Big, fat, faker

chapter 18 arc 3 the sleep eater




" ;Lucy? You in there?"


"C ome on~ Don't tell me you're still mad at me..."


".. .I made you some waffles? I know you wouldn't want these to go to waste now do you?"

A few seconds would pass before the lock on her bedroom door would click open as Johnny was finally allowed to be in the same room with her, after hours of pressing silence between the two ever since their, rather eventful time at the movie theaters. There, she could be seen sitting on top of her bed, all bundled up in layers and layers of blankets like she was prepared for the harshest, coldest of winters as Johnny walked over to sit on the very edge of the bed facing away.

Just to be clear, Johnny isn't a good guy in this story.

He didn't make no attempt to apologize nor was the steamy, delectable stack of buttermilk pancakes in his hands any means to seek forgiveness. It was merely a formality, to give the horse it's carrot so he can continue the slow, methodical process of taming her entirely. The embarrassment he made her endure at the supermarket, in front of her old friends, and at the movies. All of it, was clever implanting of negative emotions to make her buck back at him less and less, all in fear of what he would be willing to make happen next at her expense.


".... "

The silence between the two of them would be broken as Lucy would huff aloud, clearly showing her potent irritation of him merely existing a moment more when all he has done was push her closer and closer to her emotional limits.

"Hm?" Johnny would utter with a grunt feeling her feet brush up against his back, no doubt wanting those pancakes he promised her.

For the next few minutes he would hand feed her the waffles one by one, rich gooey syrup running down her lips as she moaned softly with each bite of those golden flapjacks. While she seemed to be in a much better mood than before, he figured he might as well pitch her some of the ideas her fans left on her last video, after it did so well having 90k views on the site now and still going on strong.

" about for the next video, we do the alien pregnancy idea?"


" ;Why not?"

"...Cringe. Totally cringe."

Johnny would pout softly, actually being a huge fan of that specific guilty pleasure of a sub genre.

"Oookay, how about we do the hypnotized slave idea?"


" ;...Eh?"

"The idol video is basically the same thing, mind control and all."

"...Yeah, I guess you're right. How about, the sloppy sleep eater idea?"

"Eh, mmm..."

The Sloppy Sleep Eater:


The sound of lighting and thunder crashing would shoot across the skies in the dead of night as Lucy was sound asleep in bed...

...but her appetite was wide awake.

Lucy's rumbling belly would act like a motor motivating her legs to move soon sleepwalking into the kitchen, the only thing on her mind would come whispering past her lips.

"Nice and fat."

As if an unseen force now piloting her downstairs and to the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge prying it open with her hands with a loud *FHSSSSS!* sound leaning down before starting to grab at everything she could in a quick fluid action. From packs of yogurt, an entire tray of spinach lasagna, multiple blocks of cheese, a vast variety of fruits, pretty much anything she could get her hands on without needing to prepare it. Soon standing straight up with arms full of food before stepping away from the fridge and bumping the fridge door with the side of her hip to close it. Her arms throwing the mountain of food onto the dining room table before she could feel her own tongue lapping away at her lips like a starving hound before starting off her dream fever binge by grabbing the large tray of spinach pasta and tearing into it with her bare hands and face like a piggy gorging on her trough, only chewing slightly so that it would create a large lump in her throat when she swallowed.

The food would go down her tight throat non-stop, to the point her unconscious self would soon grow numb to the previously stinging pain of her mouth stretching open wide again and again, naturally causing her belly to bloat larger and larger in size, pressing against the table a bit as Lucy leaned forward to desperately reach for more food with unchecked gluttony. The next thing that would be in her hands was a box of doughnuts and a large jar of peanut butter, opening up the jar she would start ripping doughnuts in half to dip into the peanut butter jar, greedily stuffing large globs of peanut butter along with doughnut halves. Seconds later she would stand up from her seat at the table with a loud smack of her lips with a great sense of thirst on her mind, admittedly almost losing her balance from her ongoing midnight stuffing session in the process if Lucy didn't rest one hand on the head of the chair and the other hand on her round middle as it protruded round and bare, free from the confines of her nightshirt and pajamas. Soon waddling back over to the fridge she would reach into the fridge for a gallon of milk, her sleepy eyes becoming a bit glazed over from the painful strain of her stuffing so far, her belly letting out a symphony of glorps and bubbling nosies the entire time. Licking her lips again, she would throw her head back and began chugging directly from it like a total slub*





Throwing the now empty jug to the ground with a clatter and a clunk, Lucy would let out the most nasty, unladylike belch imaginable.

"FUCK! THAT WAS A GOOD ONE!" She would say, her hands press into her back and push her widening hips forward to make the huge belly look even bigger, fatter, & rounder as Lucy's drooling tongue would roll out past her lips down to her chin looking down and marveling such taboo yet pleasurable gravidness.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
2- I love the set up. Cant wait to see how he makes her pay for being a liar
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