A new shade of leaf

chapter 4

When Futoi awoke she felt surprisingly good. Her stomach wasn't as full and in pain as she was expecting, it seemed as though the pills had helped. When she got up she noticed Ageha wasn’t in bed with her, but soon realized she was probably doing the dishes as she could hear water running down stairs. When she got out of bed she took a look at the full body mirror Ageha had hanging in her room, a slight wave of relief washed over her when she realized she couldn’t tell a difference in her figure. She then decided to get dressed, she put on some of the clothes she kept at Ageha’s house. She put on a loose fitting t-shirt and some seat pants as she knew today would be even more packed with eating. As she walked down stairs she saw Ageha cleaning as she suspected. Before Ageha knew what was happening 2 arms came out from behind her and squeezed her hard almost making her drop a plate.
“Eh? Futoi?” Ageha asked.
“Nope, I'm the boogeyman!” Futoi jested.
“Okay, can you let go? I'm almost done, let me finish first then i'm all yours.” Ageha asked.
After releasing her Futoi went to sit down on the couch. She pulled out her phone to check the time and saw it was 8:14 a.m. And that she had also gotten a notification from the Rezubian website. It read, Ms. Kujira your monthly quota is between 66kg (145Lbs) and 70kg (155lbs). Your last recorded weight was 57kg (125lbs). This means you must gain 9 to 14 Kg (20 to 30LBS). Click here to order your breakfast.
When clicked on the link it brought to the Rezubian websites order menu, but today it was different. This must be the breakfast menu, Futoi thought to herself. After scrolling through the menu for a little while she decided on pancakes, eggs, and a hash brown. As for snacks today she decided to try something different so she got fudge bars, and rice crispy treats for the food and for drinks she got the same canned cola she had been getting alongside some apple juice.

As soon as she placed the order Ageha jumped on the couch next to her returning the hug Futoi had given her earlier.
“Hey love, how are ya’?” Ageha asked.
“I'm good, i just ordered breakfast. How are you?” Futoi asked back.
“Good, I just got the dishes done. But look at you don’t even need me to remind you to order breakfast, I'm so proud.” Ageha jested.
“Actually I got a reminder from Rezubian on my phone, they also told me how much I need to gain.” Futoi explained.
“Oh? And how much would that be?” Ageha asked.
“9 to 14 Kg (20 to 30Lbs).” Futoi said.
“O-oh wow that's a lot, but don't worry you’ll make it, i have confidence in you.” Ageha said.
“O-okay…” Futoi said.
“Anyway if you ordered it then i got 30 minutes to make my breakfast. So im gonna start on that. Oh by the way, guess who’s now officially your caretaker?” Ageha asked.
“You got the job? That's wonderful!” Futoi said overjoyed.
“Yup and i just sent in my first report to Mr. Manmosu.”
“Really? What did you say?” Futoi asked, intrigued.
“Hm… I said looks adorable and cute while she eats. Needs bigger meals, and more snacks. Her appetite is bigger than i thought.” Ageha explained.
“... EH!? Why would you tell them to give me more food?” Futoi asked.
“Well you were scarfing down those meals with ease and then some of your snacks. I figured you’d want to save the snacks for school, so i got you bigger meals.” Ageha explained.
“Why would I want to save them for school?” Futoi asked, confused.
“Well those pills you have before eating stay active in your stomach for a few hours after you eat, and in class I figured you might get hungry. I know you may not get it now, but put a little faith in me. I got this, I am your caretaker after all.” Ageha explained.
“... Ugh, okay. I trust your judgement.”

After their brief exchange Ageha went off to make her own breakfast and Futoi sat on the couch looking at her phone. Eventually 30 minutes passed and she got a notification on her phone telling her that breakfast had arrived. The 2 of them then went about eating with Futoi completely finishing her meal and a can of juice, and with Ageha finishing a salad she crafted out of stuff she found in her fridge. In the end Futoi managed to pass out, forcing Ageha to carry her upstairs. When she finally got her in bed she put her under the covers and gave her a small kiss before going grocery shopping.

After a few hours she got back to find Futoi sitting on her couch with the box of snacks that came with her breakfast. From what Ageha saw she had already had all 6 fudge bars and 2 rice crispy treats and was in the middle of eating her 3rd. When the door closed Futoi turned her head with the rest of the 3rd rice crispy in her mouth toward the door.
“Oh hi Ageha! *munch* Did ya’ go shopping?” Futoi asked whilst starting on her fourth rice crispy.
“Y-yeah… I got… uhhh, some groceries… um… how are you?” Ageha asked, dumbfounded at how much she had eaten in just the last few hours. (Each snack was made to be 500 calories, 9x500=4500 calories.)
“I'm doing good. I just thought I'd watch some T.V. until you got back. I was really worried the larger meals you got for me would give me a stomach ache but these pills are magic! I feel fine!” Futoi explained as she finished off her 4th rice crispy treat and started on the 5th.
“That's wonderful, hey do wanna maybe take a shower together? It's been a while since we’ve been kinda romantic ya’ know.” Ageha asked as Futoi finished the 5th and started on the last one.
“Sounds wonderful, I need it. I feel kinda dirty.” Futoi explained as she picked up the now empty box and started walking upstairs simultaneously finishing off the last rice crispy.
“You're not gonna take that into the shower are you?” Ageha asked.
“Huh? Take what?” Futoi asked cluelessly.
“The now empty box of snacks that came this morning.” Ageha explained.
“The wha… EH!? When did I grab this!?” Futoi asked herself.
It was then Ageha realized something, Futoi grabbed the box unconsciously when she went to watch T.V. and hadn't even realized she just ate 6000 calories worth of junk food. Hmph, looks like Futoi was a fat girl all along, Ageha thought to herself, and now she has the chance to really be one.

“I-I Im sorry!” Futoi apologized.
“For what? Doing your job?” Ageha asked.
“W-well I didn’t…”
“Don’t worry, it's fine. It's not your fault just give me the box and wait upstairs. I'll be there in a minute once i put everything away.” Ageha explained.
“Oh… Okay.” Futoi said, handing her the box and heading up the stairs.
Once Futoi was up the stairs Ageha pulled out her notepad and wrote down, Before even 1 full day in Futoi seems to be eating the Rezubian snacks unconsciously, she managed to finish the box she got this morning in less than a few hours. It's frickin nuts.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Rickeb 3 years
Please continue. It will be great to take this journey all through the four years, for both girls.
TheDualWielder 3 years
Sorry it was taken down, im new to the site and didn't read the rules. I made some edit's so hopefully its compliant. Any way hope you enjoyed.
(P.S. Futoi Kujira in google translate (Japanese) Means Fat/Thick Whale)