A new shade of leaf

chapter 7

It had been 5 months since Ageha’s confession, and since then the 2 girls' relationship had taken a turn for the better. Their love for each other seemed to have increased greatly with their new figures, and due to the fact that they started spending a lot more time together.

Futoi now weighed 141 kg (310lbs), more accurately she weighed over that amount. But neither of the girls knew how much because they liked the idea of her weight being a mystery until the reveal day. For her last 4 ‘check ups’ she managed to max out right under the limit for that month, which Mr. Manmosu chalked up to be just her having crazy good luck. Her figure had changed drastically from back then. Her stomach now jutted out by a few feet from her torso and had now formed a roll (Look at the cover art) separating it into 2 sections, Her breast had increased to an F cup as well, her ass now jutted out enough to rival her stomach, and her thighs were as thick as vinyl record is round, her face now had a double chin that stretched from one side of her face to the other and was now extremely round and soft. However due to the skin patches that came in the Buta box she hadn't developed a single stretch mark or blemish. Her stamina and strength had also decreased to the point where walking upstairs possessed a challenge to her as well.

Futoi wasn't the only one to change however, Ageha had made some of her own progress as well. 5 months ago when she gained forgiveness for her lying, and permission to accomplish her dreams she had moved up from 50 kg (110lbs) to around 118 kg (260lbs). Her face unlike Futoi’s remained fairly slim with only her cheeks getting slightly softer. Her stomach had grown but not by much with the majority of her weight going to her ass, legs, and breasts. (I don't know how to explain what she looks like, but this is kinda what i had in mind. https://www.deviantart.com/cherbit/art/OC-Working- From-Home-839459109 ). Thanks to the Buta box she had gained over twice of what she weighed previously. Her looks did remain however and she was still considered to be one of the prettiest people in town, even with the extra weight. At school depending on how people felt about her she was either still the prettiest girl in school, or the second fattest girl in school right behind Futoi. She also went from being incredibly responsible to incredibly lazy, forcing the girls to hire a maid to clean up for them while they were at school, which to be fair was a reasonable price to pay for being fat and happy.

Now their romantic life boomed as a side effect. Ageha used to carry a food comatosed Futoi upstairs to bed, but now the 2 of them always slept on the couch together after they passed out from gorging. They also now woke up at similar times, and ended up spending even more time together. They also couldn’t keep each other's hands off each other, they both adored their partners' new figures.

Later that day it was revealed that by some miracle Futoi had gained another 14 kg (30lbs) And now weighed 154 kg (340lbs). That night the 2 celebrated with way too much Rezubian ice cream and cake.

Things went smoothly like that for another 2 months, that was when problems started to arise. At this point Futoi weighed 181 kg (400lbs), and Ageha weighed 145 kg (320lbs). Futoi’s breasts had stopped growing a while ago and were now stagnant at a G-cup. Her stomach continued to jut out further and further, whilst getting bigger and softer simultaneously. And everything below her waist had grown out ward, and thicker by quite a bit. Ageha still held a similar form but she was now bigger everywhere, with her face still remaining reasonably skinny, and her stomach sticking out noticeably farther.

Today though signs were ever more present about just how obese Futoi had become. As the 2 girls walked to class as early as ever they were having a nice conversation.
“So *huff*... how does it feel *huff*... to be officially fat?” Futoi asked.
“It… It feels exhausting *huff*. But in a good way *huff*! I feel so soft and warm *huff*…” Ageha said hugging herself.
“Hey *huff*... can we *huff*... Sit down *huff*?” Futoi asked with a slightly pale face that had beads of sweat running down it.
“Yeah… *huff* Im getting kinda tired too *huff*… when did they make these hallways so damn long *huff*?” Ageha asked as she helped Futoi sit down.
When Ageha sat down on the bench let out a loud groan from the stress of over 317 kg (700lbs) being put on it.
“I don't think they made them longer, I think we just got fatter.” Futoi said.
“Yeah… but really we just walked like 50 feet… how are we so exhausted?” Ageha asked.
“I know, trust me, I was asking myself the same thing. But this is what we chose and there are consequences to being lazy.” Futoi explained.
“Yeah… anyway I'm glad they made our classroom on the first floor. I don't wanna even think about stairs…” Ageha remarked.
“Yeah… by the way. Can you see if Mr. Manmosu could get a stair lift in our house. I tried going up the stairs this morning to take a shower but i couldn't get up past the first few steps.” Futoi asked with a slight blush.
“Aww… of course i'll ask. I think I'm going to need it too, i was really out of it by the time i made it up there this morning. Any way i think i can make it to the classroom, what about you?” Ageha asked.
“Yeah… I think i can make it. Help me up?” Futoi asked.
“Yeah… okay… Upsy Daisy!!!” Ageha cried out as she used her own weight to pull Futoi up.

After that the 2 of them managed to get to their class room with only 1 more break. Needless to say they were exhausted by the time they arrived. And this is where the real first problem showed up. As Futoi, tirely sat down in her desk. It groaned snapped into 2 and was destroyed sending her to the ground with a loud *THUD*. Silence then plagued the room for a moment as the 2 girls sat there looking at what Futoi had done until she started crying.
“I-I-I-I… I'M SORRY AGEHA!!!” Futoi cried out with tears.
“Shh… It's okay. Th-the desk! It must have just been faulty! I'll call Mr. Manmosu and have him get you a new one!” Ageha said, trying to comfort the girl.

Ageha didn’t say it, but she was kinda like that desk broke, It was way too small for Futoi anyway and half of the desk was unusable due to her stomach taking up so much room. That day Futoi was excused and the 2 of them went home, and ate the pain away. The next day Futoi came into class, and her and Ageha’s desk’s had been replaced with ones at least twice as big, made out of really thick steel piping. Safe to say, her desk didn't ever break again. At their home they now had a stair lift as well, at this point they were fully addicted to their lives of gluttony and sloth, and there was now no turning back.

(I have some stuff i couldn't find room to include in the story so i'm putting it here. Rezubian knows Ageha’s gaining, but she told them it was to help Futoi not feel insecure, so she’s been allowed to eat Rezubian Buta boxes as well. The only shower in Ageha’s house is on the second floor. Ageha now plans to be a BBW model in the future after college so she can use her good looks and live how she wants to whilst making a living. Futoi still visits her mom a couple times every week, so no she didn't abandon her. Futoi and Ageha met when Futoi was 13 and Ageha was 14 in middle school but only started dating 2 years later. Ageha is 1 year older than Futoi because she was held back a year due to her parents death preventing her from being able to go for a while. I think that's everything I wanted to include. Hope you enjoyed it.)
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Rickeb 3 years
Please continue. It will be great to take this journey all through the four years, for both girls.
TheDualWielder 3 years
Sorry it was taken down, im new to the site and didn't read the rules. I made some edit's so hopefully its compliant. Any way hope you enjoyed.
(P.S. Futoi Kujira in google translate (Japanese) Means Fat/Thick Whale)