
chapter 2

*Crowe hopped into his black 1968 Dodge Charger and made his way to Rose's Bar. As he pulled up he could see one of the bouncers, a beefy guy named Rob, toss one of the patrons out on the street. Crowe literally stepped over the guy and made his way inside. Rob turned and looked to make sure it wasn't the patron but when he saw it was Crowe, Rob smiled and gave him a head nod. Crowe waded through the crowd to the back area where Jimmy Shotguns was sitting with one of Gio's girls, Louisa. Louisa was 5'2 and 245 pounds. She posted on her OnlyFans that she wanted to be 300 pounds by the end of the year and Shotguns was going over her earnings so Gio could get his cut. Crowe walked up to them and made eye contact with Shotguns*

Shotguns: Louisa, leave.

Louisa: But we're...

Shotguns: Now...we can do this later.

*Louisa looked up and saw Crowe and instantly knew why she had to leave*

Louisa: Sorry, didn't see you there Crowe. Bye.

*Louisa got up and left and Crowe folded his arms*

Shotguns: I'll skip the pleasantries and get down to business. I know why you're here, take a look at this.

*Crowe took his seat next to Shotguns and Jimmy pulled out his phone*

Jimmy: I got this from DaSilva, take a look.

*Jimmy began the video and it was a cell phone video of a 300 pound bbw on her knees, bound and being deepthroated by someone*

Crowe: Yes that's wonderful but that's not Raven.

Jimmy: Keep watching.

*A voice on the video said "Put that shit away, I'm serious."

Crowe: I know that voice......but I can't put my finger on it.

*Suddenly the vid panned to the other side of the room where a short, chubby woman was tied up with a feeding tube in her mouth*

Crowe: That's....

*The voice on the video yelled "I told you shut it off!" and the video ended*

Crowe: Go back to the woman on the bed.

*Jimmy restarted the video and paused it when the woman on the bed is shown*

Jimmy: You see what I see?

Crowe: The pussy tattoo. That's Raven.

*Crowe popped up out of the booth*

Jimmy: Hold on, it may not be her.

Crowe: I know how short she is, that's Raven. Don't you think I'd know her body after all these years? Where's Gio?

Jimmy: He's at home....he's....

*Crowe turned and left the bar*

Jimmy: Oh god.

*Crowe got in his car and drove to Gio's house. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He could hear a voice say on the other side "Who could that be at this hour?" The door opened and a gray haired lady in her 50's answered. It was Gio's wife Ani*

Ani: Crowe....you know what time it is?

Crowe: I saw Raven. I may be able to find her.

*Ani's eyes bulged*

Ani: Oh my goodness. Gio! Crowe is here to see you. Please come in Crowe, oh my god.

*Ani gave Crowe a hug*

Ani: I'm so sorry you lost her, but I'm glad you can get her back.

*Crowe walked into the dining room where Gio was editing videos for his BBW website*

Gio: I know why you're here Crowe, I assume you saw the video.

Crowe: Yes, where's DaSilva.

Gio: He's shooting Neko over at the Marriott.

Crowe: Thank you.

Gio: Its not going to get ugly is it?

Crowe: If DaSilva isn't involved, no. I just need to ask a few questions....then its going to get ugly.

Gio: Keep me updated.

Crowe: Sorry to drop in so late Mrs. Andolini.

Ani: No no, I'm glad you're getting some closure. Good luck.

*Crowe left and got back in his car. He drove to the Marriott hotel and called DaSilva's phone. DaSilva answered*

DaSilva: Crowe...I've been expecting you to call.

Crowe: What room are you in?

DaSilva: Damn, you work fast. I'm in room 117.

*Crowe made his way over to room 117 and knocked on the door. A very busty woman with bangs answered. It was Neko*

Neko: Crowe, come in. I heard what's going on

*Neko hugged Crowe and kissed his cheek. He showed no emotion at all and walked over to DaSilva on the other twin bed*

Crowe: I just need to know three things. One, were you involved in the video.

*Crowe put his hand inside his jacket and the holster on his gun. DaSilva was a stocky man with glasses and put his hands up*

DaSilva: Swear to god I had nothing to do with this. Somebody sent me the video out of nowhere and I recognized Raven. I don't know who sent it, honest.

Crowe: Second question, who's the girl getting deepthroated.

DaSilva: I honestly don't know. I've never seen her before.

Crowe: That means whoever is shooting these videos are doing it on Gio's turf.

DaSilva: That could be an abandoned mine shaft in South Dakota for all we know.

Crowe: True, which leads to my third question. Where's Pipsqueak Dan?

DaSilva: What do you want with him?

Crowe: He's got his nose so far up the Syndicate's ass he could tell what RocketBBW had for breakfast. He also has every single fetish vid known to man recorded so he has to know who that is.

DaSilva: True, but I don't know where he is either.

Neko: I do.

Crowe: You do?

Neko: He usually hangs out at Claude's Coffeeshop hitting on college aged girls.

Crowe: That's not going to be open until the morning.

Neko: You'll catch him then.

Crowe: Got it.

*Crowe turned to leave*

Neko: Hey wait....you sure you don't want to stay to watch me play with these?

*Neko grabbed one of her enormous breasts and licked the nipple*

Crowe: Another time.

*Crowe walked out*

Neko: Wow, I've never seen him act this intense before.

DaSilva: I have. I've seen that look in his eyes before. He's all business.

*Crowe drove back to Larousse's apartment and she was already asleep in her bed when he got in. He crashed on the couch and replayed the video in his head of Raven lying bound and gagged on the bed. At least he knew she was still alive and now he had to find a way to get to her*
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