
chapter 10

*As soon as Crowe drove away from Pizza The Hut's condo he called Gio*

Crowe: Its Crowe.....won't be hearing from Mark or Pizza The Hut anymore.

Gio: Pizza The Hut?

Crowe: He was producing the videos and paying Mark to shoot them. He and Raven didn't get along and this was his idea of revenge.

Gio: Jesus Christ. Now what?

Crowe: The guy in the video is Golbert. He and I have been at each other's throats for 15 years. If Pizza produced the videos to get back at Raven, then its clear Golbert more than willingly took the money to get back at me.

Gio: What happened with Mark and Hut?

Crowe: Don't worry about it, I don't want you involved.

Gio: Did you at least make them look like accidents.

Crowe: I helped Hut write a note and I put a banana peel on the porch of Mark's high rise apartment.

Gio: Little creative but whatever. Golbert won't be taken so easily though.

Crowe: I expect it. He's the last link to Raven, this ends tonight one way or another.

Gio: Good luck Crowe.

*Crowe hung up and began to drive. He played Disturbed, Drowning Pool and Dope's Die Motherfuer Die to get him in the mood of what he was about to do. Golbert and Crowe were rivals dating back to both starting out in the syndicate. Golbert wanted to be New Jersey's enforcer but was in the military at the time. When he got out the position had been filled. He set his sights on Massachusettes enforcer but RocketBBW promoted Crowe from camera man to enforcer. Golbert never forgave Crowe and only once in a while takes potshots at him through the internet. Crowe didn't take Golbert as a rapist or kidnapper though. Once way or another he was going to find Raven. At 10:21 PM he pulled up to an abandoned homeless shelter in the ass end of the Bronx. Crowe checked his GPS to confirm the address and the signal said "You have arrived." Crowe got out of his car and took his gloves off. If Raven was in there, no police officer in the world would hold Crowe instead of Golbert. Crowe entered the shelter and put his cell phone light on to see. He could smell the stench of decay and rotting wood as he made his way around. He saw some lights in the distance and slowly walked toward them. What he saw was a dimly lit room that he recognized instantly. He was now standing in the room where Raven's video was shot. Based on Mark's cell phone angle, he could see the spot where Becky was giving Golbert head and the bed where Ravan laid upon. If nothing else he knew that Golbert had been here. As he explored the area he found articles of clothing on the ground. His eyes lit up when he found the rainbow t-shirt that she used to wear. He sniffed it and almost cried because it still had her scent. A scent he had been without for 18 months. The clothes led to a door leading somewhere. Before he could open it he heard a voice from behind*

"I've been waiting for you Crowe"

*Crowe turned around and standing about 20 feet away was Golbert. He was wearing a Trans Fruit Matters t-shirt, khaki pants and was holding a pair of women's underwear*

Golbert: For 15 years you've been a thorn in my side. For 15 years I've had to not only look at you but listen to your bullshit rhetoric on internet posts.

Crowe: So you respond by instead of calling me out for a one on one fight like a man, you kidnap and torture a 4'11 200 pound woman?

Golbert: You see, I know you Crowe. Calling you names doesn't do any good. I can't get to you through you directly. By taking away the woman you love, I get your soul. For the last 18 months I've been doing whatever I wanted to Raven and there was nothing you could do about it. You couldn't find me, you had no idea it was me and nothing was going to stop me.

Crowe: Obviously I did.

Golbert: Yes, clearly. But that doesn't matter. What matters is I've got something you want.

*Golbert let the underwear drop and Crowe began walking toward him*

Golbert: Ah ah ah....

*Golbert pulled out what looked to be a c4 detonator from his pocket*

Golbert: I push this button and that room blows with Raven in it.

Crowe: Put that down or I put you down.

*Crowe pulled his jacket back to reveal his holster*

Golbert: Going to take the coward's way out? I've been wanting to take you out hand to hand for 15 years. How about it?

