
chapter 8

*It was 9:00 PM when Crowe pulled up to an apartment in Yonkers. He pulled out his phone and called Gio*

Crowe: Gio, its Crowe.

Gio: I heard Aiden was trying to muscle in on Olivier, did you take care of it.

Crowe: Yeah, I took care of it.

Gio: What's the latest.

Crowe: According to Becky, Mark was the camera man.

Crowe: Mark? You mean Rocket's Mark?

Crowe: Yes, that one. I'm outside his apartment now. If he confirms he's involved, you know what I have to do.

Gio: I know...I know. "I'm not asking for permission". Crowe this is rape and kidnapping, we don't go to the cops. Do what you have to do.

Crowe: Got it.

*Crowe put on a pair of gloves and got out of his car. He climbed up the fire escape of the apartment complex until he got to the porch area of the top floor. He jumped onto it and made sure no one was watching. He opened the door, thankful that he didn't have to break it. He looked around and could smell the stench of male semen. Before he could make a move he heard a voice.

Mark: What was that?

*Mark walked into the living room where Crowe sucker punched him in the gonads. Mark cried out and fell to the floor*

Crowe: Hello Mark.

Mark: Ow...*pants*...ow...Crowe? What the hell are you doing here?

Crowe: Where's your wife, Mark?

Mark: We divorced a year ago. She went through my phone and found pictures that I shot.

Crowe: Good, less witnesses. Come on, up you go.

*Crowe grabbed Mark by the throat and shoved him into his studio area*

Crowe: So you're the one who shot Raven's videos the last year huh?

Mark: Is that was this is about?

*Crowe grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wall*

Crowe: I lost contact with Raven a year ago and then all of a sudden unlicensed videos are popping up on the internet showing Raven gagged, bound, raped and force fed like something out of Megan Is Missing. And then a little birdy told me YOU shot it.

Mark: I was paid to do it. I swear I thought she consented.

Crowe: Bullshit Mark. You took my place as Rocket's camera guy, you know the difference between acting and what's for real. You saw the tears rolling down her cheeks, you saw the look of real pain on her face. You had to have known that was NOT consented.

Mark: What are you going to do?

*Crowe shoved Mark into his office and into his chair*

Crowe: I want to know who paid you, who's raping her and where she is. Or else...

*Crowe opened his jacket to reveal the gun in his holster*

Mark: You can't shoot me, the police will match the bullets.

Crowe: Mark, you're an accessory to rape and kidnapping. If I walk out this door with your laptop, god knows what else they can get you for. Besides, this is a .45....you can buy this at any store in New Hampshire or on the side of the road in Texas. Now....tell me what I want to know.

Mark: Pizza The Hut paid me. He set it up.

Crowe: That fat bastard......he and Raven hate each other. No wonder he wants to see Raven humiliated.

Mark: How'd you know it was me?

Crowe: Becky Big Booty gave you up. Now who's dick is Raven sucking.

Mark: Golbert's

*Crowe's expression dropped*

Crowe: No.....

Mark: I swear.

Crowe: It all fits.....it all fits.

Mark: What are you gonna do now?

Crowe: Since you've been so helpful, I'm gonna help you with a movie.

Mark: A movie?

Crowe: Yeah, come with me.

*Crowe walked out of the office into the common area and Mark joined him*

Mark: What kind of a movie?

Crowe: See that highrise building out on your porch?

Mark: What?

*Crowe opened the porch door*

Crowe: You see that building in the distance?

Mark: That's the Empire State Building?

Crowe: Yeah....we're gonna recreate the end of King Kong.

Mark: What? NO!

*Crowe grabbed Mark and flung him off the porch to 75 feet to the pavement below. When Crowe heard the splat, he knew that Mark would not be shooting any kidnapping or rape pornography ever again*

Crowe: It wasn't the planes....it was beauty that killed the beast.

*Crowe then slowly climbed down the fire escape and ran for his car. Once he got in he knew where to find Pizza. This time he would not be calling Gio*
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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