Big, fat, faker

chapter 16

With deluxe movie passes to enjoy there was no better way to end such a fun day so far than an evening at the cinema, unfortunately for the guys both Lucy and Becky looked pretty excited to check out the latest cheesy rom-com Hollywood was dumping out which honestly caught Johnny by surprise not expecting the often aloof and stoic goth to be into that genre of film. If anyone bothered to ask he would admit, it was rather a bit fun learning new things about his prized object of questionable affection. And going to the movies with a group made him feel like a highschool student all over again, especially after seeing the actual couple practically share a seat at the far top row already making out while the movie barely started, with Lucy and Johnny sitting right next to them able to hear every little sound as they tried not to be bothered by it. As the movie played the squeals and slobbering sounds of both Becky and her boy toy of a boo David seem to slowly increase in volume as both seemed to be threatening to swallow the other person whole. 

The whole time Johnny couldn't help but smile and snicker a bit to himself, not just from watching a girl like Becky practically melt in David's hands with his hands doing more talking than he has all day snaking into her pants like pythons sniffing out a tasty meal just to make the asian girl choke out another squeal of pleasure being received, but the fact that Lucy was watching them like they were the actual movie. Even in the darkness of the partially filled movie theater Jhonny could see hints of sheer jealousy twinkling in Lucy's eyes, eyes that looked like stars in the night sky, as she felt her stone cold stoic face melt with hot emotion. Unfortunately it was not an emotion she would not share with him….

At least….not willingly

With a subtle tap of her shoulder her head would do a quick swivel so her gaze could meet his in the dark, as he slowly leaned in close, and offered she kiss him too as a way of evening the playing field. Her usually porcelain pale face glowing with a shade of strawberry red for a fleeting fraction of a second letting his words fill her ears and sink in for a moment, until she slowly leaned a bit closer to him as well….and gave him her answer back.

"...I would rather kiss a donkey than let your filthy lips, ever touch mine." she would hiss back at him, her comment continuing enough venom to kill a full grown elephant.

Admittedly, despite how much he hears her sly, witty, and sometimes even cruel retorts it still stings like a bee to the heart each time but it would never show on his face, even sitting next to Lucy was all about keeping a straight poker face and pulling out a power move when she least expects it. And what better time, than now?

"Hmm...well in that case, speaking of ass, why don't you let me fuck you right here and now?"

Lucy's eyes immediately grew wide hearing him grow so bold, here and now of all places!?!  


"Shhh...or else I will tell everyone, including your best friends, your dirty...little...secret."

Check. Mate.

"...I hope you fucking rot in hell one day,"

With a sigh of defeat she obliges to his wish, the four of them sitting up at the top row far away from the small crowd of other movie goers being her only saving grace in this situation as she very discreetly stood up for a brief moment scooting over to stand in front of Johnny's seat before very quickly pulling down her skirt to sit right back down, on his already rock hard cock. The light sound of her sudden squeal almost echoing through the whole theater if she hadn't covered her mouth at the last second feeling Johnny's action of slowly sliding himself into her plush, soft pillow like ass for not only his but her very first time doing anal sex, reverse cowgirl style and in a public setting too! 

Lucy's friends would momentarily cease their tongue boxing action to look over and watch for a moment, Becky for one looking quite impressed by the fake couple's act of daring boldness and sense of adventure before deciding to up the ante herself. The asain girl would remove her top letting her sizable breasts hang free before proceeding to kiss her boyfriend practically smothering him with her full, plump and perky lips. Seeing that kind of power move Johnny tries to push his luck even further reaching for Lucy's top to do the same, only to receive a spine chilling blood freezing glare at him from over her shoulder.

"Don' ..dare..." she warned like a rattlesnake's tail end, raising an eyebrow Johnny was amused by the challenge as he ups the stakes even higher.

"Hey... stand up for a second," he asked rather politely which she thought was very uncharacteristic of him before finding herself fulfilling his request almost automatically like her legs were being piloted by someone other than herself, her first thought was him simply getting up for just a slight adjustment...only to see him proceed to lay himself down on the floor now at her feet.

