Big, fat, faker

chapter 19

"Annnd cut! Excellent, very good performance Lucy, might be your best video yet." Johnny would say, removing his director's beret and checking the quality of the video playback with his camcorder.

Meanwhile, Lucy said very little due to the fact she was currently face down on the kitchen floor after eating so much she was on the very brink of a nauseating food coma.

"I...don't want to eat, another thing...ever, again..." She would moan and groan, partially looking quite green in the face trying her best to keep the contents of her gurgling stomach down.

"Aw, don't say that~ You don't want to go and disappoint your growing fanbase, right?"

The way Johnny said that, even the devil with his own contract and pen in hand would recoil a bit in fear, yet Lucy only looked up at him with a pouting puff of an annoyed glare.

"Growing fanbase? Ugh, I already know I'm, like, already one of the most popular models on the entire site. You really think you're hot shit just for holding a camera like a wannabe director? The fans want me, and only want me."

Johnny's sudden glaring expression was like nothing a normal person could muster, it was like a demon in human skin was staring directly at her soul.

"...Did you forget? I can make all your fans, old and new, go away if they knew what you are really like. Who you really are, a faker. A big, fat, faker. Just like that."

He would take a sudden step forward towards her as Lucy flinched, backing away on the floor looking up at him with a strange new sense of fear washing over her from his intense glare, yet he would simply stand there looking at her in silence for a second.

"...I won't hurt you, that would be bad for your "perfect public image", right?"

"Why are you using my own words against me like this? Why are you such a manipulative bastard...?"

"Takes one to know one, doesn't it? You hurt me, you hurt my heart. And I'm, sure, if it was any other creep on the would be locked up someone in someone's basement by now, living off scraps like the pig you masquerade to be. So be thankful I'm civilized..."


She would look away from him finding the kitchen floor more eye catching than his gaze at the moment. When just then-


< br>The living room phone started to ring aloud grabbing both their attention, Johnny would look in the phone's direction before sharing a glance with Lucy who was still cursing him out in silence inside her mind. With a silent sigh of his own and exhaust leaving his nose, he would go to pick up the phone and answer the call himself.


".. .."

"Yes, she's here. Would you like to speak to her?"


"Yes , of course. One moment please..."

Taking the receiver away from his ear for a moment, he would look back over at Lucy.

"It's for you,"

"...Who is it?"

"I dunno, some lady."

"Some lady...?"

Not content with such an obscure answer, Lucy would crawl back up to her feet before walking over to take the phone from his hand before placing the 
receiver close to her ear.


Not even a solid second had passed as Johnny watched Lucy's expression changed from nauseous green, to an icy cold shade of blue in the face.


Now it was Johnny's turn to look quite concerned, he was afraid of Lucy spilling everything, everything he had done to her and still willing to do. His chest felt tight, and other parts of his body felt numb as the blood in his veins chilled to a freezing point genuinely afraid of all his fun and hard work ending today at this very moment.

"Hey, yeah it''s been a while, since we spoke. How, how is everything?"


&q uot;Oh, I'm doing good myself, I guess."

At that moment, Johnny could feel himself take an involuntary step back as Lucy looked over at him from the corner of her eye while listening to the words of her mother streaming from the receiver.

Oh how the tables have turned, he imagined.

"Yeah, yeah I'm still here. You, and Dad want to come and, visit me? I...I..."

Now, Johnny could tell something was off, it was like she was still afraid of something, otherwise she would be eagerly confiding in her folks of his villainess. Thats when his memory kicked in, Lucy was estranged to her own parents, for it was her decision to become a stripper, and much later in life become a pretend online feedee internet sensation.

"S-Sure, I'm *ahem* sure I can move some stuff around on my schedule and set aside some time for you guys. Wh-What kind of daughter would I be if I didn't, y-ya know?"


"S- Sounds great, can't wait to see you guys soon. B-Bye."

Placing the receiver back down, Lucy would stand there in silence for a few seconds as Johnny felt compelled to slowly place a hand to her shoulder, admittedly a bit glad she didn't utter a word about him to her parents. Who knows what could have happened if she told them, definitely something he didn't want to envision for a while.


"... Yes?"

"I'd make one, small request from you."
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Chriskin8 1 year
Any plans to finish this story its well written
FilmFetishist 1 year
I do appreciate this comment and I do have...ideas, a bunch actually, but...I dont think any of them will continue the story without ruining the tone you guys seem to love and I have yet fully master.
AndYetIAm 2 years
Look, I haven't read this story, but the blurb REALLY doesn't match the picture. Our girl Stocking does eat enough to be fat, the fact she isn't is pure (from our perspective, bad) luck.
FilmFetishist 1 year
I can respect your opinion, and I would consider changing the picture except I just feel like the facial expression captures the tone of denial and resisting against the force slowly fattening her up.
_Yoshi_ 2 years
This is definitely a slow burn wish there was more
Kreme 2 years
I like how you don’t shy away from the fat fetish stuff. Good content.
BulletSpire 2 years
love to see this being updated
Lpark435 2 years
Morning, one of my favorite pieces to read, do you have anymore of the story to post? I’m sure I’m not alone, but the faker needs to get nice and fat and like it, after much denial and such.
Lpark435 2 years
Any chance your going to finish this?
BulletSpire 3 years
Please update this story, so far it's the best one on this site
BulletSpire 3 years
Pitching an idea, just a scene where they look at each other deep in the eyes, hug really tight, nice squish due to all the weight gain, then they kiss
CuriousGazer 3 years
Really good story, the build-up and character dev is great! Can’t wait to read more!

Also, please continue “Never make a bet with a demon lord”. It’s one of my fav stories on here and unless you plan on leaving it on a painful
cliffhanger, I w
BulletSpire 3 years
This is seriously the best story on this site, please keep updating.
Sonic16 3 years
Good chapter. Sadly she had to spew chunks if only she had rathered he rub her belly and just lean back until she felt better but she's most likely not gonna give in next to her friends.
Stevita 3 years
*Now that Lucy is starting to develop Stockholm, things are getting really chilling. Love a good psychological horror of the feedist variety! You could ghostwrite for Stephen King!
Stevita 3 years
Wonderful bit of satire. With his self-righteousness, entitlement, lack of sympathy for the economic struggle of the sex worker, and total conviction that he is right, Johnny is easily one of the best villain protagonists I've seen on here. And now that L
Reflection O... 3 years
You beat me to the punch, good sir. I was thinking if writibg a story about exposing fake scammers. Well done
Felipe1 3 years
While I enjoy a lot your writing style, I had a hard time with the storyline. I know it's fantasy and all, but it reminds me too much the recent cases of doxxing in the feedism community
Jokervrod 3 years
Damn you did a good job setting this up, its going to be great
ChellyCurves 3 years
This is going to get good!
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