
Chapter 3 - empty words

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Sid rarely left Los Angeles, but Zayla was constantly far from home, filming for new things. Freshly out of her long-running TV show, there was still a buzz about her and what she would move on to next. A pretty girl in her late twenties, with the face of an angel and witty personality; she had the whole world at her feet; not to mention a whole army of super-geeks who had never missed an episode of her show. Still, despite the many men she was linked with in the press, Zayla never failed to give Sid a call whenever she was back for more than a couple of days. And, even with Sid’s very busy schedule, he never denied her a dinner date whenever she suggested it.

“You’re looking a little chubby,” Sid teased her after half an hour of catching-up at her place. The reality was anything but. Zayla was looking just as fit and toned as she ever had. However, she went along with it anyway.

“Oh, really?” she smiled, sliding in closer and putting her hands all over Sid, just as she always did. “What makes you think that, huh?” she asked, desperate to hear more.

“That ass of yours is starting to get soft!” Sid lied, practically smelling the lust coming from her as he said it. “That dress is looking tight. You’re turning into a fatty now!” he teased her. “I think you’re even starting to get a double chin...”

Unable to control herself, Zayla climbed onto Sid’s lap and kissed him with more passion that any other woman had ever given him. They were going to be late for their dinner reservations, that was for sure. But lust like this simply could not be contained.

It was all talk. They both recognised what it was. Zayla knew, just as well as Sid did, that any change to her perfect body would be career suicide in this strange town. Hollywood simply wasn’t mature enough to accept that women sometimes grew chubby over time. But how long would it be until this became boring; these empty words? The false teasing and the fantasy? How long would it be until they both needed something… more?
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 3 years
Thank you to everyone who is reading and following this. 'Super-chub' will have sixteen chapters once it is complete.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I don’t know how you do it, but you can always build suspense and leave me wanting more.
BlissfullyAware 3 years
hell YES
BlissfullyAware 3 years
HELL yes
Jazzman 3 years
One of the Best from One of the Best