A real squeeze

chapter 2

James knew it was wrong, Rosie had always prided herself on being a healthy size, she felt happy. But James couldn’t help it, the idea of him secretly feeding Rosie, a little nudge into her own growing greed so she slowly ballooned turned him on. He’d alter her body for him, as she swelled she’d probably have to throw away the small skirts and sports bras and wear more fitting clothes for an over fed frame, sending away all her admirers one by one.
So it began, as the weeks went by James provided more of his girlfriends favourite snacks and takeaways, James laughed to himself, that didn’t take much convincing, she was a secret glutton, slowly ballooning without even noticing.
As the months went on, Rosie grew and grew by the week, it became a little game for James, he wondered just how much weight he could pile onto his now over fed girlfriend before she’d notice. At 72kg Rosie was now definitely chubby, filling out her stretchier clothes like a sausage in its casing often sporting small rolls from the pressure of her bra strap or waistband. However with such a weight gain, the more rigid clothes were becoming an issue.
James could hear grunting at the bottom of the stairs as he waited for his girlfriend to get ready, he followed the noise to find his girlfriend stood pink cheeked huffing at her jeans which were comically stuck just above her knee. “Don’t laugh, I can’t get them up! I think I’m abit too chubby for them now, I need to start eating better” Rosie pouted, looking dishearteningly at James. “Don’t be silly, you work out all the time, we can always go to the gym together more, let me try pull them up” James pulled as hard as he could on the tight fabric lifting his girlfriend off the ground in the process, finally they were squeezed on, belly fat pushing at the confines of the unbuttoned jeans. He laughed slightly, now came the hardest part. Buttoning them.
After she was finally dressed, she turned around embarrassed. “I’ve gotten chubby haven’t I?”
“Don’t be silly baby, you’ve been working out so hard and eating a little more, it’s probably just muscle weight, that’s why gym girls always wear stretchy clothes, I’ll buy you some more baby, and I promise you you’ll look better than ever.
And save the threads on those poor jeans he thought to himself.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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BS Writer 3 years
This is great. I hope we get to see the snide comments from her former gym admirers.