
chapter 7

*Crowe put his jacket back on and started speaking to Becky*

Crowe: After RocketBBW retired and the whole scene went to hell, I started bouncing around doing freelance enforcing. Mainly in the New England and New York tri-state areas. 3 years ago an enforcer friend of mine retired and moved to San Diego. We had a huge party of Syndicate folks to celebrate his retirement. Olivier invited a whole bunch of California and Las Vegas girls and one of them happened to catch my eye.

*The scene shifts to a pool party where various men and women of all sizes were partying. Olivier, Gilberto and Crowe were standing on the porch patio above the pool area overlooking the eye candy*

Olivier: Do I know the best girls or what?

Gilberto: Yes, ya damn egomaniac.

Crowe: That's Merlot, I haven't seen her in 10 years. There's Glacier Goddess, wow, she looks fatter in person.

*Olivier and Gilberto laughed*

Crowe: Who's that girl?

*A really small 4'11 100 pound girl was walking around the pool in a pink bikini. She had multiple tats and a boy's haircut*

Olivier: I have no idea.

Gilberto: Who invited a skinny bitch?

Olivier: I don't know, Crowe go ask.

Crowe: *sarcastic* Yes masta!

*Crowe left the porch and walked through the condo where JellyBellyElly wrapped her arms around him*

Elly: I'm soooooo drunk right now.

Crowe: Haha Elly, go sit down and have some water will ya?

*Elly gave him a big kiss and staggered away*

Crowe: Good grief.

*Crowe then walked outside to the pool area but couldn't find the small girl. He did overhear "did you see that skinny bitch" coming from a few bbws he didn't recognize. He walked over to the pool where Larousse in a green bikini was sitting on the pool steps with her feet in the water*

Crowe: Hey Larousse, did you see that tiny girl walking around?

Larousse: Hi Crowe, yeah, I think she went over by the parking lot. She's SO tiny, I can't believe it.

Crowe: Thank you daaaaahling.

Larousse: You're welcome dahhhhling.

*Crowe walked around to the parking area where he noticed the girl standing against the fence surrounding the pool area. She was smoking a cigarette and looked to have been crying*

Crowe: Are you ok?

The girl: Are you gonna call me a skinny bitch too?

Crowe: Hell no, just wanted to make sure you were okay.

The girl: Well I'm not. Its not my fault I'm this skinny. I'm trying to gain weight but I'm not fat enough for this party apparently.

Crowe: Who brought you here?

The girl: Merlot. I was a fan of hers and she invited me to this to meet some people. Didn't know they hated skinny girls.

Crowe: You look great to me.

The girl: Oh come on, you expect me to believe that?

Crowe: Yes, because I mean it. I'm sorry people are being mean to you, come hang with me, I promise you'll have fun.

*The girl looked him up and down*

Girl: Why not? What's your name?

Crowe: Crowe.....and yours?

*The girl turned around to show her back tattoo of a raven and he noticed that she had a cute little butt*

Girl: Call me...Raven.

*The scene shifts back to real time with Crowe talking to Becky*

Crowe: For the rest of the party I looked after her and introduced her to some people. She had a boyfriend at the time so I didn't make a move. For weeks after I told Merlot to take care of her, she started working full time. Since I lived on the other side of the country, I didn't see her for a while. Within a year she had gained over 100 pounds and was a popular, full fledged chubby goddess. I went to visit Gilberto and she was my date. We had a nice romantic evening and had some of the best sex in my life. She wasn't with the boyfriend anymore but I knew being far away wasn't going to work in this Syndicate. She eventually moved to Pennsylvania to be closer to her family. She and I became an unofficial couple, hooking up when we could when she wasn't in Vegas, Florida or other places. Then she started taking work from shady characters.

*The scene shifts to Raven's apartment. Raven is now full fledged chubby with a big round belly, perky breasts, big plump thighs with her butt wider than before. She's completely naked when Crowe walks in*

Raven: Hi babe, like my new tattoo?

*Raven opened her thighs to show off her pussy tat*

Crowe: DAMMMNNNNNNN...I like it.

*Crowe leaned down and kissed Raven deeply*

Crowe: You haven't smoked today have you.

Raven: No. I quit. I want to see if its true that quitting smoking causes weight gain. More pounds for me.

Crowe: So much for your little butt.

Raven: Gonna be a big fat butt.

*Raven began getting dressed when her phone pinged*

Raven: Oh shit, I'm late.

