Big, fat, faker

chapter 12

It was another weekend with Lucy having to deal with Johnny hanging around her house like an unanticipated roommate, as much as she wanted the luxury of having her own house to herself there were reasons (besides the constant threat of him leaking her secrets to the internet) why she decided to let him stay. For one thing having him pay for groceries and cook for her was a huge perk, allowing her to focus on her gaming and online modeling career, even finding enough free time to dive into potentially starting her own fashion designs with sketches and adobe illustrator.

But of course, having Johnny around meant he could tempt her with sweets all day, leaving boxes of cookies and mini honey buns lying around the house for the sugar loving Lucy to find rather easily, pushing her further and further towards the embrace of gluttony with every inch the goth gained without even lifting a finger, and she was well aware of this. Rounding out (quite literally) to a healthy 130 pounds after weighing herself this week, proving his subtle tactic was working.

"Looks like someone finally hit 130, I'm so proud of you, my little piggy princess ballooning out for me like this~" Johnny said as he appeared out of nowhere, his right hand slithering around her waist while his left hand grabbed a handful of her big meaty jiggly ass.

Lucy would gasp feeling his perverted hands touch all over her body before shooing him away to get some space like he was nothing but a pesky horsefly, then crossing her arms with a huff as she spat her words back at him.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up now loser, and enjoy it while you can. I'll just burn all the extra fat off by next week anyway," 

"Hm, I suppose you are right. So why don't we celebrate with a snack while the fat is still fresh on you?"

"Nice try, but I already filled up on peanut butter protein bars. So good luck trying to make me eat anything for you."

Johnny frowned a bit before placing a hand to his chin thinking for a moment before getting an idea.

"That so huh? Weeeell….I know something else you can do,"

That early evening while he lazed about on her living room couch with a bowl of butter popcorn resting on his chest he would watch her clean up around the house with a sign that says "anal loving slut" hanging around her neck, Lucy grumbling to herself every form of profanity imaginable. An hour later the doorbell would suddenly ring.

"Someone seems to be at the door, be a lamb and get the door will ya? Oh! How do you feel about honey coated lamb chops for dinner tonight?~" Johnny said with a teasing grin at Lucy, now having to drop her broom and dustpan to go answer said door.

"How about steak, as in the one you are gonna need for your eye." She growled to herself reaching the door with a heavy sigh before opening it. "Hell-oooohhh….."

There, standing in her doorway, were her two old senior year highschool best friends Becky and David. Becky Lee, who needed no further introduction besides the local bicycle on college campus who everyone had a ride or two on, as in every boy on campus affectionately knew Becky Lee as "Big Booty Becky" mostly because of her large backside famous for its ability to draw a crowd everywhere she went and her choice in clothing reflected her "life of the party" lifestyle. 

Her usual attire was a rather skimpy spaghetti strapped crop top stopping at mid-drift sporting the words "I Blow Like Hoes", short jean booty shorts chosen to show off her prized money maker swinging it around with each step, thigh high knee socks, and black boots. Despite being of asian descent Becky had the bottom heavy body of a plus sized model and enough sass in her nasally voice to pass as ghetto in most cases, while Lucy may be bitchy at times Becky would take the title of being a public toilet with a potty mouth and little to no manners to go with it.

Meanwhile David, who might as well have been the natural opposite of Becky to best be described, being more of an educated gentleman type of native american descent. Often wearing business casual clothing and was best described as the soft spoken, man of few words kind of guy. Quite frankly, the only reason why Lucy was even friends with him was because he helped tutor both girls on subjects she was falling behind in, and in exchange he got the inside scoop on all the raging highschool parties with the popular kids. A decent symbiotic relationship that soon blossomed into a beneficial friendship, but nothing more than that.

At least….that's what Lucy thought.

"HEEEEEEY-Lucy darling, MWAH! MWAH! baby, smoochkins, honeypot! How have ya been doin?" Becky exclaimed upon seeing Lucy, the asian girl's arms wrapping around her like wrapping paper on Christmas day.

"Becky! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you since highschool! What are guys doing here?" 

"We wanted to come by and share with you some big news!"

"News? What's the news?"

What Lucy didn't expect, was Becky and David to start holding hands in a loving fashion, the goth girl's smile turning into a look of complete and utter shock.

"We're dating now! Isn't that great?"

And just like that, something inside Lucy forced her frowning face to curl into an uneasy smile.

".....OOOOH...You, don't say?"


At once the new romantic couple was invited inside and seated on the couch, the two then explained how their unlikely friendship developed into a loving relationship shortly after high school graduation. 

"So long story short, I guess I just stop wanting to chase little boys, once I finally realized I had a grown one always near me." Becky finally explained as she and David nuzzled noses against each other.

"Please, do not phrase it like that, ever again...for the love of God." Lucy groaned, placing an open palm against her face.

"OMG, Lucy. You were always so funny."

"Mhm, so funny, that's me."

Johnny couldn't resist but snicker aloud as he continued to hang out in the living room looking over Lucy's shoulder, Becky even gave a soft giggle seeing Lucy shoot ice cold daggers at him.


"Soo ooo….what?"

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your handsome friend behind you?"

"H-Huh? Oh! This is, Johnny. My-My…."

"Her boyfriend, pleasure to meet you both." Johnny said, interrupting Lucy as he extended his arm to shake David's hand.

"What!?!" The goth girl asked, sounding quite surprised in the process, this caused her friends to look at her confused as Johnny cleared his throat sharing a glance with Lucy as if silently asking if she preferred he tell the truth instead. "I mean...yes...he is, my….b-boyfriend. Uh, would you excuse us for a minute real quick? I would like to have a word with him upstairs for a minute."

"Hm? Oh yeah sure, you two can go ahead." Becky said with a dismissing wave allowing Lucy to get up from her seat on the couch silently commanding Johnny to follow, who of course couldn't resist milking the opportunity to suddenly slapping his hand across her ass making the two ass cheeks jiggle and clap as she walked making her growl a bit in silence with him walking behind her with a goofy grin on his face.  
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
2- I love the set up. Cant wait to see how he makes her pay for being a liar
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