Big, fat, faker

chapter 5

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Either way he couldn't believe it, he will actually get to meet his idol for the first time. It felt so unreal, it sent a chill down his spine like he was in his awkward teenage years asking his crush out to prom and her saying yes, even out of desperation. After exchanging emails that felt more like negotiating a hostage situation Johnny was ready to make the call, his hands shaking feeling a bit nervous. No, he thought. He can't chicken out now, he had already won, and now it was time to reap the fruits of his labor, calming his nerves and clicking the start call button. The digital phone icone buzzing on his laptop's screen.



*Ring-Ring…..*< br>

And to his amazement she answered, the video feed coming from her gaming monitor setup, dressed in a casual lazy day outfit similar to the clothes she wore in  her last video, he simply sat there on top of his bed staring blankly at the screen as if he thought the call was just another recorded video on the site…

"...Aren't you gonna say something?"

"...What? O-Oh! R-Right! Sorry, I just...can't believe I'm actually talking to you-"

"Yeah, yeah whatever weirdo. Can we cut the crap and get to the chase? I don't have all day, damn."

So, this is Lucy Russo. The true name and face behind Foodie Booty. Johnny could tell she was short tempered, rude, and very impatient. So if he wanted to get the most out of this he had to take control of the conversation pronto. He would adjust the reading glasses resting upon the bridge of his nose with one finger so they shimmered in the light showing his vast intellect to his opponent, regardless of them both seemingly being around the same age mentally she was a mere child compared to him and he knew actually how to take charge from here.

"...I'm sorry, but I seemed to have forgotten. Which one of us is losing hundreds of online followers by the minute here? And I believe you are on MY time, I was gracious enough to take time out of my busy schedule to even address this...hobby of dismantling your lies. So unless you want me to keep the profile going and keep spreading the truth, I suggest picking a much better attitude."

Lucy would leer daggers at Johnny opening her mouth to most likely something so foul it would put a salty drunken sailor to shame. But ultimately she knew what he said was true, she was in no position to be calling the shots now.

"F-Fine...what do you want?" She growled, pouting a bit as she crossed both arms across her chest, those massive perfectly round pillowy breasts squishing underneath her arms stealing away Johnny's focus for a moment or two.

He did pause however, not considering what demands he could possibly make. He wasn't hurting for funds and frankly didn't want any of her ill-gotten fake gainer money, nor did he truly want to ruin her reputation completely beyond repairable. He just wanted an actual gainer girl to cherish and adore like everyone else, and at least finding out why she felt the need to lie would be a step in the right direction.

"Alright, before we discuss anything...I gotta know, why would you lie? Lie to everyone about being a gainer girl?"

At first Lucy said nothing, she fell completely silent and Johnny was starting to worry she was about to end the call right then and there without giving a shred of an answer. But what she did however was spills her backstory of being a stripper to pay for college tuition before she got into small scale modeling for lesser known fashion designers. But after the Coronavirus started shutting all the adult clubs across the nation she decided to pay the bills another way, by taking the rather generous donations from her loving fans to "fund her gainer lifestyle".

 "...And that's the truth? The absolute truth?"

"Yeah….it is. I'm not proud, but I was hoping I could keep it going a little while longer. So I know, feel like a celebrity, or some shit like that." She would answer back, letting some of her long black and hot pink hair flow through her fingertips playing with it a little. 

Johnny felt weird, was he actually having a moment of sympathy for this liar now? As sad as her story was, it still wasn't a good enough excuse. He made his next statement rather clear that she should stop after posting a proper apology video on the site, and in return he will delete his anonymous profile. She would humbly agree to those terms and the video call ended soon after, being a man of his word Johnny took down his alternate account as promised and within the end of the day a new video would appear on Foodie Booty's activity feed. What the video entailed however was nothing like he was promised:

"Hey guys~ This is Foodie with a Booty posting a new video to put an end to the rumor about me being a faker…..when the truth is, I'm not a faker. Yeah, after talking to the guy who was making these accusations against me it turns it was just another creepy loser from the web that was so fucking desperate to meet me face to face he came up with this elaborate plan to make look like the bad guy. But you all will be happy to know that I gave that ugly troll a piece of my mind and then some, and he finally backed down and deleted his entire account. Score one for girl power, am I right? Whoo! Anyway, in case for any of you wondering, here is what I said-"

The rest of the video was just her repeating the entire message she sent prior to the video call from start to finish, Johnny had paused the video ages ago feeling his heartbeat in his ears from the amount of rage now building up inside of him. He couldn't believe it, she not only lied to his face and went back on her word but was practically throwing him under the bus calling HIM the liar. She took his kindness for weakness and made him lose all power over her, it was his fault for underestimating his opponent. But never will he let that happen again, now the games are over and the real fight has finally begun.

"You do realize....this...means...war."
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
2- I love the set up. Cant wait to see how he makes her pay for being a liar
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