The curse of flesh


chapter 5 - bikini troubles

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“Ugggghhhh! Joshhhh, can you get in here and help me with this strap? I think it shrunk in the wash.”

Struggling to pulling himself from bed, Josh had an idea of what to expect within their resort bathroom. The young couple’s morning sex session just 24 hours ago had been a wake up call that something nefarious was happening to Naomi, but Josh had no idea how he could do anything about the spiraling situation. Naomi’s overeating in itself was startling enough, but the sudden and rapid impact on her body was beyond comprehension. Naomi was rapidly transforming before his eyes and expanding into something unthinkable, and yet his growing wife didn’t seem to mind. In fact, the chubbified Asian girl seemed completely oblivious to her swelling form despite all of her clothes no longer fitting properly.

When Josh finally got a view of Naomi’s body after their last session, the plumped up version of Josh’s lover looked to weigh around 145 pounds by his estimates, yet she didn’t say a word about her sudden gain all day despite Josh dropping numerous comments about her eating habits and ill-fitting clothes. They were supposed to grab a quick breakfast and go to the pool, but their plans derailed when Naomi stuffed herself so full of ice cream and pancakes in the morning that she passed out on the couch when they were supposed to be changing into their bathing suits.

Beside himself, Josh went off on his own solo trip and when he returned a few hours later, he found Naomi’s bloated form fast asleep on the floor right next to an empty cake container with chocolate smeared all over her hands and face. The rest of their day had gone much the same, and Josh stayed up late into the evening trying to research potential causes of his wife’s sudden gluttony, but to no avail.

Now on day four, dread was filling Josh’s mind as he stumbled towards the bathroom. “Babe I’m not sure if… oh…” Josh’s words trailed off as the sight of his naked wife came into view. “Oh… wow.”

Looking at Naomi’s body, it was apparent that another day of stuffing her face had wrought more damage to her young body. By Josh’s estimates, Naomi had looked to weigh around 145 pounds yesterday morning during their early lovemaking session, which gave the 5’1” Asian girl a definitively chubby appearance. But now, gazing at his wife’s naked form, his throat went dry at the clear evidence that his woman had somehow managed to pack on at least another 20 pounds in a single day.

Naomi glared at Josh as he gawked at her form, huffing impatiently at her husband. “Don’t just stand there babe. Did you want to go to the pool or not? I already ate breakfast and everything so you didn’t have to wait on me.”

“Uhh, sure honey. What’s going on?” Josh asked awkwardly as he stepped closer.

Pulling the strings of her bikini top around her backside, Naomi whined as her hands failed to pull the two strings of fabric together. “I can’t tie the backside of my top. Can you help?”

Grabbing the two ends from his wife, Josh began to pull each piece together, immediately feeling resistance before getting anywhere close to tying each string together. Pulling as hard as he could, the source of the problem became evident as he watched the outfit begin to dig into Naomi’s ample back fat, sinking almost half an inch into her doughy form and blocking her outfit’s closure.

Hesitant to say anything for fear that he might upset his wife, Josh took a deep breath before giving up on the impossible task. “Babe, you know I love you and think you’re beautiful, but I don’t think this bikini fits anymore.”

Bracing for Naomi’s trademark wrath, Josh was pleasantly surprised when his wife only gave him an incredulous look before taking the straps back in her hands. “How do you mean? Are you saying I’m fat?”

Josh felt like a knife was at his throat, and the slightest twitch could end everything. Deep down, he wanted nothing more to say that she had become a fat pig. He would have loved to tell her that she was growing into a blob, but he knew such a direct assertion would spell doom.

“I’m just saying… you’ve been eating a lot on this trip. Don’t you think that might be why your old bikini doesn’t fit?”

Naomi stared at herself in the mirror, closely inspecting her form as if it wasn’t obvious that she was now much larger than before. “Hmmm, I don’t know. Let’s pull out the scale.”

As Naomi pulled out the stainless steel device, Josh felt a flicker of hope that his wife might finally see that something was wrong.

