Big, fat, faker

chapter 13

"You are the absolute worst! You have some nerve to pull some shit like that!"

"Oh come on, you are so easy to read."

"What are you talking about?"

"....You're jealous,"

"J-Jealous!?! Of what?"

"Two of your closest best friends, once single but now dating, of course you would feel left out. It's basic human nature," 

"I-You-ARRGH!" ;

Lucy huffed aloud crossing her arms as she leaned herself back against the bathroom sink, her fingers drumming against her arms in deep thought for a moment before reluctantly having to come to the conclusion….

….he was right.

"So, what? You want to pretend we are dating now? Will that make your pathetic existence seem meaningful?" She finally said with a heavy sigh, not even bothering to look at his face preferring to have a brief staring contest with the floor instead.

"....I doubt it's even about me anymore at this point, and that's not the reason...I know what it's like to be in an awkward situation, especially when it comes to relationships getting in the way of keeping friendships. So the very least I can do, is be your wingman for a while, just to help keep your relationship with your friends."

Lucy being utterly shocked in awe of the unexpected sentiment in his voice and chivalry in his words, would be a gross understatement. Since when she would wonder did this guy, the very same guy that has been keeping her social life and online fame career hostage, suddenly grow a heart to understand how she feels on the inside? Still, Lucy remained mostly silent as the two finally left the bathroom, only to run right into Becky.

"Hey, two were in the bathroom for a while, is….everything like, alright?"

"Hm?....Oh, I uh-yeah, everything is chill, all chill."

"Greeeeat, because David and I were thinking about inviting you and your boyfriend out on a double date day! Doesn't that sound like fun?"

Briefly looking at Johnny from the corner of her eye for a fleeting second Lucy would slowly let a faint smile crept over her face as her teeth grinded a little in response.

".....Tons, tons of fun. Can't wait."

And just like that the double date day began with the duo couple starting at the local neighborhood amusement park, the cries and laughter of children and adults alike filled the air as the towering roller coaster rides surged with life. Lucy looked a bit grey in the face seeing the rides as Johnny took note of this soon placing a hand to his chin before jogging off to score some snacks and beverages at one of the amusement park food stands.

"Here, you should eat something. Help take your mind off the coasters," Johnny Would say soon returning to Lucy's side with a large stalk of cotton candy for her and a tall diet coke soda for himself.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"Your face looks pretty flushed to me, either you're about to throw up or you feel like you want to throw up...from a fear of heights."

Lucy's flushed grey face soon glowed a light shade of pink in embarrassment pushing against his shoulder in annoyance.

"Sh-Shut the hell up! N-No one even asked you ok?"

"Hey hey, why else do you think I got you all this yummy cotton candy for? Come least try some."

"Ugh…" She would scoff turning her head away for a moment but still tore off a clump of the pink cotton sticking it in her mouth all the same. "Don't think I don't know what you are trying to do, you're still trying to fatten me up."

"Aw, how cute."

"What is?"

"The fact you are implying I can fail~"

Before she could hiss something snarky back at him in retaliation Johnny already anticipated a sour verbal rebuttal now waving over Becky and David who just got back from playing a few carnival style games, David now wearing a cheesy looking balloon crown and Becky carrying around an overly sized abomination of a penguin bunny hybrid.

"Oh, my gawd this place is so fucking awesome! And we haven't even rode on any rides yet!" Becky laughed aloud soon setting the franken-bunny stuffed toy down for a moment. "Whoo! How about you guys, any luck finding a ride without any huge lines yet?"

"Mmm...can't say we have, not because of the lines but more like Ms. Fraidy cat here is too afraid to go on any of 'em, isn't that right?" Johnny joked in a teasing fashion as Becky and David looked a bit surprised to hear their goth queen of keeping a cool head wasn't so keen on amusement park rides, Lucy's gaze growing wide like a deer caught in a pair of headlights on a highway.

"Ugh! Fuck this, I'm getting myself a soda or something!" She announced ratherly sternly, grabbing a few glances from the public as she stomped away.

"Uh….what was, like….that all about?"

"It's ok, she gets like this from time to time, I'll go get her." Johnny assured Becky before he simply jogged right after the goth.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Chriskin8 1 year
Any plans to finish this story its well written
FilmFetishist 1 year
I do appreciate this comment and I do have...ideas, a bunch actually, but...I dont think any of them will continue the story without ruining the tone you guys seem to love and I have yet fully master.
AndYetIAm 2 years
Look, I haven't read this story, but the blurb REALLY doesn't match the picture. Our girl Stocking does eat enough to be fat, the fact she isn't is pure (from our perspective, bad) luck.
FilmFetishist 1 year
I can respect your opinion, and I would consider changing the picture except I just feel like the facial expression captures the tone of denial and resisting against the force slowly fattening her up.
_Yoshi_ 2 years
This is definitely a slow burn wish there was more
Kreme 2 years
I like how you don’t shy away from the fat fetish stuff. Good content.
BulletSpire 2 years
love to see this being updated
Lpark435 2 years
Morning, one of my favorite pieces to read, do you have anymore of the story to post? I’m sure I’m not alone, but the faker needs to get nice and fat and like it, after much denial and such.
Lpark435 2 years
Any chance your going to finish this?
BulletSpire 3 years
Please update this story, so far it's the best one on this site
BulletSpire 3 years
Pitching an idea, just a scene where they look at each other deep in the eyes, hug really tight, nice squish due to all the weight gain, then they kiss
CuriousGazer 3 years
Really good story, the build-up and character dev is great! Can’t wait to read more!

Also, please continue “Never make a bet with a demon lord”. It’s one of my fav stories on here and unless you plan on leaving it on a painful
cliffhanger, I w
BulletSpire 3 years
This is seriously the best story on this site, please keep updating.
Sonic16 3 years
Good chapter. Sadly she had to spew chunks if only she had rathered he rub her belly and just lean back until she felt better but she's most likely not gonna give in next to her friends.
Stevita 3 years
*Now that Lucy is starting to develop Stockholm, things are getting really chilling. Love a good psychological horror of the feedist variety! You could ghostwrite for Stephen King!
Stevita 3 years
Wonderful bit of satire. With his self-righteousness, entitlement, lack of sympathy for the economic struggle of the sex worker, and total conviction that he is right, Johnny is easily one of the best villain protagonists I've seen on here. And now that L
Reflection O... 3 years
You beat me to the punch, good sir. I was thinking if writibg a story about exposing fake scammers. Well done
Felipe1 3 years
While I enjoy a lot your writing style, I had a hard time with the storyline. I know it's fantasy and all, but it reminds me too much the recent cases of doxxing in the feedism community
Jokervrod 3 years
Damn you did a good job setting this up, its going to be great
ChellyCurves 3 years
This is going to get good!
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