Big, fat, faker

chapter 10 the gluttony idol part 1

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Lucy would be sitting in her gaming chair reading the latest fashion magazine in solitude enjoying the peace and quiet, that is until a deep beastly growl came from her stomach proving she was indeed hungry this early evening. And as if right on cue, Johnny poked his head out from the door to check on her.

"My ears are ringing. Do I hear someone's stomach growling? I hope so, we are just about ready to shoot."

"Shoot? Shoot what?"

"Oh? Did I forget to tell you? As your new director I chose your next custom video, it has a classic Indiana Jones theme so of course, obvious winner. Here, you can wear my old fedora."

He tosses her the hat to her, Lucy would catch said hat  with one hand.

"We shoot in five, see you on the set."

Johnny would take his leave heading back downstairs as Lucy looked down at the brown fedora. The truth was Lucy always wanted to be an aspiring actress when she was smaller, not in age but in...well, size. When she used to be a mere 95 lbs upon entering adulthood she had dreams of becoming a great model and even greater actress, but with her parents not supporting her dreams she fell into a short period of depression finding comfort in her calorie rich diet of sweets and bread going from her more slender and fit frame to the slightly borderline pudgy princess the internet has come to know as "Foodie Booty".

Stripping was only a side business at the time until Lucy built up the courage to launch her small modeling career and one day start her acting career before the virus hit, and with it still going around it was getting harder and harder for Lucy to find any fitting auditions for her acting career to even get off the ground. And so, creating custom made videos for her loving fans on the site has become her way of fulfilling that dream. Placing the fedora on her head she was ready to make her next spotlight video.

The Gluttony Idol:

Diana Jones was a young archeologist whose career was the recovery of historical relics and priceless artifacts, her tireless journey to search for her latest discovery has brought her to a dark and desolate cobweb infested crypts (which remarkably resembled an attic that missed a couple spring cleanings). And there, resting upon a cardboard pillar on top a mountain of junk and debris, was a tiki idol relic shaped like a fat hula woman bathed in a heavenly light from above. The experienced treasure hunter closely and carefully examines the object before gently lifting it up from its spot before pausing briefly.

"....Hmph, too easy." Diana would say with a smug grin of confidence turning to walk back the way she came, only to hear a loud click sound echoing behind her.

Slowly turning around to look over her shoulder she would see a giant wrecking ball made entirely out of old christmas decorations barreling towards her, with a frightened cry she would start running at full speed towards the exit jumping down the ladder just as the wrecking ball came crashing down blocking the entrance to the attic cave kicking up a cloud of pent up dust in the process. 

Coughing aloud she held up the idol to her face just to make sure it wasn't damaged from the fall, with a sigh of accomplishment the adventuring archaeologist would start heading back to base, unaware of the idol's eyes had started to glow. The next scene opens up with the archaeologist sitting in her office with the idol resting on his desk working on the report of a treacherous exploration of the attic like cave, her fingers clicking away at the keyboard when a rousing roar came from her stomach, oblivious to the magical glowing eyes of the little tiki trinket causing her hunger to manifest.

"Hm, getting a little hungry here." She sighed aloud, placing a hand against her middle as it rumbled again. "I'll just take a quick snack break, then straight back to work."

Heading downstairs she was surprised to see a stack of crispy baked falafels resting on a plate in the kitchen to greet her.

"Huh…? I don't remember making these. Hmm...." She would say before the smell filled her nose and drew her closer now pulling up a chair to the table. "Well, don't want any of these to go to waste."

Falafels were actually one of her favorite foods to snack on due to being high in many micronutrients and a good source of fiber and protein helping curb appetites, support healthy blood sugar, and lower the overall risk of chronic disease. But when deep-fried in oil, its fat and calorie content is greatly raised at the same time, a double edged sword. Yet she didn't seem to mind the extra crispness, the satisfying crunch of her teeth biting down hard into each one grabbing one after another like potato chips unable to stop herself...until her fingers tapped at the now empty plate.

"Oh...guess I ate them all without realizing it, those were really good."

Seemingly content with her meal she would get up from her chair and started to leave when she heard a voice suddenly speak inside her mind.


It was soft and distant, but clear enough to hear what the voice was saying. She opened her mouth to say something but all that could be heard was…


Ano ther deep roar sound echoed from her stomach again despite eating a whole plate of food and was satisfied literally moments before.

"I….guess I was hungrier than I thought," Diana said placing both hands against her rumbling belly just as another captivating smell caught her attention now looking over her shoulder to see a plate of freshly made pasta smothered in marinara sauce and parmesan cheese.

"Forget hungry….I'm starving!"
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
2- I love the set up. Cant wait to see how he makes her pay for being a liar
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