Crowe: So that's what this is about? For 15 years you wanted to fight me? You had your chance in Jersey years ago and didn't take it.

Golbert: It wasn't my party, I was trying to be respectful.

Crowe: Yeah bullshit. Truth is you're a coward. You flunked out of the military, you never once said anything to my face and you kidnapped Raven. You're forever going to be known as a coward.


*Crowe realized he was getting to him*


Crowe: and dumber. Imagine kidnapping a girl to get back at someone rather than facing him face to face. How's it feel to be the pussy?

Golbert: AHHHHHH!!!

*Golbert dropped the detonator and thankfully it did not land on the button. He lunged for Crowe and Crowe sidestepped him and kicked him full force in the ribs. Crowe then wrapped his arms around Golbert and German suplexed him over his head. Golbert landed full force on his back and groaned. Crowe somersaulted back to his feet and Golbert charged again. This time Crowe grabbed Golbert in a front headlock and applied a guillotine choke. Golbert grunted, wheezed and then began to choke. Within 15 seconds Golbert faded and stopped moving. Crowe breathed a sigh of relief and dropped Golbert motionless on the ground. Crowe then got up and opened the door. It was to the basement and Crowe walked down the stairs. He turned the flashlight on and called out.

Crowe: Raven? Raven?

*Crowe listened but didn't hear any movement. He fumbled for a light and turned one on, but it was lit too dim to see far. He did notice what looked to be a bed frame up against the wall and made his way toward it. He shined the light at the edge of the bed and saw a pair of feet. He shone the light up to a pair of thighs and a big belly shrouding over the private area. Further up he got to the breasts and finally the head. It was Raven. She was tied up with a feeding tube attached to her face*

Crowe: Oh my god, Raven. Oh no.

*Crowe untied Raven's arms and de-attached the feeding tube*

Crowe: Oh god. Come on Raven, wake up baby.

*Crowe felt for her pulse and she still had one. He shook her and she began to come to*

Crowe: That's it, come on Raven. Come back to me.

*Raven opened here eyes and began to squirm*

Raven: No, please don't.

Crowe: Its okay Raven, its me. Its me...

Raven: Who? Who's there?

*Crowe picked Raven up in his arms and carried her over to the light so she could see his face*

Raven: Crowe. Oh my god am I dreaming?

*Crowe pinched Raven's ass*

Raven: Ouch....oh my god this isn't a dream. You found me.

Crowe: I'm gonna get you to a hospital. Do you have any clothes?

Raven: I don't know anymore.

*Crowe put Raven down and she struggled to stay on her feet but was able to stand. Crowe ran upstairs past the fallen Golbert to retrieve her shirt and underwear. He rushed back down and Raven put them on. Crowe then carried her up the stairs and stood her against the wall where she had to shield her eyes from the light*

Crowe: I'm gonna finish this son of a bitch off and then we're out of here.

*Crowe made sure Raven was safely out of the way and he handed her the detonator*

Crowe: When I say now, you hit the button. Got it?

Raven: Yeah, sure.

*Raven could barely stand and looked to be out on her feet. Crowe then leaned down and smacked Golbert's face to wake him up. Crowe took two steps back as Golbert came to*

Golbert: You...you bastard.

Crowe: Look who I found.

*Crowe wrapped his arm around Raven and she nustled her head into his side*

Golbert: You think you've won? You'll never win. You'll never be better than me.

Crowe: The whole world knows I beat you, pussy.

*Golbert screamed and Crowe hit a Jean-Claude Van Damme spinkick that knocked Golbert down the stairs into the basement. Crowe slammed the door shut, grabbed Raven and the detonator then jogged outside.

Crowe: Now.

*Raven hit the detonator and the basement exploded, collapsing the top floor as they both fell to the ground from the impact*

Crowe: Its over, baby. Its over.

*Crowe picked up Raven and carried her to his nearby car. He loaded her in and drove to the nearest hospital*
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