The fat wife

chapter 16

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As the day progressed, and Claire returned to her office after lunch, she made her final preparations for the big settlement negotiations, although she couldn’t give the work her full attention. Just as the fried chicken she’d devoured weighed heavily in the depths of her fat stomach, Chloe’s words weighed heavily on Claire’s mind.

Deep down, Claire knew something about her weight insecurities were unsustainable. She couldn’t go through life being miserable because she’d doubled her weight since she’d tied the knot with her husband. Something had to be done. Maybe she really needed to start seeing her personal trainer again? Or maybe what she really needed was a therapist? Claire wasn’t sure. The only thing she was sure about was that she was ready for her first solo settlement negotiation.

Well… Not completely solo.

Kimmie had asked to sit in on the meeting, perhaps for moral support, or perhaps because she was genuinely curious to see the outcome on a case she’d seen Claire work on for the better part of three months. Either way, Claire was happy she’d have a friendly face in the room. The opposing council certainly would not be friendly, and Claire couldn’t count her boss’s daughter as a friend by any stretch of the imagination.

Ken Marshall’s daughter, Kate, was sitting in on the negotiations if Claire, or the opposing council, had any questions about the signed declarations the blonde had collected from their clients over the last few weeks testifying to the harm they’d experienced. Claire knew that Kate had a certain professional respect for her, but they certainly were not friends.

For one thing, unlike Claire, Kate wasn’t a trial lawyer, she was a paralegal, so in terms of the pecking order in the firm, Claire was her superior. Maybe that was Kate’s problem with her, she was jealous. Then again, Kate was a little older than Claire was, she’d just turned 30 or 31 or something like that, so perhaps the slight age difference had something to do with their lukewarm opinions of each other. Although Claire suspected that the real reason why Kate always gave her the cold shoulder was because of her appearance.

Whereas Claire had the body of a fattened-up pear-shaped housewife, Kate had the body of a thick bikini model. The boss’s daughter possessed a top-heavy hourglass figure, one of the most pronounced Claire had ever seen. Kate had a narrow waist, but she certainly carried some meat on her frame. Particularly, Kate’s breasts, in proportion to her bodyweight, were the largest in the office by far. Claire probably weighed 100 pounds more than Kate, and they were approximately the same height, yet Kate’s breasts were only slightly smaller than her own. Kate also possessed a bit of a plump heart-shaped ass and some thick legs, but there was obviously some muscle under Kate’s slight excess of feminine softness.

It was hard to believe a woman as attractive as Kate was still single, but Claire thought that her being single was probably why the office diva was able to maintain her smoking hot body while most every other woman in the office piled on more pounds every year. Kate still had the motivation of needing to look good for dates. Claire could only wonder what her own body would look like if she never got complacent once she’d gotten married. However, it wasn’t a thought Claire could linger on for long.

As the 3 o’clock deadline approached, Claire gathered her materials and decided to head over to the conference room. Kimmie joined her and Janet wished her good luck. On the way to the conference room, Claire worriedly placed her hand upon her belly. Her dress was holding firm, but she still felt bloated from her big lunch. Her gut was forcing the stretchy fabric noticeably outward. She hoped beyond hope that Kate wouldn’t give her grief about her appearance.

Upon entering the conference room, Claire held the door for Kimmie, and then entered herself. The opposing council hadn’t entered yet, so the room only had two people in it so far. On the far side of the table sat the arbitrator that Claire had hired for this settlement. An arbitrator wasn’t necessary, but in Claire experience, they always helped things move along. Sitting next to Claire’s chair, was none other than Kate.

The big breasted blonde was wearing her normal attire. She looked like a pink office barbie. And she was wearing an outfit straight out of that legally blonde movie. Come to think of it, Kate kinda shared a certain resemblance with that actress. What was her name again? Rachel McAdams? No, no, no, it was Reese Witherspoon. That was it. Although, the resemblance to Rachel McAdams was there too. Claire couldn’t help feeling a little jealous.

“You look nice.” Kate uncharacteristically smiled much to Claire’s surprise.

“Thanks?” Claire hummed uncertain if the blonde was being serious, while she placed her documents on the table and sat down next to the office diva.

Checking her coworker out from head to toe, Kate added, “I love your dress.”

“You don’t think it looks a little too tight?” Claire responded on reflex, as her insecurities popped back into her head. She also couldn’t get over the fact that Kate was being so nice. The girl kinda had the reputation of being an unintentional b*tch around the office.

