Big, fat, faker

chapter 11 the gluttony idol part 2

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Sitting back in her seat at the kitchen table she eyed the mountain of steaming hot spaghetti noodles and red marinara sauce like it was a pile of gold, a bit of drool running down her lip as she obeyed this...this voice that not only erased her sense of fullness but revved up her appetite like a high powered V8 engine, grabbing a fork before stabbing and twisting it into the base of the mountain pulling up a knotted bundle of noodles before plunging the fork past her lips humming in delight feeling like heaven has taken residence on her tongue. After proceeding mow down the tower of italian cuisine until only a few small puddles of grease was left on the plate to speak of, Diana falling back in her seat rubbing the potbelly sized food baby now resting against her frame as her beige short shorts of her archaeologist outfit audibly creaked from the amount of tightness she was experiencing before she reached down to unfasten the button with the zipped unfastening itself as well.

"Ahhhh….much better~" she sighed feeling the pressure of the tight short shorts relieved like the pain of ripping a bandage off finally subsiding, but as soon as she felt that relief the voice echoed inside her mind again.

 "Get fat…"

It sounded somewhat louder with more breath, like someone patiently looking over her shoulder as the feeling of fullness was wiped away and the feeling of ravenous hunger washing over her again. 

"What the-? How am I still hungry?"

The only response to this question was the sound of a plate being moved, looking up from her rumbling gut to see a plate of steaming hot veggie dumplings staring back at her, practically begging to be eaten as well. Diana just couldn't resist, the voice was so persuasive and the dumplings looked delicious. Each one popping past her still sauce covered lips sliding down her throat and into her belly, the heavy orb quivering and groaning as it continued to expand against her lap. Upon finishing this plate the voice again.

"Have some more….!"

This time the empty plate was replaced with a freshly baked 4 piece cheese pizza pie deliberately wafting it's savoring smell towards her nose to receive the same treatment as Diana started to look a bit concerned.

"Ok, something is definitely wrong here, but...I love cheese pizza!" She said excitedly, grabbing a slice watching as the thick and gooey cheese stretched like rubber as she lifted the slice before shoving it in her mouth, more red sauce and the cheese coating her lips as she repeated the process eating the rest of the slices as well.

"Get bigger…" the voice echoed again, this time changing it up now leaving behind a plate of warm apple fritters.

"I-I...can't...stop ...eating~" she sighed with great distress as the fritters were practically glued to her hands only to fall into her mouth.

"More!" The voice echoed, now growing more excited and aggressive as snickerdoodle cookies replaced the fritters just as they were finished.

"Mmm, I DO want more~" Diana said, being fed so much sweets she could feel her mind slowly succumb to the basic desire of utter gluttony as she attacked the savory cookies.

"Get fatter!" The voice commanded with such gusto and rage, now replacing the empty plate with an entire single chocolate birthday cake.

"Yes master! I WILL get fatter, I MUST get fatter! I'll get as fat as you want me to, just for you!" Diana shouted back with burning mindless passion before proceeding to slam her face directly into the cake eating it like an utter slob.

Her gluttonous gorging of the chocolate confectionary treat stopping upon hearing the sounds of her shorts suddenly tearing at the seams as her belly looked closed to bursting it was so swollen, and looking back up at the kitchen table surface all she could see was the idol resting on top of the table, those eyes glowing and a deep laugh echoing in the air….

To be continued…..?

"Nice job Lucy, definitely a high quality video."

"I hope so, I feel like I ate enough to put a restaurant out of business."

"...Hmph, that reminds me. I picked up some Panda Express earlier, you want some?"

Lucy responded with a gagging sound feeling her cheeks swell up as if threatening to vomit as Johnny snickered aloud being quite entertained at her expense.

"Ha, just kidding."

The truth was, the custom video took all day to shoot with Lucy allowed a break after each meal to shower or go jogging. And with her computer's video and audio editing skills with the actual bloating being the chugging of water behind the scenes to create the desired illusion of supernatural magical forces at play. But rather ironically, the only thing unusually taking place was the fact that after eating that food where another person would've gained around 10 to 12 pounds, after being weighed in the bathroom she only gained 3 pounds from the entire process! 

"H-How is this possible?" Johnny asked, looking quite confused upon seeing the number appear on the scale looking up at Lucy for any explanation. 

"I don't know, genetics I guess?" Lucy said with a casual shrug of her shoulders most likely not caring in the slightest. "I guess I'm just lucky all the fat I gained goes straight to my ass and burns off when I go jogging or something. Oh well,"

She would smack her indeed slightly fatter looking ass at him in a teasing fashion with a sense of victory over his merciless stuffing video before walking right past him He seemed to have foolishly underestimated the power of Lucy's incinerator of a metabolism that accelerates her weight less when she jogs, a mistake he will not make again.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Chriskin8 1 year
Any plans to finish this story its well written
FilmFetishist 1 year
I do appreciate this comment and I do have...ideas, a bunch actually, but...I dont think any of them will continue the story without ruining the tone you guys seem to love and I have yet fully master.
AndYetIAm 2 years
Look, I haven't read this story, but the blurb REALLY doesn't match the picture. Our girl Stocking does eat enough to be fat, the fact she isn't is pure (from our perspective, bad) luck.
FilmFetishist 1 year
I can respect your opinion, and I would consider changing the picture except I just feel like the facial expression captures the tone of denial and resisting against the force slowly fattening her up.
_Yoshi_ 2 years
This is definitely a slow burn wish there was more
Kreme 2 years
I like how you don’t shy away from the fat fetish stuff. Good content.
BulletSpire 2 years
love to see this being updated
Lpark435 2 years
Morning, one of my favorite pieces to read, do you have anymore of the story to post? I’m sure I’m not alone, but the faker needs to get nice and fat and like it, after much denial and such.
Lpark435 2 years
Any chance your going to finish this?
BulletSpire 3 years
Please update this story, so far it's the best one on this site
BulletSpire 3 years
Pitching an idea, just a scene where they look at each other deep in the eyes, hug really tight, nice squish due to all the weight gain, then they kiss
CuriousGazer 3 years
Really good story, the build-up and character dev is great! Can’t wait to read more!

Also, please continue “Never make a bet with a demon lord”. It’s one of my fav stories on here and unless you plan on leaving it on a painful
cliffhanger, I w
BulletSpire 3 years
This is seriously the best story on this site, please keep updating.
Sonic16 3 years
Good chapter. Sadly she had to spew chunks if only she had rathered he rub her belly and just lean back until she felt better but she's most likely not gonna give in next to her friends.
Stevita 3 years
*Now that Lucy is starting to develop Stockholm, things are getting really chilling. Love a good psychological horror of the feedist variety! You could ghostwrite for Stephen King!
Stevita 3 years
Wonderful bit of satire. With his self-righteousness, entitlement, lack of sympathy for the economic struggle of the sex worker, and total conviction that he is right, Johnny is easily one of the best villain protagonists I've seen on here. And now that L
Reflection O... 3 years
You beat me to the punch, good sir. I was thinking if writibg a story about exposing fake scammers. Well done
Felipe1 3 years
While I enjoy a lot your writing style, I had a hard time with the storyline. I know it's fantasy and all, but it reminds me too much the recent cases of doxxing in the feedism community
Jokervrod 3 years
Damn you did a good job setting this up, its going to be great
ChellyCurves 3 years
This is going to get good!
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