Stepping onto the scale, Naomi’s slightly swollen feet lit up the digital device, the numbers steadily climbing until a bold, three-digit number flashed before them.

“168 pounds,” Naomi said flatly.

The temperature in the room felt as though it had sudden spiked to well over 100 degrees as Josh did his best not to make a visible reaction to his wife’s current weight, no matter how horrified he was deep down. Josh had to tread lightly or risk a total meltdown.

But as the two digested the news, Naomi didn’t scream, or cry, or panic. If anything, she almost looked bored.

“How much did you weigh when you bought that bikini?” Josh asked, finally breaking the awkward silence.

Quietly thinking to herself, Naomi stared at the tiny outfit in her chubby hands. “I think I was around 107 maybe. It was around last summer. Guess I haven’t been watching my weight like I normally do.”

Josh was incredulous. “Does she really not see what is happening to her body?”

Moving towards his wife, Josh placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Babe you’ve put on all of that weight in the last few days and I’m worried about you. You haven’t been yourself. Is everything ok?”

Tossing the bikini top to the floor, Naomi held her DD-cup breasts in hand, feeling their increasingly squishy forms in her hands. “Nothings wrong, just a little hungry is all. It’s perfectly normal to let loose a little while vacationing. We want to enjoy ourselves, right?”

Josh had to do use every bit of strength to avoid laughing out loud. “Right… let loose… a little…” he thought to himself as the feeling of despair returned.

Shrugging off her 60-pound gain as if it were nothing, Naomi cracked a smile and put on a few pieces of Josh’s clothing before grabbing a key card. Heading towards the door, Naomi picked up a donut from the dining table.

“I’m going to go buy a new outfit. Want to go grab us a cabana? I can meet you there in a few.”

Josh sighed before nodding his head, watching in defeat as his wife bumbled her way out the door. Left alone with nothing but his thoughts, Josh was beginning to think that their situation might be much more dire that he originally thought.

“Holy shit. She’s put on nearly 60 pounds in three days, and we still have ten more to go…”

Picking up Naomi’s discarded bikini bottom from the floor, he held the thin piece of fabric before him and imagined what another ten days might do to his wife’s poor figure.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SLDB 2 years
The story is finally complete. Thank you to everyone for your patience!
Towel 2 years
Great ending!
SLDB 2 years
Sorry for taking so long to pick back up on the story folks, I guess i just needed a break. Time to finish this one!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
SuperPieGuy 3 years
Planning to write another chapter? I really liked that one 😁
Fatchance 3 years
Pretty awesome!
SLDB 3 years
Finally feeling better so new chapters incoming! With her weight rapidly climbing, I have a feeling the rest of the story will be pretty intense.
Tommmy 3 years
Wonderful story when you can please continue it it’s great
SLDB 3 years
Sorry all, been sick the last few days and haven’t been able to write. Hoping to get back into things shortly.
SLDB 3 years
@Butter Nothing missing.
Karenjenk 3 years
YES! please do explain
Butter On A ... 3 years
Is there a chapter missing between 8 and 9? The story seems to jump a bit between chapters. Unless you intended for it to jump that way. 😊
SLDB 3 years
New chapter is out. Sorry all, work has been hell over the last week. I have the rest of the chapters outlined, just need to find the time to flesh things out.
Mdp99 3 years
Please continue, such a good story!
SLDB 3 years
@BlackAnon1999 Good catch! Work’s been brutal this week and I’ve been writing on fumes haha.
CuriousGazer 3 years
Love the story but i think you accidentally changed the main character’s name in chapter 9 from Josh to Justin
LeDebonaire 3 years
Love it, hope Josh starts to realize how to appreciate Naomi's new form!
Bomb_Destroyer 3 years
Very nice story so far. Keep it up
Grimesjd 3 years
Usually I am into very few stories, but yours are doing well to hold my interest. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this already!
SLDB 3 years
@karenjenk we’re just getting started!
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