A new shade of leaf

chapter 8

It had been 4 months since Futoi had broken her desk at school. Futoi now weighed 236 kg (520lbs), and Ageha weighed 159 kg (350lbs). Futoi was close to reaching the goal Mr. Manmosu had given to her, at the rate she was going she would reach it in 3 months. At that point Futoi would stop using the pills that came in the Buta box to help slow down her weight gain to normal levels so she wouldn't become entirely immoble. Ageha had already done this however when she had reached 159 kg (350lbs) due to the fact that it was still her job to take care of the much heavier Futoi.

Futoi now had a meaty double chin with a third starting to make an appearance. Her arms were now as thick as her thighs were when she weighed 91 kg (200lbs). Her breast hasn't changed size however and remained a G-cup. Her stomach now nearly reached her knees when she sat down and was now hanging down in front of her due to its weight. Her ass had grown enormously, it sagged down, but not as heavily as her stomach, it also now could be utilized as a small shelf with how much it stuck out. Her thighs were now as thick as tree trunks, and her hips were now sticking out so far she had to be pushed through normal door frames in order to go through them. She now could not move around without significant help, she would tire incredibly easily just from walking and had to make multiple stops on the way to her class room now. She couldn’t fit through doors without help, and also couldn’t stand up from a lying down or sitting position without Ageha’s help. She also couldn't go up stairs any more. Ageha had not changed much but did gain 14 kg (30lbs), this however didn’t change her figure all that much and only made her slightly larger.

Today however was different, Futoi had a nasty cold so both Futoi and Ageha stayed home that day. After contacting Mr. Manmosu Ageha had managed to make it so that the drone that delivered their food would come in directly through their window upstairs and drop it on their bed before leaving, that way they didn't have to strain themselves getting up to go get it. By the end of their gorging session the 2 of them passed as per the usual, but instead of awakening on their own as per usual. They awoke to a crash.

And after investigating the situation further, it appeared They were so heavy their bed frame broke. So they had to buy a steel reinforced one.

3 months later, and she had done it. Futoi now weighed 277 kg (610lbs). Now it was a matter of not fluctuating too much from that number. For the next few years both Futoi and Ageha lived fat happy lives under the employment of Rezubian. Once they graduated they ended their deal with Rezubian and went about living the rest of their lives being extremely over weight. Ageha managed to get a job as a BBW model and was doing very well, people adored her and she soon became a celebrity in the fat community. Futoi on the other hand didn't stay unemployed, rather she decided to get an education and to work for Rezubian, the same company that made her into what she is today. Eventually after not having to care about her weight anymore the 2 girls hit their so called natural weights. In the End Ageha weighed 176 kg (390lbs), which did nothing besides make her bigger basically everywhere, excluding her face for some odd reason. And Futoi weighed in at 299 kg (660lbs), she was on the edge of immobility. She now looked a tad bigger than the cover art.

And the 2 of them lived happily and fat for the years to come.
(I didn't know how to end this…)

(Also: All of the names in google translate mean something.
Futoi Kujira = Fat Whale
Manmosu = Mammoth
Haitatsu = Delivery
Buta = Pig
Rezubian = Lesbian

Ageha though is an actual name that's kinda rare, it means "fry in deep fat, hoist,". I thought it was fitting.)
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Rickeb 3 years
Please continue. It will be great to take this journey all through the four years, for both girls.
TheDualWielder 3 years
Sorry it was taken down, im new to the site and didn't read the rules. I made some edit's so hopefully its compliant. Any way hope you enjoyed.
(P.S. Futoi Kujira in google translate (Japanese) Means Fat/Thick Whale)