Read my lips

chapter 5- singing ice

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A hush fell over the crowd. There was a distinct clink as skates hit the ice. At least three skaters stepped out from different points on the lake. The skater in the center made a circular pattern in the ice. The metal on the soles of her feet carving wedges with
every glide. The force of her skates barring down vibrated the water underneath. The sound of the skating was complex and otherworldly. Occasionally the noises sounded like the call of a foreign bird. Little staccato blurbs echoing in threes. Mixed in were noises from deep within the lake that mimicked gurgling from the belly of a beast. I watched the thinnest and shortest skater spin and jump. When she landed there was an immediate ricochet of pings followed by deep gurgling noises. The other two skaters continued the routine, moving around the lake in exaggerated S-motions. When the spectacle of sight and sound finally ended there was an immediate cheer throughout the crowd. Calida seemed preoccupied with awe. I had to focus on why I came out here. Despite the main event being over there was still more to come. When the sky darkened there would be fireworks. Later a special dinner would be served. I made my way over to the King’s viewing tent. I waited patiently in the crowd to talk to my sister. I was ushered away by a bodyguard at the tent’s entrance. The King was not receiving anyone until after fireworks. Not paying attention as left I almost ran straight into Calida. Her mouth moving speedily as she approached me. It usually moved that way when she was excited.

“Can we stay for the fireworks?”
She’d found the booth serving hot spiced cider and she put a cup in my hand before I could respond.
“Uhh sure,” I looked over my shoulder at the royal viewing tent where my sister was. Maybe if I was here Oormi wouldn’t bother me.

Calida pointed out a spot under a snow covered fir. Before I knew it I was sitting in the frost bitten grass blowing on my cider.

It was quiet except for the soft pitter patter of thin snowflakes falling on the already snow coated fir. The noise was like rustling velvet. Steam rising from the cups obliterated the tiny flakes in the air. I sipped quietly looking at the snowy sky. The light was dimming with a warm glow at the horizon line.

Calida tapped my foot with hers letting her leg rest next to mine. I felt an uncomfortable quiver in my heart. There was a pang of resentment as Calida playing her botched version of the royal fanfare resounded in my head. Still her big doe eyes were hard to resent. She tapped my chubby cheek with the pad of her pointer finger to get me to focus on her.

“I’m glad I have you,” her lips read. I halfway smiled still a little raw from earlier. She almost said something else but there was a loud squeal. Bounding up came a group of bundled up kids.
“It’s the flute girl,” cheered a snaggletoothed red head.
“Play something for us,” cheered a girl with dark pigtails and freckles.

Obediently Calida stood, and the group of tiny fans swarmed her. I felt my heartbeat pick up when I saw her lashes veiling her eyes in concentration as she played. Before long I had slumped back against the tree my breathing relaxed. She played for a good while, and a crowd began to build around her tiny fans. One eye slightly opened I began to feel the anxiety building thinking about Oormi, and calling her bewitched. The tale of the pied piper also ran through my mind as the little kids squealed. However, Being full of food and hot drink dominated my abIlity to worry.
Feeling dull both my eyes closed.

It hadn’t been long when Calida’s playing stopped. I peeked my eye open to see why. The center of the crowd was parting and I saw my sister and the King approaching us. I sprung back up into a normal sitting position. Calida bowed as they drew nearer. I heard her play the Royal waltz she always played in the presence of the King. She stepped back closer to me.

“Such beautiful melodies where did she learn to play,” the King called out. Calida turned around to use me as her translator. She told me her mother taught her and she used to sing too.
“Her mother trained her,” I replied. I felt guilty for not mention that she had lost the ability to sing. She’d never told me how she lost her voice. I didn’t have the complete story and I wanted to minimize speculation.

“Your Majesty, I was actually hoping to have an audience with my sister,” I tilted my head towards Alara. Internally I was hoping Calida might go back playing music, the King and the crowd would listen. Then I could discuss Oormi’s problem on a private walk with my sister. The King dashed my hopes.
“You’re part of the royal family, I want to catch up with you. Come back with us to the viewing tent,” as he finished talking I gulped.
The inside of the tent was lined partially with jet black furs. There was intricate curving patterns around the window from where you could see the frozen lake. Alara took off her gloves and King Bellamy sat down. I stopped walking and Calida bumped into me. She always followed a little too closely.

