Potential - conclusion

Chapter 3 - epilogue

Well the sad news is that Sylvia is nowhere near as big and fat as she once was. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still really big - well over four hundred pounds. But she’s able to get around now and she’s a great mother to our baby.

As for me, thanks to Sylvia’s unending supply of super-fattening breast milk I am now officially the biggest I’ve ever been in my life. I’m almost to the point of getting so fat that I might soon become immobile myself. I never thought I would enjoy being this fat and heavy, but it really does feel good.

My parents have really come around and accepted and embraced the life that Sylvia and I have chosen for ourselves - and they just adore their little grandchild. In fact, they even had a house built for us on their compound so that we could be closer to them. It’s an absolutely stunning mansion, with lots and lots of space, extra wide doorways and even an elevator so that Sylvia and I don’t have to drag our fat asses up and down any stairways.

We still have our apartment though, and every so often Sylvia and I will head back into the city, just the two of us, while my parents happily babysit for us. We’ll go to the market just like we used to, and then head back to the old apartment and have a massive pig-out session. We’ll stuff ourselves and one another till we’re both fat and happy, and then we’ll love each other until we’re out of breath and covered in sweat.

“Do you ever wonder,” Sylvia whispered in my ear one early morning as we lay in bed together, basking in the afterglow from a night of intense lovemaking, “what it would be like - if I got pregnant again?”

“Whatever happens,” I told her, “I know that we’ll be okay just as long as we have each other.”

She kissed me softly on the lips before nuzzling her head into my chest, the plumpness of her fat belly rubbing up against mine. As we both drifted off to sleep, holding one another as closely as we could, I remember feeling so much love and so much gratitude for this wonderful life that we were both lucky enough to have together.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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