Cyberpunked 2079

Chapter 3 - finale

Judy finally made up her mind. Walking over to V, clutching the vial, she smiled. V shook her head. “Judy, you don’t have to...”
“I’m not”
And with that, Judy poured the vial down Vs mouth.
“Ah shit! No!” V immediately spat out the liquid “What the hell Judy?”
“Hey, you like fat so much, why don’t you try it for yourself? Besides, you’ll get into much less trouble if you got a belly weighing you down. You’ve had enough near death experiences for one life time, I think.” Judy put her arms around V, grabbing her forcefully, and smiling wickedly. “Your tits have always been on the small side, I’d like to see how big they can get”

Mia couldn’t help but smile. She had no idea Judy would pull something like this, and was excited to see the dominant, muscular V turn into an even bigger blob than she was.
She addressed Judy; “just a few drops of the serum is enough to be effective. Despite V’s spit take, I think she got enough in her for it to work it’s magic”
Judy looked over at Mia. “I can’t wait.”
The two of them then sat down near the table, their eyes on V.

It started off as a slight tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach. V tried to ignore it, determined to stand firm against the effects of the serum. However her solidarity lasted only a few seconds as the hunger began to set in. The food from the table smelled even more delectable than it had when she first entered the room. She felt cravings like no other, salty, sweet, greasy, her body wanted it all.V crossed her arms over her growling stomach and backed away from the table. She knew she could avoid the temptation, as long as she kept herself in check. She needed to get away from this food though, no matter how delicious it looked and smelled, she had to resist.

Before V could turn to leave she felt something in her mouth. While V was staring at the exit, distracted by her crumbling willpower, Judy had gotten up and popped a spoonful of Mac and cheese in V’s mouth.
Seeing V’s eyes go wide with surprise Judy responded with a laugh; “sorry babe, you were taking to long.”
She then took V’s trembling hand and led her back to the table “let’s fill you up.”
Judy out her hand on V’s tight abs, feeling her muscular body. “I’ll be missing these.”
She then gave V another spoonful.
With that second mouthful, the serum finally began to take action.

V’s self control disappeared entirely, her ability to resist, gone in the blink of an eye. She felt hungrier than she ever had in her life, her stomach became an empty pit demanding food. At this point, V could no longer deny her urges began to eat. Her mouthfuls became larger as she fed herself faster and faster. Soon she was stuffing her face devouring everything in reach in a blind frenzy.

She started to feel her belly press against her pants. Her waistband grew tight and her belt began to dig in to her expanding flesh. Her legs filled her baggy pants as her thighs thickened. Her jacket became tight as her body grew. Still she ate, unable to stop. Judy pushed more food towards V as she ate, bite by bite, pound by pound.

V’s muscular frame disappeared under a layer of blubber. She had become chubby, her face beginning to fill out. V stuffed another handful of fries into her face as she moaned in discomfort. Everything was so tight, every pies of clothing dug into her skin, buttons and zippers became strained. Judy shook her head. “You gonna have to eat yourself out of those clothes. I want to see you pop”
In response V fed herself faster, guzzling soft drinks between desperate bite of food, eager to escape the confines of her straining clothes.

V moaned as her belt finally gave out under the pressure of her bloated belly. The buckle gave way, causing the belt to become undone and fall to the side. Her newly fattened gut surged forward, popping the lowest button on her jacket. Her sleeves had even become tight as she continued to eat.

Her body and mind screamed for more. V ate, devouring noodles, fries, burgers, sandwiches, pastas, pizzas, burritos and more, feeding herself by the handful. Cheese and grease dropped down her chin, and she begs in to hiccup between mouthfuls of food and gasps of air. Her belly began to push outwards, casing her jacket to rise up and her pants to be pushed down as it expanded. She began to gain a muffin top, her belly fat rolling over her wait band as she struggled to escape her pants.

V’s face began to round out, her cheeks and chin growing pudgy. Finally, with a sudden pop, her pants button came undone, her zipper undoing as her fattened form expanded. Another button popped on her jacket. Then another and another as her belly made its way out of V’s clothes. The seems along her pants grew tighter until they too split. V was growing close to doubling her weight.