Crowe: For what?

Raven: A shoot.

Crowe: For who?

Raven: Pigman.

*Crowe was in the process of taking a swig of Dr. Pepper when he spat it all over the kitchen table*

Crowe: Pigman? That guy runs a hardcore fetish porn site.

Raven: Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna fuck him and his friend, they're tested.

Crowe: I know I promised never to tell you what to do or who to shoot with but be careful. He's a slimeball.

Raven: I can make my own decisions, thank you.

Crowe: I know, I know. I gotta get back home anyway, just be careful okay babe?

*Raven and Crowe hugged and Crowe kissed her deeply*

Crowe: I can get used to you not smoking.

Raven: Oh you're an ass.

*Raven pinched Crowe's ass as he left. The scene shifts back to the present*

Crowe: That was the last time I ever saw her in person. What was supposed to be a one time shoot turned into her leaving Merlot and the Syndicate completely, or so I thought. Her mother was sick and her brother needed constant care so she started doing less and less shoots. At first we kept in contact through chatting but then they started getting less frequent as the following year passed. We went from talking daily to weekly, then I'd catch her once a month. Not only that, the emotion in her texts was gone. She used to be so happy to see me but by the end she had gotten so robotic I wondered if she got hacked. Then a year ago she was gone...disappeared. I was officially "ghosted" as they say. I was heartbroken and depressed. I didn't want to be an enforcer anymore, I couldn't even look at girls because it just upset me. Things got so bad financially I had to leave my apartment and move in with a friend. The friend got me back on my feet and doing freelance work in New York for Gio Andolini. One day his cameraman DaSilva was waiting for me.

*The scene shifts to DaSilva's apartment where he waives Crowe over to his laptop*

DaSilva: Crowe, thank god you're here. You've got to see this.

Crowe: What?

*DaSilva showed a video on his computer. A chubby girl was in a dimly lit setting with a blindfold on, a feeding tube in her mouth and her hands tied*

Crowe: You know I'm not into that.

DaSilva: No, keep watching.

*A voice is heard*

Voice: Yes you fat little piggy, eat more for me. You fat disgusting hog. Fuck you. Nobody is better than me.

Crowe: I know that voice from somewhere.

DaSilva: Now....right there.

*The voice is heard*

Voice: That's right, open up your thunder thighs. My cock is going in you little fat hog.

*The girl on camera opened her thighs where a tattoo could be clearly seen on her vagina. Crowe popped up*

Crowe: RAVEN!

DaSilva: I thought of you instantly.

Crowe: I know that tat and that gut anywhere. That's Raven. What site is this?

DaSilva: Its an underground site on FattyDB. Whoever uploaded it is anonymous. Its too dark to see any distinguished lighting and the camera work is too vague to make out who's style it is. But it was uploaded today. She's alive but it looks like she's in trouble. There's another vid of her getting fucked and she's crying in it.

Crowe: Could you make out who was doing her?

DaSilva: No, the camera was on her the whole time.

Crowe: I'll go ask around.

*The scene shifts back to present time with Becky and Crowe*

Crowe: I asked around but the trail had gone cold. More videos popped up of her being fed, fucked and humiliated. Each one made me angrier than the last. They stopped about 4 months ago. Then yesterday I saw this candid vid I showed you. Someone fucked up by letting it leak. Now that I told you WHY I'm after Raven, let me tell you WHAT I'm going to do. I'm going to find Mark and get info out of him, I pray that I don't have to come find you again.

Becky: How did you find me?

Crowe: Your girlfriend Riley.

Becky: Riley? Riley Rain? How do you know her?

*Crowe laughed*

Crowe: Long before you knew her, I knew HIM to be Ryan. Ryan and I came up together 15 years ago in the Syndicate. I eventually became RocketBBW's camera man and enforcer and he dated her best friend. Eventually we went our separate ways and now SHE'S discovering herself. She is happier than she's been in years and that's all I wanted.

Becky: Yeah, I couldn't get over her being Ryan before.

Crowe: It does take getting used to....say.....one second.

*Crowe turned Becky around and looked at her ass*

Becky: Are you checking my ass out?

Crowe: Hmmm...I don't know about better but its definitely bigger than Riley's....for now.

Becky: What? What's that got to do with anything?

Crowe: Don't ask. Anyway, go home.

*Crowe left Becky in the dark and then stepped over Tap Out before heading to his car. Now that he knew who shot the video of Becky and Raven, it was about to get messy*
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