The curse of flesh


chapter 2 - rumbles

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“Ugggghhh… what happened?”

Naomi’s hands rubbed against her sensitive eyes before the sleepy woman released a loan yawn. As the young woman’s eyes adjusted and the world materialized around her, Naomi found herself back in the passenger seat of the Jeep they had rented for their ruins adventure.

“Hey sleepy head! You passed out back at the ruins and I carried you back to the car. There’s a water on the floor, you should probably drink some. You were right babe, we should have just stayed in the resort. We’ll be back soon and I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

Naomi groaned. A part of her was extremely upset at her husband and wanted to scream at him for taking them out there in the first place, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Feeling sapped of her energy, the small Asian woman cracked open a large water bottle and began chugging, the sizable volume of liquid rapidly flowing past her lips. After only a few seconds of driving, Josh turned his eyes back to his wife as she grabbed a second bottle and proceeded to repeat until she had gone through two bottles in under a minute.


Josh gave his wife a curious stare. “Umm, are you ok babe?”

Naomi had only belched out loud twice in the five years he had known her, and she was always extremely embarrassed afterwards. Yet her face sat expressionless as she stared out the front windshield.

Suspiciously turning his attention back to the road, the couple drove in silence for a few moments before a loud grunt broke the peace.

“Ohhh goddddd,” Naomi groaned as she curled up in her seat.

Giving his wife a look of concern, Josh began to slow down the vehicle as he watched the woman grimace in discomfort. “Naomi what’s wrong? Was something wrong with the water?”

Clinching her stomach, the writhing woman moaned in pain. “God I’m so… so… I’m so fucking hungry!”

Thinking fast, Josh reached into the backseat and pulled out a box of various protein bars and trail mix bags he had brought just in case. “Here, eat this until-“

Like a demon possessed, Naomi snatched the box from his hands, tearing into a pack of trail mix and guzzling it down her throat. With eyes wide open, Josh watched as his slim wife devoured half their rations in under a minute, her hands smearing chocolate and peanut butter everywhere as the floor quickly filled with wrappers. As the last crumbs of food disappeared down the Asian woman’s throat, a loud roar emitted from her gut, and Naomi was once again in pain.

“Don’t just sit there damnit, get me some goddamn food!”
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SLDB 2 years
The story is finally complete. Thank you to everyone for your patience!
Towel 2 years
Great ending!
SLDB 2 years
Sorry for taking so long to pick back up on the story folks, I guess i just needed a break. Time to finish this one!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
SuperPieGuy 3 years
Planning to write another chapter? I really liked that one 😁
Fatchance 3 years
Pretty awesome!
SLDB 3 years
Finally feeling better so new chapters incoming! With her weight rapidly climbing, I have a feeling the rest of the story will be pretty intense.
Tommmy 3 years
Wonderful story when you can please continue it it’s great
SLDB 3 years
Sorry all, been sick the last few days and haven’t been able to write. Hoping to get back into things shortly.
SLDB 3 years
@Butter Nothing missing.
Karenjenk 3 years
YES! please do explain
Butter On A ... 3 years
Is there a chapter missing between 8 and 9? The story seems to jump a bit between chapters. Unless you intended for it to jump that way. 😊
SLDB 3 years
New chapter is out. Sorry all, work has been hell over the last week. I have the rest of the chapters outlined, just need to find the time to flesh things out.
Mdp99 3 years
Please continue, such a good story!
SLDB 3 years
@BlackAnon1999 Good catch! Work’s been brutal this week and I’ve been writing on fumes haha.
CuriousGazer 3 years
Love the story but i think you accidentally changed the main character’s name in chapter 9 from Josh to Justin
LeDebonaire 3 years
Love it, hope Josh starts to realize how to appreciate Naomi's new form!
Bomb_Destroyer 3 years
Very nice story so far. Keep it up
Grimesjd 3 years
Usually I am into very few stories, but yours are doing well to hold my interest. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this already!
SLDB 3 years
@karenjenk we’re just getting started!
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