
chapter 5

*It was 4:45 PM when Crowe pulled his car up to a small house in Long Island, New York. Crowe exited the car, looked around the neighborhood and thought to himself*

Crowe: Nice neighborhood. Hopefully Riley is happy here.

*Crowe rang the doorbell and waited. Eventually the door opened and Riley Rain stood before him. Riley was 5'7 and about 200 pounds of developing chub. She had C cup breasts, an adam's apple, blonde hair, black lipstick and was wearing a too small crop top and black leggings*

Riley: Crowe? Sorry I'm in the middle of a shoot.

Crowe: This can't wait, can I sit in and wait?

Riley: Of course, hold on.

*Riley opened the door and let Crowe in. Riley's photographer was Jay Mysterio, Olivier's top gun in the territory*

Jay: Crowe....long time no see.

Crowe: Its important that I talk with Riley so do what you gotta do.

Jay: We're just about finished.

*Crowe stood back and watched Riley work. She sat back on the bed and ate her lunch until her belly was bloating out over her leggings. She rubbed it and moaned with her legs spread*

Riley: You like that boys? You like seeing a girl chubbing herself up? Hehehehe come see me next time, I'll eat even MORE for y'all. Bye!

*Jay lowered the camera*

Jay: Ok, that's a wrap. Olivier should be proud of this one.

*Crowe helped Jay pack the lighting and equipment*

Jay: Oh, thanks Crowe. Didn't you use to shoot for RocketBBW?

Crowe: Before I became her enforcer, yes.

Jay: Ever miss it?

Crowe: Every damn day.

Jay: Remember when Golbert got so mad Rocket picked you over him as the enforcer.

Crowe: Is that asshole still alive?

Jay: I think so. I don't know where he ended up.

Crowe: Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

*Jay laughed and he said his goodbyes to Riley and Crowe. Crowe stopped him before he left*

Crowe: Did you just get back in the country? I heard you went home.

Jay: Yeah, last week. Why?

Crowe: Nothing that concerns you then, see you later.

*Jay left and now Crowe was alone with Riley. Riley had gone to the fridge and got a glass of water*

Riley: What's up Crowe, you said this couldn't wait?

Crowe: Well before I ask anything I just want to say I'm proud of you. It takes a lot of courage to do this, especially where you started from.

Riley: Thanks. You always knew how to lift my spirits.

Crowe: We might have found Raven.

Riley: Raven? Isn't that the girl you liked?

Crowe: Yes.

Riley: I heard through the grapevine she was kidnapped.

Crowe: Raped and tortured.

Riley: That's so disgusting, I'm sorry Crowe. You said you found her?

Crowe: I'll give you the rundown. DaSilva got a video from an unknown source featuring your girlfriend Becky Big Booty. In the video she's bound and servicing some guy. The camera then pans to another side of the room and on the bed is what looks to be Raven bound to it. Eats & Seats Nancy told me you were dating Becky so I'm just here to ask where she is. You and I go back a long time so there's no way you could be involved in this, I just want to talk to Becky.

Riley: Nancy's wrong, we're not dating anymore. She's not a good person.

Crowe: Oh great.....

*Crowe leaned up against the fridge and sighed. Riley put her arm against the door and leaned into Crowe*

Riley: Don't fret Crowe, at least I know where she is. She's on a shoot right now at the bus station parking lot.

Crowe: The hell would anyone do a shoot there for?

Riley: She does those kinds of public gangbangs. To hear she did a bound video isn't surprising.

Crowe: Is that where Jay is going right now?

Riley: Hell no, I have no idea who's shooting this.

Crowe: Well thank you for that. By the way....you quit smoking didn't you?

*Riley took a step back once she realized that she was inches from Crowe's face*

Riley: Yes, about 6 months ago. You know what they say about how you gain weight after quitting? Well its definitely true. I went from 170 to 190 pounds in no time.

Crowe: Looks good on you.

Riley: Damn right it does. I feel so beautiful now, and happy. Becky just wanted to have sex, she didn't care about me or my journey. I can do better than her.

Crowe: Damn right you can.

Riley: Also...

*Riley put her hand against the door again and leaned into Crowe*

Riley: She calls herself Becky Big Booty? Her ass doesn't look as good as mine.

*Crowe made a twirling motion with his index finger. Riley grinned and turned around, putting her hand on her side and sticking her butt out. Crowe rubbed his chin as he looked at Riley's ass, noticing she wasn't wearing underwear*

Crowe: You know....if you and I didn't go back as far as we do, I could totally see that.

*Riley turned back around*

Riley: A shame we go back so far then.

Crowe: Not a shame at all. I'm glad I was here for your journey and proud of where you've come.

Riley: Thanks Crowe. I hope you find Raven.

Crowe: Thank you Riley.

*Crowe walked toward the door*

Crowe: You know how you're finally happy and your soul is at peace? When all this is over I hope mine is too.

*Riley smiled as Crowe made his exit. He knew things were about to get messy so he called Gio*

Crowe: Gio, its Crowe.

Gio: I got a call an hour ago from Olivier saying you're causing trouble in his establishment.

Crowe: Just a couple of dude bros, nothing business related. Besides I got a lead.

Gio: What now?

Crowe: Becky Big Booty used to date my friend Riley Rain. Riley says Becky is doing a public gangbang, I'm on my way there now.

Gio: Who's turf is it on?

Crowe: Olivier's.

Gio: You know I can't authorize anything without permission from the others.

Crowe: Again...I'm not asking you to and I'm not asking for permission.

Gio: Watch yourself Crowe.

Crowe: Its not me you should be worried about. Becky was in the same room with two people who are directly responsible for Raven's disappearance. If she's involved too, you're gonna have to make some phone calls.....to a morgue.

*Crowe hung up the phone and began to drive. On his drive to the bus terminal he listened to Deep Purple's Perfect Strangers and remembered the night Raven did a striptease to that song for him. He thought of the fond memories he had with her but then the final video he saw before she disappeared. His hands clenched the steering wheel as he replayed the video in his head again...and again...and again. There was no turning back now*
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