
Chapter 14 - what now?

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Sid watched the large, chubby girl rubbing her rounded tummy, as she sat there eating yet another doughnut. It was an odd, arousing display, and not one that he was unaccustomed to these days. He smiled, having the distinct feeling that he had created a monster.

The media attention around Zayla had never been so great, and it wasn’t long before speculation began to appear, wondering why she was constantly at a famous movie producer’s home. It meant that they could write more acres of print about her lifestyle, with readers eating it all up, just as greedily as Zayla was devouring everything else.

“I’ve got to do something about this,” Zayla considered, looking at the new stream of articles about her.

“About what?” Sid asked.

“Look at this!” Zayla pointed to an article speculating about her relationship with Sid. “Are they crazy?”

Sid’s eyebrows furrowed. So it was okay for the media to denounce Zayla Ricks as a huge fatty, but not correctly suggest that she might be in a relationship with him?

“It says right here that you’re trying to help me lose weight!” Zayla grumbled. “What a fucking lie!”

Sid laughed with a little relief. “I’m definitely not doing that!” he agreed. But it did bring a serious question to his mind. “What exactly are your plans for losing weight now the movie is done?” he asked. It had been eight weeks since they’d wrapped and Zayla didn’t appear to be making any changes. Sid had been feeding her just the same and there were no complaints.

“What do you think I should do?” Zayla asked.

“Well, I’ll support you with whatever you choose,” he offered kindly; doing a good job of holding back his impulse to tell Zayla to keep growing fatter for him. “I know your management want you to lose weight for the publicity tour.”

“Yeah, I’m not doing that,” Zayla replied bluntly. “That film is going to be a piece of shit. I’m sorry – but it is!” she sighed. “It’s my fault. I was dreadful in it. I tried my best but…” she jiggled her stomach and grabbed at the fat on her now considerably wider thighs, “…it was so hard to think of anything other than what I was doing to myself.”

Sid nodded, deciding not to tell Zayla that the director had said as much herself.

“When people see that, my career is pretty much over! I realised that as soon as we started shooting again,” she stated in resignation.

It was hard for Sid to not feel a little guilty.

“However!” Zayla began again, with a big smile on her chubby face. “That leaves me with a very interesting opportunity!” She took off her blouse and sat herself down dramatically into the chair. “'I've decided! I want the full Danielle Marsh treatment!”
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 3 years
Thank you to everyone who is reading and following this. 'Super-chub' will have sixteen chapters once it is complete.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I don’t know how you do it, but you can always build suspense and leave me wanting more.
BlissfullyAware 3 years
hell YES
BlissfullyAware 3 years
HELL yes
Jazzman 3 years
One of the Best from One of the Best