“Not at all, I think it really complements your figure. What’s the occasion?” Kate wondered, while she internally decided that Claire’s subtle facial makeup was the right choice. Sometimes too much makeup could distract from a good dress. Luckily, it appeared that Claire had found a fashion sense.

“No occasion. Just felt like dressing up today.” Claire lied not wanting to get into the embarrassing events of the morning with her donuts.

Unable to sensor herself, Kate replied, “Oh, I was just wondering because normally you dress like you’re going to a funeral.”

And just like that, Claire suddenly remembered why she didn’t like Kate.

It wasn’t that Kate seemed to be trying to be a b*tch, it was more like she couldn’t contain her all her b*tchy energy, so she had to let it out from time to time. Needless to say, feeling a little insulted, Claire steered the conversation back to business until the apposing council made their appearance fifteen minutes later.

Five lawyers in total entered. Although the lead lawyer was notable, not for his expensive suit and gold watch, but because he was young, in his late thirties. Claire had done her research; this handsome brown-haired devil was named Harvey. He was a Columbia University grad, ivy league just like herself, and had an impeccable record. He was more than a worthy adversary to go up against, he was a bit intimidating. Unlike Claire, this Harvey fellow appeared in great shape. He was tall, broad, and built like an athlete.

“He’s attractive.” Kate leaned over and whispered into Claire’s ear, breaking her trance.

“Not relevant right now Kate.” Claire quietly hissed trying to regain her nerve.

Appearing less than amused with Claire dismissing her comment, Kate deviously questioned, “So, you agree?”

“Not now. I’m trying to focus.” Claire growled, while Kate frowned. Leaning back into her chair and crossing her legs, Kate didn’t utter another word.

With any luck, Claire hoped Harvey might get distracted by Kate’s cleavage and lose focus during negotiations.

As the defense council set up, Claire decided to check on her intern. Speaking softly to the fat former athlete sitting next to her, opposite from Kate, Claire asked, “How are you doing Kimmie?”

“Ugh…” Kimmie sighed, as she grasped her belly, “I’m so full of lunch… You’re lucky you only had a salad. I feel like I’m about to bust outta this skirt.”

‘I feel like if I breath in too deep I’ll bust outta this dress…’ Claire honestly thought to herself before replying, “I keep some tums in my desk. Go get some. We probably won’t get underway here for another five minutes.”

“Sure thing! Thanks!” Kimmie smiled, as she grunted to her feet.

“And while you’re at it, bring me back two tablets, would you?” Claire added, while Kimmie nodded her head and hurried out of the room. Waiting for things to get underway, Claire wondered how many more calories she’d burn if she didn’t make Kimmie constantly run around the office for her.
22 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Shugmashow 6 months
I’ve read kimmies interactive on deviant will that ever be continued?
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Yes, I do plan to continue it eventually, once I finish Mia's Junior Year: Volume 2, or The Queen of Cabin 9, I'll return to Kimmie interactive
Claire Bear was my favorite as she would always blame Paul it was nice you worked in her sisters. What was their Mom and Grand like was curious
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Claire's mom works at a hair salon, is a nurturing free spirit, and her dad is a warden for a prison, and is equally strict and loving. The bits about her parents were covered Paul's Dilemma at som
Great stories loved the audio as about the only books i read are money and car books lol Something so appealing of all the fat woman. I like them all getting fat.
I always wanted to write one
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Go for it! I have a WG writing tutorial on my DA page, it could help you get started
DanishPastries 1 year
This story is not entirely unlike my own marriage. I enjoy how you can find a good balance between plot and romance/erotics and I find myself genuinely interested in reading on to see what happens 🙂
Polarisdreamer 6 months
Thanks for the kind words!
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@apessoviettammy No worries, I will continue it! Not sure when I will get to it though, I do want to do one or two more stories first
Apessoviettammy 3 years
can you continue Mia’s junior year?
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@Luvchubbygirls Yes, I will

@fatforfun That might be a project of mine someday! Who knows!
Fatforfun 3 years
It would be great if you wrote a sequel where she fattens up Paul.
Luvchubbygirls 3 years
Will you be continuing mias junior year?
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@JkTab I'll have to write a story about Kimmie someday! Thank you so much for your feedback!
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@fatchance if you want Emma's story, here it is:

Fatchance 3 years
Yep, just thinking about it, Emma HAS to have an interesting story!
Fatchance 3 years
Can't help wondering what is happening with the other sister .... how does she fare?

In any case, awesome stories!
Jktab 3 years
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@misskatebbw Thank you!

@wantstofatten92 Thank you! And thanks for the feedback! It might have gotten cut off a bit by the word limit, but I hear what you're saying