Big, fat, faker

chapter 17 end of arc 2

"Hold…!" Lucy angrily whispers seeing the theater usher standing just a few feet away from the top row, she could still hear Johnny beneath her ass despite his entire face being smothered by her bubbly booty.

"I, I can't!"

"What do you mean you can't!?!"

"I'm past the point of no return, like WAY passed it! Like 6 seconds to a rocket about to lift off, close!"

"I swear to god if you actually fucking cum in the middle of a movie theater, I will never forgive you for this!"

"So what? I got nothing to lose, if anything, telling me that is just more incentive!"

While actually having an argument about ejaculating Lucy could hear Becky trying her absolute best trying to hold in her laughter, feeling her giggling voice being held back like roaring water crashing wave after wave against a dam again and again. Becky's muffled laughing must have attracted the overseeing employee as the man's footsteps boomed loudly in Lucy's ears making her eyes grow wide fearing for the worst. Her legs, the blood inside have grown cold preventing her from moving as she remained fixed in place, stuck in a very sexual position with a boy's face wedged up so deep up her ass he might as well have been a dildo from how much her cheeks molded around his face like memory foam. Lucy closed her eyes and waited, waiting for the footsteps to slow to a stop and the flashlight the man was carrying to be shined on her…but it didn't happen.

Instead, much to her surprise moments before he could reach the very top row the usher paused for a moment before turning and walking back down the steps. Lucy would give a long sigh of relief slowly regaining the feeling of blood flowing in her legs again, now leaning a bit forward to let Johnny regain the luxury of breathing for a moment for no matter how heavenly it was having a plump shortstack pawg like Lucy straddling his face, a few more seconds of that and he would have ended up in heaven.

"Heh...and you were scared of us getting caught, ha." Johnny half laughed, half wheezed as his lungs desperately began collecting air.

His little comment about her being scared made Lucy grit her teeth and left eye twitch, before suddenly planting her ass right back down firmly on his face clearly preferring the quietness a bit more...or a lot more. Her act of punishment proved to be their downfall as the action was like a feather that broke the dam, pushing him to the point of reaching a rather...explosive orgasam. His cock twitching angrily between her hands before ropes of cum came rocketing into the air like a pent up geyser with some landing on the usher's shoulder grabbing his attention before flashing a light on the four.


"BANNED FROM A LOCAL MOVIE THEATER, FOR LIFE! COULD THIS DAY POSSIBLY GET ANY MORE EMBARRASSING!?!" Lucy hollered up at the cloudy late evening sky in the parking lot as her bright red face of seething hot embarrassment was drowned out by the sound of Becky's wild and carefree laughter finally being let out from holding it in for so long that entire time now filling the air like fireworks on the fourth of July.

And quite frankly, Johnny wanted to join in on the laughter as well. Sure, it may not look good for a person with his particular profession to be banned by a local movie theater, but Johnny was already making plans on hacking the building's internet server to remove their names and photos from the ban list. Call him a villian, call him an anti-hero, call him whatever name or title under the sun...he was just happy he gets the once in a lifetime luxury to enjoy watching Lucy as a person. A living, breathing person with emotions, thoughts, and reactions. Makes her unpredictable, genuine, and unique. Other feedees, or "feedees", on the site Johnny used to admire are plastic by sheer comparison. They act the same way, say the same thing, and expect to get paid for it. They are predictable, robotic, and ultimately easy to forget. Unlike children finding contentment with watching animals do the same routine over and over again behind the walls of confinement of a zoo, Johnny was finding himself grow more and more in love with the idea of swimming with a shark, even if his goal was to see this shark plump up into a gorgeous whale not afraid how many times she would threaten to bite back. To him, that is the real job of a devoted feeder...and Lucy has just been having an appetizer of what he is capable of, when there is so much more fun to be had.

Note from the author: I just wanted to say I really have been appreciating all the views and positive feedback you guys have been leaving behind for me to read, each one literally makes my day 100x better and that much more motivated to write longer and update faster. So really, thanks for all the support for this series so far, I honestly did not expect this story to be this successful on this site since when I first thought of it and made an outline for the scenes I wanted to toss it in the wastebacket because I was thinking some scenes weren't good enough or the narrative itself was starting not to make much sense to me. But, I'm glad I took a chance and posted, now I'm constantly trying to think of fun, new, and saucy scenes to add for you guys to love.

And hey, want to pitch me ideas for a scene? Just write your idea in the comment section or if you want feel more than free to send me a kik message with your idea, and thanks again for reading so far guys. Oh, and don't worry, there are plenty more chapters to be made :)
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Chriskin8 1 year
Any plans to finish this story its well written
FilmFetishist 1 year
I do appreciate this comment and I do have...ideas, a bunch actually, but...I dont think any of them will continue the story without ruining the tone you guys seem to love and I have yet fully master.
AndYetIAm 2 years
Look, I haven't read this story, but the blurb REALLY doesn't match the picture. Our girl Stocking does eat enough to be fat, the fact she isn't is pure (from our perspective, bad) luck.
FilmFetishist 1 year
I can respect your opinion, and I would consider changing the picture except I just feel like the facial expression captures the tone of denial and resisting against the force slowly fattening her up.
_Yoshi_ 2 years
This is definitely a slow burn wish there was more
Kreme 2 years
I like how you don’t shy away from the fat fetish stuff. Good content.
BulletSpire 2 years
love to see this being updated
Lpark435 2 years
Morning, one of my favorite pieces to read, do you have anymore of the story to post? I’m sure I’m not alone, but the faker needs to get nice and fat and like it, after much denial and such.
Lpark435 2 years
Any chance your going to finish this?
BulletSpire 3 years
Please update this story, so far it's the best one on this site
BulletSpire 3 years
Pitching an idea, just a scene where they look at each other deep in the eyes, hug really tight, nice squish due to all the weight gain, then they kiss
CuriousGazer 3 years
Really good story, the build-up and character dev is great! Can’t wait to read more!

Also, please continue “Never make a bet with a demon lord”. It’s one of my fav stories on here and unless you plan on leaving it on a painful
cliffhanger, I w
BulletSpire 3 years
This is seriously the best story on this site, please keep updating.
Sonic16 3 years
Good chapter. Sadly she had to spew chunks if only she had rathered he rub her belly and just lean back until she felt better but she's most likely not gonna give in next to her friends.
Stevita 3 years
*Now that Lucy is starting to develop Stockholm, things are getting really chilling. Love a good psychological horror of the feedist variety! You could ghostwrite for Stephen King!
Stevita 3 years
Wonderful bit of satire. With his self-righteousness, entitlement, lack of sympathy for the economic struggle of the sex worker, and total conviction that he is right, Johnny is easily one of the best villain protagonists I've seen on here. And now that L
Reflection O... 3 years
You beat me to the punch, good sir. I was thinking if writibg a story about exposing fake scammers. Well done
Felipe1 3 years
While I enjoy a lot your writing style, I had a hard time with the storyline. I know it's fantasy and all, but it reminds me too much the recent cases of doxxing in the feedism community
Jokervrod 3 years
Damn you did a good job setting this up, its going to be great
ChellyCurves 3 years
This is going to get good!
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