"...Sit on my face," 

She immediately wanted to scream at him for even suggesting such criminally lewd behavior in a public setting! But a quick look over at Becky's interested gaze persuaded Lucy not to, finding herself in a social bind of not wanting to be Johnny's plaything, but at the same time not wanting to lose this..this rivalry with Becky. This, was a battle of a woman's honor, to see which one of them could go the farthest, and have the bragging rights to be the boldest of the two. Finally succumbing to peer pressure Lucy would bless this depraved man by resting her perfectly round ass cheeks against his face immediately feeling his face wedge himself deeper between her ass inhaling her feminine sweat and musk, as she silently hoped her ass was fat enough to smother him and draw his last breath so she can be rid of him. But as much as a dream that would be, something soon grabbed her attention, the angry twitching motion of his cock somehow growing even larger from just a mere change in position! Just how much of a perverted deviant was this guy?!?

Lucy felt her mouth grow dry seeing a cock this huge in person, you would think all her time masterbating to hardcore porn in the privacy of her own bedroom would mentally prepare her for the real thing, but seeing one this...this utterly aroused, was something else entirely. Her hand slowly moving closer towards the twitching manhood before tapping against it, playfully batting away at it like a cat playing with a ball of string which only made the cock twitch even more feverishly as Johnny muffled moans between her cheeks practically begged for release. Hearing the man's moan made her arms shoot out, gripping the hefty piece of man meat with both hands before stroking it softly in a rhythmic motion in tune with the motion of Johnny moving his head side to side beneath her to stimulate them both.

The longer she did this the more she found benefits to it, Johnny was finding an obscene amount of obvious sexual satisfaction from this act as Lucy had the perk of not having to his voice for just a moment, plus the sudden feeling of having true power over the taller boy being in the dominant position was a nice bonus too. Moments before he could reach the much anticipated moment of release Lucy spotted from the corner of her eye the theater usher, starting to patrol the theater room. In fear her grip around his cock grew harder, too hard. A soft pat against her thighs made her loosen her grip still freezing up for a minute thinking they were all about to get caught just as Johnny whispered some pretty bad news of his own: he was about to cum.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Chriskin8 1 year
Any plans to finish this story its well written
FilmFetishist 1 year
I do appreciate this comment and I do have...ideas, a bunch actually, but...I dont think any of them will continue the story without ruining the tone you guys seem to love and I have yet fully master.
AndYetIAm 2 years
Look, I haven't read this story, but the blurb REALLY doesn't match the picture. Our girl Stocking does eat enough to be fat, the fact she isn't is pure (from our perspective, bad) luck.
FilmFetishist 1 year
I can respect your opinion, and I would consider changing the picture except I just feel like the facial expression captures the tone of denial and resisting against the force slowly fattening her up.
_Yoshi_ 2 years
This is definitely a slow burn wish there was more
Kreme 2 years
I like how you don’t shy away from the fat fetish stuff. Good content.
BulletSpire 2 years
love to see this being updated
Lpark435 2 years
Morning, one of my favorite pieces to read, do you have anymore of the story to post? I’m sure I’m not alone, but the faker needs to get nice and fat and like it, after much denial and such.
Lpark435 2 years
Any chance your going to finish this?
BulletSpire 3 years
Please update this story, so far it's the best one on this site
BulletSpire 3 years
Pitching an idea, just a scene where they look at each other deep in the eyes, hug really tight, nice squish due to all the weight gain, then they kiss
CuriousGazer 3 years
Really good story, the build-up and character dev is great! Can’t wait to read more!

Also, please continue “Never make a bet with a demon lord”. It’s one of my fav stories on here and unless you plan on leaving it on a painful
cliffhanger, I w
BulletSpire 3 years
This is seriously the best story on this site, please keep updating.
Sonic16 3 years
Good chapter. Sadly she had to spew chunks if only she had rathered he rub her belly and just lean back until she felt better but she's most likely not gonna give in next to her friends.
Stevita 3 years
*Now that Lucy is starting to develop Stockholm, things are getting really chilling. Love a good psychological horror of the feedist variety! You could ghostwrite for Stephen King!
Stevita 3 years
Wonderful bit of satire. With his self-righteousness, entitlement, lack of sympathy for the economic struggle of the sex worker, and total conviction that he is right, Johnny is easily one of the best villain protagonists I've seen on here. And now that L
Reflection O... 3 years
You beat me to the punch, good sir. I was thinking if writibg a story about exposing fake scammers. Well done
Felipe1 3 years
While I enjoy a lot your writing style, I had a hard time with the storyline. I know it's fantasy and all, but it reminds me too much the recent cases of doxxing in the feedism community
Jokervrod 3 years
Damn you did a good job setting this up, its going to be great
ChellyCurves 3 years
This is going to get good!
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