
chapter 4

*It was 3:23 PM when Crowe pulled up to "Donna's Palace of Pounds" that was owned by a friend of Crowe's named Donna. New Jersey territory boss Olivier operated out of there. It was a combination buffet and dance club for BBW's and their admirers. The floor wasn't packed yet but the buffet was bustling with activity. Crowe felt his emotions rising as he felt he was getting close to something real bad. As he entered the bar area, he could smell the broskis and feel their stares as he entered. This wasn't the New York or Massachusettes territory, this was New Jersey. He wasn't well liked due to "creative differences" with the previous Don and Olivier wasn't a big fan of him either. He sat at the bar when one of the patrons started eyeballing him. He puffed his chest and made his way over. Crowe just lowered his head and he know what was going to happen*

Broski: Yo bro, you got a problem bro? I see you looking at me bro.

Crowe: Jersey Shore went out of style ten years ago, give it a rest kid.

Broski: Yo you don't talk that way about me bro. I'll fuck you up bro----OHHHHH!

*Before the broski could finish his sentence Crowe already tagged him with a left jab that shattered the dude's nose*

Broski: Oh god bro what the fuck bro.

*Crowe noticed the bartender use a phone and look up at the office area. Crowe knew that was the signal for the enforcer. He had been the enforcer for many a Don since RocketBBW's retirement and knew the game*

Broski: I'm gonna FUCK YOU UP!

*The dude took a swing at Crowe and he effortlessly ducked his head. The bro charged and Crowe just stuck his foot out to catch the guy in the ribs to knock the wind out of him*

Crowe: I haven't even moved from my seat yet, you sure you want to do this?

*Broski got up wheezing and stumbled back to his seat. A moment later he heard a familiar voice behind him say "Want to take this outside, sir?"

Crowe: Blaze? Is that you?

*Crowe turned around and standing there was Blaze. A former enforcer for the Oklahoma territory. Blaze's expression changed from anger to delight*

Blaze: Crowe! I didn't know it was you.

*Crowe and Blaze shook hands*

Crowe: Since when are you enforcing for Olivier, and why?

Blaze: The Oklahoma territory dried up and Gilberto Del Rio retired to San Diego. Olivier called and wanted to hire me, I couldn't turn it down.

Crowe: Gotta make a living, I know the deal.

Blaze: What are you doing here?

Crowe: Unfortunately it might be bad business. We may have found Raven.

Blaze: Raven? The girl who went missing? Your Raven?

Crowe: The same. Gio Andolini's photographer DaSilva got sent a candid video from an unknown source featuring a girl named Becky Big Booty. At one point the camera pans to another side of the room and on it looks to be Raven bound on a bed. Pipsqueak Dan says Becky is in town to work with Olivier. I'm here to find Becky hopefully without any drama.

Blaze: And you think Olivier is involved in any of this?

Crowe: Hopefully not, but if so.....

Blaze: Did Gio and the others approve of a move?

Crowe: Nope, and I didn't ask for permission.

Blaze: Then you know what I have to do in that situation.

Crowe: Yes, and I hope it doesn't come to that...because I *WILL* find Raven.

Blaze: Let's go.

*Blaze led Crowe up to the office area where the door was already open a crack. They walked into to see Eats & Seats Nancy grinding on Olivier at his desk. Nancy was 5'7 and 375 pounds of pure goddess and ran a blog about different restaurants in the New Jersey area*

Crowe: Does your wife know about this?

*Both Nancy and Olivier were startled and Nancy sheepishly started walking away*

Oliver: Hey hey hey! Don't you guys know how to knock!

*Olivier rushed to put his pants on while Nancy waddled to the corner*

Olivier: What the hell are you doing here Crowe?

Crowe: I just want some information, that's all.

Olivier: You know you could have just called, you have my number.

Crowe: I needed to see your face to know if you are lying.

Olivier: Yeah whatever, what do you want.

Crowe: I'm here because we may have found Raven.

Olivier: Your girl? What's that got to do with me.

Crowe: A video was sent to DaSilva showcasing a girl named Becky Big Booty. The camera panned to a nearby bed and what looks to be Raven is bound to it. Pipsqueak Dan says Becky is in town shooting videos for you. I want to know right here, right now if you have ANYTHING to do with this.

Olivier: Hell no. I don't do that bondage bullshit.

Crowe: What about Becky?

Olivier: That's none of your business what she does or doesn't do for me.

Crowe: All I want to know is where to find her or someone that can help me find her. I can walk out of here right now if you point me in the right direction.

Olivier: And what if I don't?

Crowe: Then I beat it out of you.

*Blaze took two step backs from Crowe*

Nancy: Wow, this is intense.

*All three men turned and looked in the corner where they had not realized she was still there*

Olivier: Nancy get outta here!

Nancy: Geez.

*Nancy left the room*

Olivier: Is this a sanctioned visit?

Crowe: No, its not and I didn't ask for permission.

Olivier: You do realize that if Gio or anyone else didn't sign off that you can't do anything right?

Crowe: Officially I'd be in violation, but I don't really give a fuck right now. I have a chance to find Raven, you know damn well how much she means to me. I'll go through you like a hot knife through butter if it means finding her. So I'm going to ask you one more time, where is Becky or anybody that knows where to find her?

Olivier: Fuck you Crowe. You don't come to my territory and push me around. You know who I am. Besides, you're not alone in this room you know.

*Olivier looked at Blaze and nodded. Blaze began rolling up his cuff links*

Crowe: I'm well aware and we both know the consequences. I'll go through Blaze here to get to you if I have to. One last time, where is Becky Big Booty?

Olivier: Blaze...take him out.

*Crowe rolled his eyes and began removing his jacket*

Crowe: Can't believe its come to this.

Blaze: At least we're finally going to find out who'd win a fight.

Crowe: Not personal....just business.

*Crowe began to square up and so did Blaze*

Blaze: I know.

*All of a sudden Nancy's voice from behind the door could be heard*

Nancy: Becky is dating Riley Rain. She may know.

*Blaze and Crowe looked at the door, then stopped squaring. Olivier threw his hands up in the air*


*Blaze and Crowe chuckled as Blaze reorganized himself and Crowe put his jacket back on*

Crowe: I assume Riley Rain is THE Riley that I know right?

Olivier: .......yes......

Crowe: At least I know where to find her. That's all you needed to tell me Olivier, why let it come to this?

Olivier: You know me, I love a good fight. I wanted to see you and Blaze go at it.

*Crowe shook his head*

Crowe: Never change Olivier. See you around Blaze.

*Blaze and Crowe shook hands*

Blaze: I hope you find Raven.

Crowe: Hopefully Olivier isn't involved, because the further I go into the rabbit hole...the messier it gets.

Blaze: Do what you have to do.

*Crowe left and walked back down the stairs with Blaze. A couple of the broski's friends from earlier were waiting for them but Blaze waved his index finger to back them off. Crowe got in his car and left. He had to find Riley Rain but at least knew where to go*
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