A new shade of leaf

chapter 3

After a few minutes of driving they finally made it back to Ageha’s house. On the way Futoi had called her mom and told her she’d be staying over there over the weekend. When the duo got inside they decided i’d be best if they went right into the Buta box instead of staling. When they opened it they were greeted with multiple white boxes of varying sizes. The largest one had a label on it that said MEAL, the second to largest had a label on it that said SNACKS, and the last one and smallest one had a label on it that said HEALTH. On the inside of the black Buta boxes cover there were instructions on how to use the items in the HEALTH box. It said Futoi should take off her clothes and apply the Skin patches (The ones meant to prevent damage to the skin) on her stomach, back, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. After doing so she opted to just stay in her under garments and continued following the instructions whilst Ageha was on the phone with Mr. Manmosu discussing her future employment. After word it told her to ingest all of the pills in the small vial that came in the Buta box, she remembered these were supposed to help her metabolism slow down, but make her digestion faster. After doing so the instructions simply said, eat. When she opened the box that said MEAL on it she was greeted with a decently sized chocolate cake. All of a sudden she was really glad all she had to eat today was 2 pieces of toast and some OJ, but before she could ponder at the meal much longer she suddenly felt a pain go through her stomach. She sudden felt hungry, really damn hungry. Now she understood why Mr. Manmosu told her to use the pills. She quickly rushed to the kitchen to grab the largest fork Ageha had and ravenously annihilated the cake, it was one of the most delicious things she had ever eaten in her life. The flavor seemed to explode in her mouth.

By the time she was done the whole cake was gone and only some brown frosting had remained on the inside on the white box. She was exhausted as she lay back in the wooden chair she was sitting in. Her stomach felt filled and her face was covered with the remnants of the cake. She felt full and called for Ageha to come down stairs.
“Hey Futoi, what did cha’ nee-... d. Oh I see. That was a lot faster than I thought it would take.” Ageha said in disbelief that Futoi managed to eat whatever was in the box so fast.
“Can *Huff* you help me *huff* lye down *huff*?” Futoi asked out of breath.
“Of course, but first let me wipe your face off.” Ageha said, grabbing a rag.
After Ageha cleaned the immobilized Futoi’s face off she wrapped Futoi’s arm over her shoulder and carried her to the couch sitting in front of the T.V.
“Thank *huff* you… honey…” Futoi said.
“Don't mention it, by the way what was in that box?” Ageha asked.
“A chocolate *huff* cake…”
“You ate an entire chocolate cake in 1 sitting?” Ageha asked in disbelief.
“Yeah… those pills *huff* are insane… *RUMBLE*” Futoi’s face suddenly went red at the sound of her stomach rumbling.
“Huh? You got a stomach ache?” Ageha asked.
“No… Could you grab me the snack box… please.” Futoi asked.

When Ageha returned with the second largest box in hand, Futoi's face lit up. She didn’t know how but only a few minutes after eating an entire chocolate cake she still had room. When Ageha handed her the box Futoi opened it to find multiple Snack bars, a few small packs of cookies, and a couple cans of sodas and condensed milk. She immediately grabbed 1 of the soda’s and snack bars. As Ageha watched Futoi drink and eat the snacks in the box she turned on the T.V. for Futoi and started to do her soon to be job of being Futoi’s caretaker, which also involved cataloging things she deemed necessary. So she took out a small note pad and wrote down the following.
Looks very cute and adorable as she eats. Might need bigger meals in the Future. May need more snacks. Her appetite is a lot bigger than I thought.

After a few more minutes of Futoi eating and drinking uncontrollably, Futoi finally hit her max after gorging down 2 snack bars, a pack of cookies, a can of soda, and a can of condensed milk. The only problem being she now felt too full, her stomach was poking out quite a bit and was hard and round. She was about to call over Ageha to ask her to rub her stomach, but as if she could read her mind Ageha sat down beside her did it.
“Th-thank you.” was all Futoi could get out.
“Don't mention it. It's the least i can do for you, not to mention it's my job.” Ageha said with a warm smile.
After a few moments of silence Ageha broke it.
“How do you feel?”
“Better.” was all Futoi said.
“No, i mean how do you feel about your new diet? Ya’ know, now that you’ve tried it.” Ageha asked.
“It… it's going to take some getting used to. But how do you feel about it? You're the one dating me.” Futoi asked.
“I… I don't mind.” Ageha said as she rested her head in Futoi’s lap.
“I love you. Nothing changed. And now I get paid to pamper you. Life. Is. Good.” Ageha continued.

Eventually after watching some T.V. it was dinner time. And Futoi decided to try out the Rezubian website. The Menu was packed with various items, all of which gave Futoi diabetes just looking at them. But as her contract said she had to eat only the food Rezubian made for her so she had to choose. She eventually opted for the roast turkey and mashed potatoes, and for the snacks she opted for the same ones that came in the last box.

In 30 minutes as Mr. Manmosu had said she got a notification on her phone that the package was delivered. And as before she went through the normal procedure following the instructions before eating. Ageha had decided to make herself some cup ramen and have some water. However she didn’t eat it for a solid 10 minutes, as the whole time she was dumbfounded by the sheer volume of food Futoi was shoveling down her throat. Futoi was in heaven. All the food tasted glorious, the turkey was seasoned and cooked to perfection and the mashed potatoes had the perfect amount of Butter and cream in them. She managed to eat the whole meal alongside a can of soda in 10 minutes. After word she sat there and continued eating the snacks managing to eat 2 snack bars and a can of condensed milk she had Ageha heat up. In the end Ageha finished her miniscule dinner after heating up before she carried Futoi upstairs to her bed room. As soon as Futoi landed on the bed and got under the covers she was out cold. Ageha then around the house turning off the lights, putting the dishes away, as well as finding a cabinet to put the remainder of Futoi’s snacks in. After word she went upstairs and climbed into the bed under the covers with Futoi. Her stomach felt hard and round as Ageha wrapped her arms around her.
“I love you.” She whispered into Futoi’s ear.
“Sleep well.”
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Rickeb 3 years
Please continue. It will be great to take this journey all through the four years, for both girls.
TheDualWielder 3 years
Sorry it was taken down, im new to the site and didn't read the rules. I made some edit's so hopefully its compliant. Any way hope you enjoyed.
(P.S. Futoi Kujira in google translate (Japanese) Means Fat/Thick Whale)