V continued to gorge herself under the influence of the serum, eating away at the feast before her. She was growing fat at a supernatural weight, blowing up before Judy’s eyes as she continued to provide her lover with more to eat. V’s belly jiggled on her lap it swelled larger and larger, filling with food and fat. V’s hands had grown chubby, as even her entire body began to increase in size and softness.

V’s belly began to form new rolls of fat as is grew too large to contain itself. Still V ate. The remains of her clothes were giving away as her flesh burst free and continued to expand. The sleeves of her jacket tore, falling off her jiggling body. Her pants had been ripped to shreds under V’s girth. Now sitting at the table in her underwear and a too-small tank top, V’s weight continued to climb. Her tank top was pushed upwards, exposing her heavy double belly. Her breast fought against the tightening fabric of the tank, pushing together as they swelled.

Slowly but surely, 200 pounds of soft, heavy fat made its way on to V’s body. Not a single trace of the once athletic mercenary remained. She was becoming too big for the chair she sat in her heavy body spilling over the armrests, her fattened ass wedged in the seat. V was stuck in the chair, but still she ate. Her tits had grown enough to escape her tank. The garment ripped at the sides and her bare breasts bounced free, resting on top of her huge belly.

The pounds continued to pour on. V soon surpassed Mia’s weight. She ballooned with every bite of food, eating desperately and mindlessly, trying to fill an impossible hunger. She began to hiccup and burp as she ate and drank, guzzling soda and booze by the gallon. Her belly never growing full, never bloated, filling instead with fat. Her growing gut soon became too big for the chair, so much so that it pressed against the edge of the table. V’s chubby thighs were too large for her to spread her legs and allow her belly to drop to the floor. She had grown so large that her bulging midriff obscured her ability to reach for more food.

V began to moan as her induced hunger caused her body to cry out for more. Judy rose to help V, but was stopped by Mia. The pudgy mayor was flushed, clearly aroused. “Wait for it”
Judy looked back at V, seeing that the chair was finally reaching it’s limit. Mia explained “we used to have those all around the office before they started breaking under everyone’s fat asses. They can only hold about 450lbs before they snap.”

Despite not having food, V still gained as her body metabolized what she had already eaten. She struggled against her own weight, attempting to rise out of the chair only to find herself completely stuck. She moaned in discomfort as the overwhelming urge to eat dulled her mind. An alarming crack rang out as wood split. Another was heard as the chair continued to give, then finally V fell to the ground, with her soft, flabby body jiggling. She rolled back and forth attempting to right herself. She struggled to a sitting position her flabby belly spreading out before her. She rose to her feet, leaning on the table for support. She was red faced and breathing hard with the effort of moving her now oversized body. Yet still she ate.

Bigger and bigger still, another one hundred pounds found themselves on V’s gluttonous form. She passed Clair’s size, and was nearing Jinx’s weight. V had been transformed, her body so encased in flab the hardly resembled her former self. After it had been nearly an hour since she first took the serum, V finally began to slow. As the drug wore off, her unstrung hunger was satiated. Her enormous gut began to bloat, finally filling with food. She stopped gaining at an inhuman rate. As she finished the last of her massive meal, her legs began to wobble, shaking with exhaustion from standing for so long, holding up so much weight. Finally V collapsed, falling back on to her fat ass, full at last, and having grown so large she found herself unable to stand.
“What...what happened to me? I remember Judy...then I blacked out ...and now”
V examined her newly fattened form.
“I’m absolutely huge!”
Judy made her way over to V, and grabbed her massive breasts, lifting with both hands.
“These got enormous! You’re so heavy now.”

Mia came over to the couple. After V had broken her chair, Mia had lost her composure and began to masterbate to V’s gain. Judy had been so transfixed on the scene before her, she hadn’t noticed the mayor touching herself. “I think this serves as a good ending for our story V, don’t you think?”
V continued to prod at her fattened form, enamored with her massive weight gain.
Mia continued anyway. “Don’t come back to Night City. I’ve had my fun with you V, but I have even bigger ambitions now.” She winked at the couple as she left the office.
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Glitchywombat 3 years
This series is awesome. You're doing great.