
Chapter 12 - grumbles

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“I need this movie wrapped up, fast!” the director complained to Sid a few weeks later. “We’re trying to do reshoots and Zayla’s stomach is bigger now than when we started!” she complained, having yet another fright about how terribly it was all going.

“Well, she knows she has to maintain her weight until shooting is over,” Sid replied diplomatically. He had, after all, been the one to put Zayla forward for the role.

“And that would be fine, if she was maintaining her weight. But she’s not! The continuity in this movie is going to be almost non-existent. It’s blatant how much heavier she’s grown in just the last eight weeks!”

Inside, Sid was grinning proudly. He couldn’t think of a nicer complement. That, and the panic that was created from the make-up team, as Zayla arrived with new stretch marks on her fat belly. Wardrobe had also had a few hairy moments, as items failed to fit as they had expected; not to mention how stressful the location shoots had been, battling photographers trying to get a shot of the blubbery leading lady.

“The edits look great though. The movie is really coming together,” Sid offered kindly. There weren’t many producers who were happy to offer up extra cash for reshooting scenes because of an actor’s weight gain, but Sid seemed to be that exception.

“No thanks to Zayla!” the director spat bitterly. “I don’t know where her head is, but it’s not on the job. It’s like she can’t even concentrate!” She sighed and sat herself down. “I think, if we get anything even barely resembling a good movie by the end of this, we should all count ourselves extremely lucky.”

Sid nodded. There was already a significant amount of media interest in the movie, so getting their money back would never be an issue. But even if they didn’t, he couldn’t have cared less. There was no price that could be put on the satisfaction he felt in watching Zayla succumb more and more to her own sexual desires; delving deeper and deeper into it with every passing day. “Don’t worry,” he smiled. “We’ve only got three weeks left. She can’t put on too much more weight in that time…”
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 3 years
Thank you to everyone who is reading and following this. 'Super-chub' will have sixteen chapters once it is complete.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I don’t know how you do it, but you can always build suspense and leave me wanting more.
BlissfullyAware 3 years
hell YES
BlissfullyAware 3 years
HELL yes
Jazzman 3 years
One of the Best from One of the Best