school or home, and mobility whether it be at home or school contact me and i'll have it sorted out. I believe that is everything. Any questions?” Mr. Manmosu asked.
“... No… I think i get it. But why am i not allowed to eat anything else besides what's in the Buta boxes?” Futoi asked.
“Yes, we simply want to be sure of the factors, what you're consuming, how much, and your calorie intake. I'll email you everything before I contact Ageha to discuss her employment. Today I simply want you to take this, go to Ageha’s house and get used to your new lifestyle and diet. It's a friday so you’ll have time to get used to it over the weekend. But I need you to stay at Ageha’s house so she can monitor you and keep you in good health.” Mr. Manmosu continued as he handed Futoi a decently sized black box.
“That's a Buta box, take it, follow the instructions inside, and if any more questions come to mind simply ask. Our priority is your health and well being.” Mr. Manmosu said.

And with that they left. Today would be the day everything in Futoi and Ageha’s life changed. Today would be the day Futoi would say goodbye to her slim frame, and hello to her future one
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Rickeb 3 years
Please continue. It will be great to take this journey all through the four years, for both girls.
TheDualWielder 3 years
Sorry it was taken down, im new to the site and didn't read the rules. I made some edit's so hopefully its compliant. Any way hope you enjoyed.
(P.S. Futoi Kujira in google translate (Japanese) Means Fat/Thick Whale)