“What would you like to discuss,” Alara said in her even and regal tone. I felt both royals eyeing me and my collar seemingly shrinking on my neck.

“I think it would be beneficial to the arranged engagement between Arthur and Oormi, if Kacia was sent away from court.” I felt my voice waver and I internally nit picked my choice of words.

King Bellamy rested his jaw in his hand and as he processed what I said his pinky curled in front of his mouth.
“I am fond of Kacia. She has a certain character I like at court,” his voice was shrewd. I internally chastised him because it was clear he was just as enthralled by Kacia’s physical appearance as my brother was. I watched him process his next move. I felt my body clench in preparation for what he would say next.

“Are you suggesting that my match maker work between Oormi and Arthur was in bad taste,” the way his tongue flowed over the words made me tremble. He said it with such friendliness that it almost made it more sickening. Mainly because I knew to go against him was a trap.

“Oh no your majesty. That was never my implication. The union you have requested is in perfect taste—,” my voice fizzled out in horror. I watched as Calida nodded yes as I rushed to respond. Yes the king had made a poor marriage decision. Yes Oormi made Arthur miserable and was a poor choice of a wife for him. I watched as his cat like eyes focused only on her. My pleading fell on deaf ears. It was almost as if I hadn’t spoken at all.

“Who is the musician to you?”
The king smiled at her and I felt nauseous as she dumbly smiled back at him.
“Is she your servant,” he finished turning his attention back to me.

“Yes, I was very much inspired to bring her on due to her musical talents. She’s provided me companionship here at court.” I felt myself rambling as my heart pounded in my chest.

“The Duchess of Cunningham needs a new lady in waiting to assist her and she is leaving court next week. I can have Kacia moved on to her team,” Alara quickly interrupted.

King Bellamy nodded and I felt myself sigh with relief.
“Thank you for your time. I don’t want to interrupt your viewing of the fireworks,” I quickly blurted out. I had to physically stop myself from yanking Calida’s sleeve. She still seemed unaware of the danger we had barely escaped.

“Oh and Princess Laverne,” King Bellamy called out as we had almost escaped through the viewing tent’s opening. I froze quickly recognizing the hidden danger in his friendly tone.

“ You should teach your servant to know her place and not to speak for you. Both of you will be staying after the fireworks for the feast,” the King continued.

I was glad he couldn’t see the expression my face had twisted into. Calida finally registered that everything was not okay. She mouthed the word “sorry” as we both shuffled out of the tent.
When we left the tent the snow fall was becoming heavy. Calida followed me towards the palace. Attached to the building was a covered outdoor pavilion. We sat on a bench and I arched my back against the warm wall of the palace. Cool toned fireworks began to light up the sky mingling with the falling snow. Calida’s expression did not give way to awe. She still looked concerned.
“What’s going to happen at dinner,” her soft pink lips shaped the words.

“I don’t know,” I grumbled feeling just as uneasy as she looked.
“But the King definitely is going to do something or else he wouldn’t have ordered us to attend.”

She quietly nodded as the sky lit up again.
The banquet started off normally. I sat down at a table on the far end of the hall and Calida pulled out the chair beside me. Out in the center of the room I could see Oormi and Arthur sat next to her. Sitting across from them was Kacia. Under the table I could see Kacia’s leg bent at the knee to wrap its way around Arthur’s. I could see Kacia’s lips move but the words weren’t clear from my angle. Suddenly out of nowhere Alara was looming above Kacia. I presumed to give her the bad news she had been assigned to the Duchess’s entourage. I looked away feeling guilty. The Oormi problem was solved for now.
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Letters And ... 1 year
That last chapter is fascinating. I would kill for more. This is the good stuff.
Theswordsman 2 years
What a cliffhanger
Theswordsman 2 years
Thank you for continuing
Karenjenk 3 years
I agree with the Swordsman. and love the mind wipe idea
Theswordsman 3 years
I really hope you continue this but if you dont its still a good story