
Chapter 10 - on show

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“I want to go out!” Zayla stated with determination. “I think I’m ready for people to see me like this!”

Sid chuckled at the notion. “You want people to see you’re a fat girl now?” he asked mockingly, slapping Zayla lightly on her wider butt. “Do you even know what they’re all going to say about you once the media gets hold of some pictures? There’s no putting that genie back in the bottle when that happens!” Then he stood back and watched as Zayla’s brain calculated all of the comments and articles that would be written. She’d never wanted anything more. “Just give me a couple more days first,” Sid smiled knowingly. “If people are going to see you, I want to put on a pretty awesome show!”

It was the best thing Sid could have said. Zayla's appetite had reached whole new levels of extreme, as she prepared to be seen outside. She wanted people to talk about her; to see what she had become. A little shopping trip was all they had planned, but to Zayla it was always going to be so much more.

As it turned out, that same shopping trip turned out to be the best publicity for the new movie that Sid could ever have hoped for. Everyone was talking about it! Zayla poured over all of the pictures of herself, delighted at how fat and out of shape she was looking in each and every one. However, she looked glumly over the comments. “They’re all congratulating me,” she sighed in disappointment. “They think it shows what a serious actor I am, that I’m willing to gain so much weight for a role. They’re not making fun of me at all!”

To console her, Sid went online and read aloud the comments from fans instead. Although a good portion of them still thought she looked hot, there were a fair few of them who were much less forgiving; crying out at what a shame it was that such a babe was doing this to her hot body, just for some role in a movie.

“You know, there is one way that we can get everyone to see what a porker you really are,” Sid suggested one evening, as he scooped ice cream on top of a stack of pancakes for his gluttonous girl.

“What’s that?” Zayla asked, looking genuinely impatient to get started on her mountain of pancakes. Her mouth swallowed the saliva that was building up and her eyes watched every movement of Sid’s hands, waiting for the huge bowl to be handed to her.

“Well, your contract says you need to gain seventy pounds. But what if you gained more than that? What if we tipped you over two hundred and fifteen, maybe even two hundred and twenty-five pounds, and got the studio in a complete panic because you’re gaining TOO MUCH weight. Can you imagine what all the media would be saying then?”

Zayla’s eyes were sparkling with the idea. “I don’t know,” she sighed, trying to calm her arousal down. “Could I do that?”

“Sure you could!” Sid smiled. He stood behind the growing woman as she started eating, and peered at how wide her ass was now looking on the stool. He loved how every pair of sweatpants and underwear no longer hid the girl’s butt crack. “You’re only fifteen pounds away from where you need to be for the movie. You’re already in deep!” he teased, grabbing and pinching Zayla’s fluffy chub above her hip bone, which was always especially pronounced when she ate, hunched over like this. “What’s a few more pounds?”
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 3 years
Thank you to everyone who is reading and following this. 'Super-chub' will have sixteen chapters once it is complete.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I don’t know how you do it, but you can always build suspense and leave me wanting more.
BlissfullyAware 3 years
hell YES
BlissfullyAware 3 years
HELL yes
Jazzman 3 years
One of the Best from One of the Best