
chapter 9

*At 9:45 PM Crowe pulled his car up to a condo in the Bronx. Pizza The Hut was a clips4sale producer that specialized in BHM's. He had visions of being the RocketBBW of the BHM scene but his explosive temper scared off a lot of potential customers and clients. In fact, he was jealous of the attention Raven was getting from some of the websites they were on together. Time and time again Pizza The Hut would rant and rave about how bad fat guys had it compared to fat women. Then later he'd say it was the depression he suffered from talking. Raven and Pizza never got along so it made perfect sense for Pizza to humiliate Raven. Especially since he knew Raven was with Crowe. Crowe knew how to push Pizza's buttons to send him into a fit of rage. Now he was going to find Raven and nobody was going to stop him. Crowe once again put on his gloves as he exited the car. He walked up and knocked on the door to Pizza's condo. When Pizza opened the door slightly Crowe kicked it all the way open, making Pizza stagger back.

Crowe: Special delivery, Pizza The Hut.

Pizza: Crowe! Get the fuck out of my house! I'll call the cops!

*Pizza stood 5'5 and weighed 400 pounds. He was wearing an undersized Star Wars t-shirt. Crowe shut the door gently*

Crowe: After what you're involved in, you know that ain't happening.

*Crowe muscled his way past Pizza and into Pizza's office where his content was*

Pizza: Hey that's private property, you can't!

*Crowe put his foot up to block Pizza from getting to his latpop when he stumbled upon some pictures. He pretended to look shocked*

Crowe: Well golly gee willikers what do we have here? You do realize what cops would do if they find these pictures of the young men you're hiring right?

Pizza: What do you want Crowe?

*Crowe's expression changed and he grabbed Pizza by the throat, Pizza's triple chin jiggled to his touch*

Crowe: I want Raven. You know where she is. I've seen the videos and I know you hired Mark and Golbert to do your dirty work. You tell me where Raven is and I'll let you live.

Pizza: Ha, you won't kill me. You need permission from that and Gio would never sign off on it. You know how much revenue I generate for BHM's in this stupid city, Gio would lose a lot of BHM/BBW couple money.

Crowe: I think rape and kidnapping mean a lot more to the Dons than lost revenue. You got about 3 seconds to tell me where I can find Raven.

*Crowe pulled his pistol and aimed it at Pizza's head*

Crowe: Two seconds......one.

Pizza: Okay, okay....jesus Christ.

Crowe: Where's Raven?

Pizza: I honestly don't know.

*Crowe pulled back the hammer*

Pizza: But I know where to find Golbert.

Crowe: Where?

Pizza: I'll take you to him.

Crowe: I don't need your fat ass messing up my car.

Pizza: Watch your mouth you sonovabitch.

Crowe: THERE'S the temper I was looking for. You couldn't let anything go, you just had to rant and rave like a madman anytime you felt slighted. Then you'd give the half-assed "sorry, depression" excuse. Well not this time. You and Raven didn't get along, fine. There's a fine line in getting a "haha" moment on someone and producing rape and kidnapping porn. Now tell me where to find Golbert...or...

*Crowe aimed his gun between Pizza's huge legs*

Crowe: I make sure you never take advantage of young men ever again.

Pizza: I'll write down his address.

*Pizza opened a desk and Crowe's eyebrows raised when he saw a pistol in there. Pizza pulled down a pen and wrote down and address*

Crowe: And how do you know where to find him?

Pizza: Mark gave me the address one time to talk to him about "finding a new girl". Golbert doesn't want to be found these days.

Crowe: Well he will be...by me.

*Pizza handed Crowe the slip of paper*

Pizza: Now get the hell out of here. Whatever you want to do to him, just leave me out of it.

Crowe: Sure, sure....oh just one more thing. Hand over that piece in your drawer. Wouldn't want to be shot in the back as I leave.

*Pizza grunted, pulled put the gun and handed it to him. Crowe put his own gun away*

Crowe: Thanks.

*Crowe aimed at Pizza's head and fired. Pizza would no longer be shooting anymore young "men". Crowe then grabbed Pizza's right hand, put the pen in his hand and penned a note. When he was finished, he put the pen back in the drawer and placed Pizza's gun in his hand before walking out of the door*

Crowe: Golbert...you're next.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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