Big, fat, faker

chapter 7 end of arc 1

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"Real punishment...? Like having that slop poured down my throat wasn't bad enough!" Lucy angrily spat back at Johnny, who simply reached out with one hand to firmly yank down her shorts revealing her massive bubble butt to him before raising up his other hand to deliver a burning sting of a hard slap to them, a sharp cry came from Lucy feeling her sensitive cheeks slap against each other from the rattling force of Johnny's truly punishing might.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?!?" She must have shouted at the top of her longs from the surprising attack to her backside, only to get another hard slap that almost made her buckle forward in response as a deep chuckle left his lips, hitting so much harder than a stern headmaster's of an uptight boarding school's favorite beating paddle it was like his hands themselves were leather whips.

"I have been dreaming of spanking this booty for quite some time, and now, it's all mine."

Lucy opened up a tear filled eye wanting to tell him off, to say something sassy and mean enough to get him to back off her, but she had no time to think of a single sentence as Johnny kept up the onslaught beating her soft round cheeks like gatling gun, her cheeks taking turns bobbing up and down jiggling about as the sounds of hard smacking filled the air. Her knees nearly buckling over from the sheer intensity of having her ass beaten like the squishy bongos they were with the noise they made filling his ears like sweet music. About a minute later Johnny would slow to a stop taking a step back as if to admire his work, both cheeks glowing a deep hue of reddish pink from his embrace. Lucy was panting harder than ever, a bit of drool running down her lips and chin as her arms and legs quivered as if threatening to collapse beneath her at any second.

"Hmm...think she has had enough?" She heard him ask, she was admittedly confused for a moment wondering who he was talking to before both her eyes grew wide with trembling terror.

Slowly craning her head back over to her desk and computer monitor she could see the live video feed still going, and a landslide of comments pouring in asking with a good majority of them asking about Johnny.

"Who's the guy? He looks hawt and totally my type! ;3"-PancakePrincess

"My guess he is some sort of professional she must have hired, I think that was a good call!"-BaronofBurgers 

"Oooo oh~ I hope so! I love roleplay scenarios! Hey Foodie, when you're done can you give me his contact info? Would love to be dominated by such a hunk!" -Gainergirlsupreme.

Other comments were begging to see Foodie Booty get another spanking session to which Lucy shook her head no but received another quick slap to her left cheek making her yelp in pain again.

"If you want this stop, all you have to do is say it."

"S-Say what?"

"That you're nothing but a pig! A fat, greedy piggy!"

"F-Fine! I'm...I'm a pig! There! I said it!"

Another slap to Lucy's cheeks making them clap together again as she held back another tear wincing aloud.

"I don't believe you, louder! I wanna hear you scream!"

She bit her bottom lip as her tears started to flow down her cheeks. Seeing there was no other option, she was nearing her pain tolerance limit and any more spanks will make her pass out. 

"I'm a pig! I'm your big, fat, disgusting pig! I'm so sorry for no obeying you! Please, I'm sorry! Forgive meeee!" Lucy sang out in the throes of her pain filled voice begging for mercy from the spanking punishment before finally collapsed face down and ass up from exhaustion, tired and utterly breathless. 

Johnny laughed aloud seeing Lucy, someone he viewed so highly as a goddess among man, be reduced to such a disgrace laying on the floor. It was the sweetest taste of revenge he has ever experienced, a feeling of pure victory that he didn't want to end…

…But who said it had to end?

"You know Foodie, I'm starting to think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship." He said before turning to face the recording camera. "That's all for tonight folks. But remember, Foodie will continue accepting requests for custom videos, with me being her new personal director. Till next time."

With that said, he pressed his finger against the keyboard ending the livestream.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
2- I love the set up. Cant wait to see how he makes her pay for being a liar
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